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Rob Griffith

Forest Service Home > Projects and Policies > Appeals > Hoosier National Forest

Forest Service Appeal Responses for Hoosier National Forest

An Environmental Appeal is a formal request to an agency higher authority for review of an environmental planning (NEPA) decision. The public's rights to file an appeal are defined in specific appeal regulations. Usually, all administrative processes must be exhausted before a person can bring a court action (litigation) against with a NEPA decision. This usually includes the filing of a formal appeal.

Questions and comments regarding appeals listed below should be directed to the Appeal Deciding Officer, whose information is included in the appeal response letter (included as a hyperlink).

Go back to National Appeal Response Home Page

Appeal Responses for Hoosier National Forest - Past 90 Days
To filter this list by another Project Administrative Unit or calendar year, select from these lists:
R9 - Eastern Region All Units
Chippewa National Forest
Huron-Manistee National Forest
Mark Twain National Forest
Ottawa National Forest
Shawnee National Forest
Superior National Forest
Hiawatha National Forest
Hoosier National Forest
Chequamegon / Nicolet National Forest
Wayne National Forest
Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie
Allegheny National Forest
Green Mountain And Finger Lakes National Forests
Monongahela National Forest
White Mountain National Forest
Past 90 Days
2009 (Jan - Dec)
2008 (Jan - Dec)
2007 (Jan - Dec)
2006 (Jan - Dec)
2005 (Jan - Dec)
2004 (Jan - Dec)
2003 (Jan - Dec)
2002 (Jan - Dec)
Graphic: List Top
Project Name - Project Administrative Unit Response Date Response Document
  Lead Appellant(s) Appeal Rule Outcome
Graphic: List Bottom

No Responses Available
Appeal Type Legend
215 Appeals: These appeal NEPA decisions related to specific projects.
217 Appeals: These appeal NEPA decisions related to the development and amendment of Regional Guides and Land and Resource Management Plans (LRMPs).
251 Appeals: These appeal NEPA decisions associated with the occupancy and use of National Forest System land under permit, including special-use permits, municipal watersheds, mining locations, mineral rights, water rights, grazing and livestock permits, as well as others.

This appeal response list contains the best available information at the time of publication. It is not an exhaustive list, as some responses may have been issued before the next nightly report is published.
Appeal Type Legend
Click to read the document

US Forest Service
Last modified March 07, 2008

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