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Water-Resources Investigations Report 2002–4263

Prepared in cooperation with the Prairie Island Indian Community

Hydraulic Properties of Mt. Simon Aquifer, Prairie Island Indian Community, Southeastern Minnesota, 2001

By T.A. Winterstein

A pdf is available below.


An aquifer test of the Mt. Simon aquifer was conducted at the northern end of the Prairie Island Indian Com-munity, in cooperation with the Prairie Island Indian Community, September 10-11, 2001 to determine hydraulic properties. Two wells at the northern end of Prairie Island were used in the aquifer test. A production well, Water-Supply Well No. 3, completed in the Mt. Simon aquifer, was pumped for 24 hours at 1,530 gal/min. Draw-down and recovery water levels were measured in the pumped well and in an observation well located 458 ft from the pumped well that was open to the Mt. Simon aquifer. Recovery water levels were measured in both wells for 10 hours after pumping ceased at Water-Supply Well No. 3.

Hantush and Theis methods type curves were fitted to the measured drawdown and recovery curves in the observation well. The results of matching the type curves to the measured data indicate that leakage is negligible from the overlying Eau Claire confining unit into the Mt. Simon aquifer. The transmissivity and storage coeffi-cients for the Mt. Simon aquifer, determined by both methods, are 3, 000 ft2/d and 3 x 10-4, respectively. The average hydraulic conductivity, assuming an aquifer thickness of 233 ft, is 10 ft/d.




Hydrogeologic Setting

Aquifer-test design

Methods of Investigation

Aquifer-test analysis and hydraulic properties


References Cited

Supplemental Information

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Mound View, Minnesota, 2002

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