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Press Statement
Tom Casey, Deputy Spokesman
Washington, DC
July 31, 2007

UN Security Council Agrees to Hybrid Force for Sudan

We welcome the United Nations Security Council's unanimous passing of Resolution 1769, reaffirming the international commitment to a lasting political solution and sustained security in Darfur.

We look forward to the rapid deployment of a robust UN/AU Hybrid Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) to protect civilians and humanitarian workers.

The resolution marks a new partnership between the UN and the AU, with almost 20,000 military personnel and more than 6,000 police forming a core force authorized to take steps under Chapter VII of the UN Charter to protect civilians and ensure peace and security.

We call on the Government of Sudan and all rebel groups to immediately cease hostilities in Darfur and pursue a political settlement – under UN and AU leadership – that results in a sustainable peace in Sudan.


Released on July 31, 2007

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