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Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I get printed information on wildlife refuges in Central Georgia?

Mail the request to:
Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge
718 Juliette Road
Round Oak, GA 31038

Download at http://www.fws.gov/southeast/publications/pubref.html or email request to Piedmont@fws.gov

What are National Wildlife Refuges?
Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge is part of a larger system of over 540 refuges. The National Wildlife Refuge System, administered by the US Fish & Wildlife Service, was established in 1903 by President Theodore Roosevelt. National Wildlife Refuges cover over 93 million acres and can be found in all 50 states. The objective of the refuge system is to preserve a network of lands and waters for the conservation and management of fish and wildlife. Refuges not only provide essential habitat for wildlife, they offer an unspoiled environment for people to enjoy the beauty of wildlands.

Why are there National Wildife Refuges in Central Georgia?
Piedmont and Bond Swamp National Wildlife Refuges protect and provide habitat for a variety of wildlife and plants. Protected wildlife include Red Cockaded Woodpeckers, Robust Redhorse, Shortnose Sturgeon and the Bald Eagle.

Is there public access on your refuge?
The refuge is open to public access year round. Please see the refuge brochure and refuge map for more details.

Can I bring my dog with me to the wildlife refuge?
Yes, dogs on a leash under close supervision are permitted.

Are there any fees to visit your refuge?
No. However, there are fees associated with our big game hunts.

Can I camp on the refuge?
Camping and open fires are not allowed on Bond Swamp National Wildlife Refuge.

Do I need a WMA stamp?
No. WMA stamps are required for State Wildlife Management Areas. Piedmont Refuge is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Hunters must possess a valid Georgia hunting license and a signed refuge hunt permit. Deer and turkey hunts require special use permits, which are obtained through an application and drawing process. Anglers must possess a valid Georgia fishing license.

Can my classroom visit the refuge?
Sure! Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge has an enviromental education progam. Please visit the education webpage to find out how your class can get involved.

Are there hunting and fishing opportunities on the refuge?
Yes, Bond Swamp NWR is a popular hunting and fishing spot in Central Georgia. For more information on our hunting and fishing programs, please see our hunting and fishing web pages.

What should I do if I find an injured wild animal?
If you have found an injured wild animal, take a few minutes to read the following. You may be better prepared to give that injured animal its best chance for recovery.

  1. Please do not handle any wild animal. Contact a wildlife rehabilitator as soon as possible. To find one near you, call your local animal shelter, animal control officer or Georgia Department of Natural Resources Conservation Ranger.
  2. Never handle a large bird of prey, raccoon, skunk, deer or oppossum that appears alert and responsive. The animals have powerful talons, teeth, legs and claws.
  3. Keep a safe distance from the animal and do what you can to protect it from harassment from pets and other people.

How do I become a volunteer?
Various opportunities for a volunteer to have a rewarding and educational experience exist at Piedmont. Volunteers serve for a long or short term period. Help is needed in a variety of fields including interpretation, environmental education, biological surveys, maintenance and resource management. To learn more about volunteer opportunities contact the refuge at piedmont@fws.gov or visit our Volunteers web page.

How can I get a job with the USFWS?
Visit www.usajobs.opm.gov/ for current listings of jobs with the Federal Government.

Do you have any walking trails on the refuge?
Yes, we have over 3 miles of walking trails on the refuge, ranging from easy to moderate in difficulty. You can walk them seperately or as a continuous loop. Check out our walking trail tearsheet for a detailed map of the trails.

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