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Emerald Ash Borer

We need your help to prevent the further spread of the emerald ash borer. As you know, this non-native invasive insect poses a significant threat to our natural resources.  The mortality rate for infested trees is 100 percent, and the only certain treatment is cutting down and destroying the ash trees.  It is vital that we contain the emerald ash borer as we work toward its eradication.  Because the borer strikes black, green and white ash, the insect could spread throughout the eastern United States. 

Please help us get the word out to hunters, campers, and others that they should not transport any firewood around the state.  Most outbreaks have been linked to the introduction of firewood from an infected source.  People can purchase local firewood and are welcome to gather firewood if they camp on the national forests.  Please contact our local offices if you would like to receive additional information.  Information on the dangers posed by the emerald ash borer  is located at

 emerald ash borer information

More EAB Information
This Forest Service website provides basic biological information on the emerald ash borer. This includes a description of the life cycle and host range. Emerald ash borer is a native of Asia. Detailed information on the biology and ecology of this insect is still limited.  Click on

To date, infestations are creeping closer to the Hoosier NF.  See the map below for location of current emerald ash borer populations. 

map of areas where EAB has been found.

Click here for a map showing the areas in Indiana which are quarantined.

An Indiana Department of Natural Resources website further describes the emerald ash borer, Indiana outbreaks, and who to contact in Indiana if you suspect an outbreak. Click on


For more information contact us at