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Benefits of Consultation

Hawaii Occupational Safety & Health

Benefits of Consultation


Who Benefits from Consultation?

Your Workforce  

An effective workplace safety and health management system at your worksite(s) will enable you to:

  • Recognize and remove hazards from your workplace.
  • Protect your workers from injury and illness.
  • Prevent loss of life at your worksite.
  • Cultivate informed and alert employees who take responsibility for their own and their coworkers ' safety and for worksite safety as a whole.
  • Improve employee morale.

Your Managers

An increased understanding of workplace hazards and remedies will put your managers in a better position to:  

  • Comply with federal and state safety and health requirements. 
  • Become more effective at their jobs. Management experts believe that the company with a well-managed safety and health system enjoys better overall management. 
  • Increase productivity rates and assure product quality. 

Your Business as a Whole

An exemplary workplace safety and health management system is "good business sense" that also makes financial sense because it will allow you to: 

  • Learn first-hand that the cost of accident prevention is far lower than the cost of accidents.. 
  • Improve the bottom line by:
    • Lowering injury and illness rates,
    • Decreasing workers' compensation costs,
    • Reducing lost workdays, and
    • Limiting equipment damage and product losses.

And if you are a small employer, you may be eligible for another great benefit - recognition by the state and OSHA through participation in the Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP).  


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