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Workforce Development Council

State of Hawaii


Department of Labor & Industrial Relations



Salary Range: $65,500 to $74,000

The position is located in the Workforce Development Council. The State Workforce Development Council is established by Chapter 202, Hawaii Revised Statutes and also serves as the State Workforce Investment Board for the purposes of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, P.L. 105 and succeeding amendments and laws. The Council’s functions are to lead, coordinate and strategize the development and continuing evolution of a skilled and competitive state workforce system of collaborative partnerships, services and funding streams; to improve and enhance program effectiveness and efficiency and reduce and eliminate program overlaps and duplications; to recommend and act on policies in workforce development; and to assist in building state and local businesses and employment opportunities for all Hawaii’s people. The Council’s specific responsibilities for system planning and research are to develop and lead the implementation of statewide workforce development plans that contribute to a more competitive state workforce and economy. The Council’s specific responsibilities for evaluation and accountability are to lead, strategize and exercise oversight over the workforce performance management system so that continuous improvement benefits customers and achieves effective outcomes. This Executive Director position serves as chief executive officer to the Council, whose members are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the State Senate. The Executive Director is responsible for carrying out the intent of the state and federal legislation, administering the Council’s program of work, and supervising the staff.


A. Supervisory Activities

Leads the coordination of agencies and the broad community in the development and implementation of workforce development plans and policy recommendations to the Governor, Legislature, U.H. Board of Regents, and Board of Education.

Supervises the Council’s four professional staff, one secretary, and up to two interns in the execution of all of the Council’s program of work.

B. Work Unit Management and Administrative Activities

Responsible for the preparation and implementation of workforce development plans and complex and comprehensive research studies of employment problems of certain populations, business needs, technological change, and their impacts on employment in industries and occupations, including the development and monitoring of contracts.

Responsible for the development and tracking of complex and comprehensive workforce performance management and accountability systems to include employment and training, education, economic development, target populations and a range of federal and state program statistical indicators.

Responsible for the administration of the Council, including management of funds and personnel matters delegated to the office, maintenance of records and distribution of information on the programs being administered. Responsible for implementing staff development and training of the Council’s professional and clerical staff and temporary interns. Responsible for the Council meetings and maintains contact with Council members.

C. Technical Responsibilities

Serves on and may lead ad hoc department work teams. May act as leader and spokesperson for workforce development and prepares and delivers presentations to departmental, interagency, conference and community groups and other needs as required.


A. The Executive Director receives directions from the official actions of the Council; and receives general and broad direction from the Chairperson of the Council. As a DLIR administrator, the Executive Director has responsibilities to the DLIR Director.

B. The Executive Director is expected to know, follow, and supervise the Council staff’s compliance with the Policy and Procedural Guidelines:
  • Hawaii Revised Statutes, specifically Chapters 202 and 373C
  • Hawaii Administrative Rules and Administrative Policies
  • Workforce Investment Act of 1998, P.L. 105-220, its Administrative Rules, and succeeding amendments, laws and Administrative Rules
  • Related Federal and Technical and Administrative Memoranda



A. Knowledge of:

Workforce, education and training policies and programs and economic, employment, industry and occupational trends including community-based and special population programs.

General principles of management, supervision, communication and public relations.

The workings of Hawaii State government, private sector business, worker organizations, and various types of educational institutions.

B. Skills/Abilities

Supervise and/or work with Council staff, departmental staff, other agency staff, public and private individuals and/or work teams in carrying out and completing assigned duties, projects and other responsibilities;

Assist Council Chairperson and other Council members in leading and presenting Council policies, positions and findings to further the goals and objectives of the State’s workforce plans to achieve and maintain a healthy economy;

Orient and support Council Chairperson and members to the work of the Council, changes and new responsibilities. Insure that the Council’s statutory provisions are updated according to changing legislation and needs. Insure that the Council’s budget supports the Council’s program and the coordination responsibilities for the State workforce system;

Review and participate in writing and preparing correspondence, memoranda, papers, reports and other publications of professional quality. The range of such publications varies from news articles that can be easily understood by the general public to technical reports that may contain complex processes that need to be organized and explained with clarity;

Initiate, orchestrate and participate in collaborative activities with a variety of individuals, groups, public agencies and private organizations to produce successful work objectives and outcomes;

Direct the preparation of and deliver oral and multi-media presentations to Council work groups and committees and the Council itself, public and interagency groups, employers, and community groups; and

Increase and update knowledge and skills through professional development and employer-provided training.

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