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Office Of Information & Technology

President's Management Agenda

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The President's Management Agenda (PMA) was launched as a strategy for improving the management and performance of the Federal Government. It focuses on the areas where deficiencies were most apparent and where the Government could begin to deliver concrete, measurable results. The PMA is helping departments and agencies adopt new disciplines to ensure that their focus on results is effective and enduring.

The PMA Scorecard

Each fiscal quarter the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) performs an assessment of every federal agency’s status and progress in meeting set goals and objectives for the PMA. The PMA Scorecard was created by OMB to track how well the departments and major agencies are executing the five government-wide Management Initiatives, including Expanding Electronic Government (E-Government). The PMA Scorecard employs a simple “stoplight” grading system to indicate the results for the previous quarter.

Current Status

Each federal agency is given a score for its “Current Status” and “Progress”. Scores for "status" are based on the non-subjective ‘scorecard standards for success.’ This score is used as an indicator of an agency’s overall implementation of the PMA Initiatives.

The PMA ‘standards for success’ for E-Government include:

  • Implementing an effective Enterprise Architecture
  • Ensuring that all major IT systems have an acceptable business case (OMB Ex. 300)
  • Reducing cost/schedule/performance overruns and shortfalls to less than 10%.
  • Securing all IT systems
  • Implementing all applicable E-Government Initiatives


Scores for “progress” are assessed on a case by case basis based upon completion of previously agreed upon action items for the quarter. These actions are defined as those actions needed to progress an agency towards meeting and maintaining the ‘scorecard standards for success.’ At the end of each quarter, the agency is graded upon how effectively it has completed these action items. The completion of all possible actions will result in a “green” score; minor agency work-slippages will garner a “yellow” score; significant work slippages will result in a “red’ score. View the VA’s Scorecard

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