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Widows, Widowers & Other Survivors
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Social Security benefits for the surviving spouse by year of birth

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The earliest a widow or widower can start receiving Social Security survivors benefits based on age will remain at age 60.

If you receive survivors benefits early

As a general rule, early survivors benefits based on your age will give you about the same total Social Security survivors benefits over your lifetime, but in smaller amounts to take into account the longer period you will receive them.

You can receive widows/widowers benefits based on your age at any time between age 60 and your full retirement age as a survivor. However, if you start at an earlier age, your survivors benefits are reduced a fraction of a percent for each month before your full retirement age.

Note: If you start widows/widowers benefits before age 62 and you can switch to retirement benefits when you reach your full retirement age*, your retirement benefit may also be affected.

The chart below lists the full retirement age for survivors based on year of birth. It includes examples of the age 62 survivors benefit based on an estimated monthly benefit of $1000 at full retirement age. Click on your year of birth to find out how much your benefit will be reduced if you begin receiving survivors benefits between age 60 and full retirement age.

Note: If your spouse started receiving retirement benefits before his or her full retirement age, we cannot pay you the full retirement age benefit amount on their record. The maximum survivors benefit is limited to what he or she would receive if they were still alive.


65 and 2 months
65 and 4 months
65 and 6 months
65 and 8 months
65 and 10 months
66 and 2 months
66 and 4 months
66 and 6 months
66 and 8 months
66 and 10 months
  1. If you were born on January 1st of any year, you should refer to the previous year.
  2. The $1000 benefit would be reduced to $715 for anyone who started receiving survivors benefits at age 60. You need to be 60 for the entire month to receive benefits.
  3. Monthly reduction percentages are approximate due to rounding. Your maximum benefit is limited to what your spouse would receive is he or she were still alive. Survivors benefits that start at age 60 are always reduced by 28.50%.

*Full retirement age may be different for retirement benefits.  


Pros and Cons

There are disadvantages and advantages to taking your survivors benefit before your full retirement age. The advantage is that you collect benefits for a longer period of time. The disadvantage is that your benefit may be permanently reduced.

Each person's situation is different, so make sure you contact Social Security before you decide to retire.

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Last reviewed or modified Thursday Oct 09, 2008
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