Water Quality of Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming, 1997-98

By Kathy Muller Ogle, David A. Peterson, Bud Spillman, and Rosie Padilla

Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4220

Prepared in cooperation with the
Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities


U.S. Department of the Interior
Bruce Babbitt, Secretary

U.S. Geological Survey
Charles G. Groat, Director

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U.S. Geological Survey, WRD
2617 E. Lincolnway, Suite B
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001-5662

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Purpose and scope

Description of water system

Description of area


Data Collection

Water Quality

Rob Roy Reservoir



Chemical quality

Bottom sediment

Lake Owen



Chemical quality

Bottom sediment

Granite Springs Reservoir



Chemical quality

Bottom sediment

Crystal Lake Reservoir



Chemical quality

Bottom sediment

Comparison among reservoirs



Chemical quality

Bottom sediment


References cited

Appendix A--Profile data

Profile data for Rob Roy Reservoir
Profile data for Lake Owen
Profile data for Granite Springs
Profile data for Crystal Lake Reservoir

Appendix B--Phytoplankton data

Table B1. Phytoplankton density and biomass, Rob Roy Reservoir

Table B2. Phytoplankton density and biomass, Lake Owen

Table B3. Phytoplankton density and biomass, Granite Springs Reservoir

Table B4. Phytoplankton density and biomass, Crystal Lake Reservoir


1. Map showing location of Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming

2. Maps showing location of sampling sites in Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming

3-7. Graphs showing:

3. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance and pH profiles of Rob Roy Reservoir, Albany County, Wyoming

4. Secchi disk transparency depths in 1998 for Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming

5. Temporal variation of temperature with depth in Rob Roy Reservoir, Albany County, Wyoming in summer and fall, 1998

6. Phytoplankton biomass changes over time in Rob Roy Reservoir, Albany County, Wyoming

7. Dissolved-solids concentrations in water samples collected in 1997 from Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming

8. Pie diagrams showing the percentage of major ions in water samples collected in 1997 from Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming

9-24. Graphs showing:

9. Dissolved-silica concentrations in water samples collected in 1997 from Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming

10. Dissolved-iron concentrations in water samples collected in 1997 from Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming

11. Dissolved-manganese concentrations in water samples collected in 1997 from Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming

12. Concentrations of selected constituents in bottom-sediment samples collected from Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming

13. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance and pH profiles of Lake Owen, Albany County, Wyoming

14. Temporal variation of temperature with depth in Lake Owen, Albany County, Wyoming in summer and fall of 1998

15. Phytoplankton biomass changes over time in Lake Owen, Albany County, Wyoming

16. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance and pH profiles for Granite Springs Reservoir, Laramie County, Wyoming

17. Temporal variation of temperature with depth in Granite Springs Reservoir, Laramie County, Wyoming, 1998

18. Phytoplankton biomass changes over time in Granite Springs Reservoir, Laramie County, Wyoming

19. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance and pH profiles of Crystal Lake Reservoir, Laramie County, Wyoming

20. Temporal variation of temperature with depth in Crystal Lake Reservoir, Laramie County, Wyoming, 1998

21. Temporal variation of dissolved oxygen with depth in Crystal Lake Reservoir, Laramie County, Wyoming, 1998

22. Phytoplankton biomass changes over time in Crystal Lake Reservoir, Laramie County, Wyoming

23. Phytoplankton biomass and density in Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming

24. Comparison of the concentrations of major ions in the surface samples collected in the fall of 1997 at Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming


1. Selected reservoir characteristics for Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming

2. Chemical analyses and physical properties of water samples collected in 1997 from Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming

3. Chemical analyses of composite samples of bottom sediment collected in 1998 from Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming

4. Phytoplankton taxa list for Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming

5. Microscopic particulate analyses of water samples collected in the fall of 1997 at Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming

6. Concentrations of selected radionuclide activities and organic compounds in water samples collected September 4, 1997, at Crystal Lake Reservoir, Laramie County, Wyoming

Conversion factors

Multiply By To obtain
acre 43,560 square foot (ft2)
  4,047 square meter
  0.001562 square mile
cubic foot per second (ft3/s) 0.02832 cubic meter per second
foot (ft) <0.3048 meter
gallon per day (gal/d) 3.785 liter per day
inch (in.) 25.4 millimeter
mile (mi) 1.609 kilometer
million gallons per day (Mgal/d) 1.121 thousand acre-feet per year
  0.001547 thousand cubic feet per second
  0.6944 thousand gallons per minute
  0.003785 million cubic meters per day
  1.3815 million cubic meters per year
square mile (mi2) 2.590 square kilometer
thousand acre-feet per year 0.8921 million gallons per day
  0.001380 thousand cubic feet per second
  0.6195  thousand gallons per minute
  0.003377 million cubic meters per day

Some other water relations in inch-pounds units are listed below:

1 gallon = 8.34 pounds
1 million gallons = 3.07 acre-feet
1 cubic foot = 62.4 pounds
  = 7.48 gallons
1 acre-foot (acre-ft) = 325,851 gallons
1 inch of rain = 43,560 cubic feet
  = 17.4 million gallons per square mile
  = 27,200 gallons per acre
  = 100 tons per acre

Temperatures can be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or degrees Celsius (°C) by using the following equations:
°F = 9/5(°C)+32
°C = 5/9(°F-32)

Sea level: In this report "sea level" refers to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD of 1929)-a geodetic datum derived from a general adjustment of the first-order level nets of both the United States and Canada, formerly called Sea Level Datum of 1929.

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