[Federal Register: September 4, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 170)]
[Page 50662-50663]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



International Trade Administration


Stainless Steel Bar from Germany: Rescission of Antidumping Duty 
Administrative ReviewE349-E351

AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.

EFFECTIVE DATE: September 4, 2007.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Brandon Farlander or Damian Felton, 
AD/CVD Operations, Office 1, Import Administration, International Trade 
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and 
Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-
0182 and (202) 482-0133, respectively.



    On March 7, 2002, the Department of Commerce (``the Department'') 
published an antidumping duty order on stainless steel bar from 
Germany. See Notice of Amended Final Determination of Sales at Less 
Than Fair Value and Antidumping Duty Order: Stainless Steel Bar from 
Germany, 67 FR 10382 (March 7, 2002). On October 10, 2003, the 
Department published an amended antidumping duty order on stainless 
steel bar from Germany. See Notice of Amended Antidumping Duty Orders: 
Stainless Steel Bar from France, Germany, Italy, Korea, and the United 
Kingdom, 68 FR 58660 (October 10, 2003).
    On March 2, 2007, the Department published its Antidumping or 
Countervailing Duty Order, Finding, or Suspended Investigation: 
Opportunity to Request Administrative Review, 72 FR 9505 (March 2, 
2007). In response to timely requests made by petitioners,\1\ 
Schmiedewerke Groditz GmbH (``SWG''), and BGH Edelstahl Freital GmbH, 
BGH Edelstahl Lippendorf GmbH, BGH Edelstahl Lugau GmbH and BGH 
Edelstahl Siegen GmbH (collectively, ``BGH''), the Department initiated 
an administrative review of the antidumping duty order on stainless 
steel bar from Germany covering the period March 1, 2006, through 
February 28, 2007. See Initiation of Antidumping and Countervailing 
Duty Administrative Reviews, 72 FR 20986 (April 27, 2007).

    \1\ Carpenter Technology Corporation; Crucible Specialty Metals 
Division, Crucible Materials Corporation; Electralloy Corporation, a 
Division of G.O. Carlson, Inc.; North American Stainless; Outokumpu 
Stainless, Inc.; Universal Stainless and Alloy Products; and 
Valbruna Slater Steels Corporation (collectively ``petitioners'').

    On July 11, 2007, SWG withdrew its request for an administrative 
review. BGH requested that the Department extend the deadline for 
parties to withdraw their request for administrative review on July 26, 
2007, and August 2 and 9, 2007. The Department granted these extension 
requests. On August 16, 2007, BGH and petitioners withdrew their 
requests for review. As a result of the timely withdrawal of the 
requests for review by SWG, BGH, and petitioners, we are rescinding 
this administrative review.

Scope of the Order

    For the purposes of this order, the term ``stainless steel bar'' 
includes articles of stainless steel in straight lengths that have been 
either hot-rolled, forged, turned, cold-drawn, cold-rolled or otherwise 
cold-finished, or ground, having a uniform solid cross section along 
their whole length in the shape of circles, segments of circles, ovals, 
rectangles (including squares), triangles, hexagons, octagons, or other 
convex polygons. Stainless steel bar includes cold-finished stainless 
steel bars that are turned or ground in straight lengths, whether 
produced from hot-rolled bar or from straightened and cut rod or wire, 
and reinforcing bars that have indentations, ribs, grooves, or other 
deformations produced during the rolling process.
    Except as specified above, the term does not include stainless 
steel semi-finished products, cut length flat-rolled products (i.e., 
cut length rolled products which if less than 4.75 mm in thickness have 
a width measuring at least 10 times the thickness, or if 4.75 mm or 
more in thickness having a width which exceeds 150 mm and measures at 
least twice the thickness), products that have been cut from stainless 
steel sheet, strip or plate, wire (i.e., cold-formed products in coils, 
of any uniform solid cross section along their whole length, which do 
not conform to the definition of flat-rolled products), and angles, 
shapes and sections.
    The stainless steel bar subject to this review is currently 
classifiable under subheadings 7222.11.00.05, 7222.11.00.50, 
7222.19.00.05, 7222.19.00.50, 7222.20.00.05, 7222.20.00.45, 
7222.20.00.75, and 7222.30.00.00 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of 
the United States (``HTSUS''). Although the HTSUS subheadings are 
provided for convenience and customs purposes, the written description 
of the scope of the order is dispositive.

Rescission of Review

    The Department's regulations at 19 CFR 351.213(d)(1) provide that 
the Department will rescind an administrative review, in whole or in 
part, if the party that requested a review withdraws the request within 
90 days of the date of publication of the notice of initiation of the 
requested review or withdraws its request at a later date if the 
Department determines that it is reasonable to extend the time limit 
for withdrawing the request. SWG, BGH, and petitioners withdrew their 

[[Page 50663]]

for administrative review. No other party requested a review with 
respect to SWG, BGH, or any other company. Therefore, the Department is 
rescinding this administrative review. The Department intends to issue 
appropriate assessment instructions to U.S. Customs and Border 
Protection (``CBP'') 15 days after the date of the publication of this 
notice. The Department will direct CBP to assess antidumping duties for 
SWG and BGH at the cash deposit rates in effect on the date of entry 
for entries during the period March 1, 2006, through February 28, 2007.

Notification to Importers

    This notice serves as a final reminder to importers of their 
responsibility under 19 CFR 351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate 
regarding the reimbursement of antidumping duties prior to liquidation 
of the relevant entries during this review period. Failure to comply 
with this requirement could result in the Department's assumption that 
reimbursement of antidumping duties occurred and the subsequent 
assessment of double antidumping duties.
    This notice also serves as a reminder to parties subject to 
administrative protective order (``APO'') of their responsibility 
concerning the disposition of proprietary information disclosed under 
APO in accordance with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely written 
notification of the return/destruction of APO materials or conversion 
to judicial protective order is hereby requested. Failure to comply 
with the regulations and the terms of an APO is a sanctionable 
    This notice is issued and published in accordance with sections 
771(i) and 751(a)(1) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, and 19 CFR 

    Dated: August 28, 2007.
Gary Taverman,
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
[FR Doc. E7-17440 Filed 8-31-07; 8:45 am]