USDA Forest Service

Ashley National Forest

Noxious Weeds
Noxious Weeds
Kid's Korner
Evaluate Our Service
We welcome your comments on our service and your suggestions for improvement.

Ashley National Forest
355 North Vernal Ave
Vernal, UT 84078


United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Noxious Weeds Program

Scotch Thistle

(a.k.a. Onopordum aeanthium)

Distinguishing Features

  • Reaches 8 to 10 feet in height
  • Stems are erect, branching sharp spiny leaf wings extend down to stem
  • Basal leaves may be over 2 feet long and 1 foot wide
  • Leaves are coarsely lobed; fine, dense hair on both sides; sharp spines on margin
  • Flowers are violet to reddish, 1 to 2 inches in diameter; solitary and numerous

Crimes Committed

  • Choking & the deliberate takeover of native plants
  • Stealing lands, homes & food from wildlife
  • Corrupting & invading open lands, roadsides & recreation areas
  • Costing a bundle for taxpayers to control
  • Wreaking havoc & mayhem on innocent, unsuspecting ecosystems

Join the Invasive Weed Patrol

  • Help stop the spread of this weedy, seedy, desperado
  • Report any sightings to local land managers or rangers
  • Remove all weed seeds from clothing, shoes, pets, camping gear & tire treads

Your Reward

  • Healthy Ecosystems on Your Public Lands

US Forest Service - Ashley National Forest
Last Modified: Wednesday, 23 March 2005 at 13:35:25 EDT

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