Water-Quality Assessment of South-Central Texas--
Descriptions and Comparisons of Nutrients, Pesticides, 
and Volatile Organic Compounds at Three 
Intensive Fixed Sites, 1996-98

By Patricia B. Ging

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Purpose and Scope

Description of Study Unit

Methods of Sample Collection



Volatile Organic Compounds





  1. Location of intensive fixed sites in the San Antonio region of the South-Central Texas study unit.

  2. Land use/land cover in the San Antonio region of the South-Central Texas study unit.

  3. Hydrographs showing discharge and sample collection at intensive fixed sites in the San Antonio region of the South-Central Texas study unit, April 1996-April 1998.

  4. Storm hydrograph showing discharge and sample collection with autosampler at integrator site in the San Antonio region of the South-Central Texas study unit.

  5. Range and distribution of dissolved nitrite plus nitrate nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations at intensive fixed sites in the San Antonio region of the South-Central Texas study unit, April 1996-April 1998.

  6. Dissolved nitrite plus nitrate nitrogen concentrations at intensive fixed sites in the San Antonio region of the South-Central Texas study unit, April 1996-April 1998.

  7. Dissolved nitrite plus nitrate nitrogen concentrations with respect to discharge in base-flow samples at the urban indicator site in the San Antonio region of the South-Central Texas study unit.

  8. Dissolved nitrite plus nitrate nitrogen concentrations with respect to discharge in base-flow samples at the integrator site in the San Antonio region of the South-Central Texas study unit.

  9. Concentrations of selected pesticides in samples collected at the agriculture indicator site in the San Antonio region of the South-Central Texas study unit, January 1997-April 1998.

10. Concentrations of selected pesticides in samples collected at the urban indicator site in the San Antonio region of the South-Central Texas study unit, January 1997-April 1998.

11. Concentrations of selected pesticides in samples collected at the integrator site in the San Antonio region of the South-Central Texas study unit, January 1997-April 1998.

12. Range and distribution of selected pesticide concentrations at intensive fixed sites in the San Antonio region of the South-Central Texas study unit, January 1997-April 1998.


1. Number of samples collected each month at agriculture indicator site, Medina River at LaCoste

2. Number of samples collected each month at urban indicator site, Salado Creek (lower station) at San Antonio

3. Number of samples collected each month at integrator site, San Antonio River near Elmendorf

4. List of specific nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds analyzed in samples collected at intensive fixed sites

5. Concentrations of nutrients in samples collected at the agriculture indicator site, Medina River at LaCoste

6. Concentrations of nutrients in samples collected at the urban indicator site, Salado Creek (lower station) at San Antonio

7. Concentrations of nutrients in samples collected at the integrator site, San Antonio River near Elmendorf

8. Number of detections and range in concentration of pesticides detected in samples collected at intensive fixed sites

9. Number of detections and range in concentration of volatile organic compounds detected in samples collected at intensive fixed sites

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Last modified: Thursday, September 01 2005, 02:00:53 PM
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