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Regression Equations for Estimating Concentrations of Selected Water-Quality Constituents for Selected Gaging Stations in the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota

Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4291


By Tara Williams-Sether


In cooperation with the Bureau of Reclamation


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The Dakota Water Resources Act, passed by the U.S. Congress on December 15, 2000, authorized the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a comprehensive study of future water-quantity and quality needs of the Red River of the North Basin in North Dakota and possible options to meet those water needs. Previous Red River of the North Basin studies conducted by the Bureau of Reclamation used streamflow and water-quality data bases developed by the U.S. Geological Survey that included data for 1931-84. As a result of the recent congressional authorization and results of previous studies by the Bureau of Reclamation, redevelopment of the streamflow and water-quality data bases with current data through 1999 are needed in order to evaluate and predict the water-quantity and quality effects within the Red River of the North Basin. This report provides updated statistical summaries of selected water-quality constituents and streamflow and the regression relations between them. 


Available data for 1931-99 were used to develop regression equations between 5 selected water-quality constituents and streamflow for 38 gaging stations in the Red River of the North Basin. The water-quality constituents that were regressed against streamflow were hardness (as CaCO3), sodium, chloride, sulfate, and dissolved solids. Statistical summaries of the selected water-quality constituents and streamflow for the gaging stations used in the regression equations development and the applications and limitations of the regression equations are presented in this report.


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Table of Contents



Purpose and Scope

Description of Study Area

Water-Quality Summaries

Regression Equations for Estimating Water-Quality Concentration

Equation Applications and Limitations





  1. Map showing location of selected gaging stations in the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota

  2. Map showing land use and land cover and physiographic areas in the Red River of the North Basin

  3. Graphs showing linear and lowess relations between sulfate and streamflow for the Red River of the North at Grand Forks, North Dakota, gaging station


  1. Statistical summaries of selected water-quality constituents and streamflow (discharge) for selected gaging stations in the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota

  2. Relations between selected water-quality constituents and streamflow (discharge) for selected gaging stations in the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota



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