[Federal Register: October 2, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 190)]
[Page 56074-56075]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Office of the Secretary

Office of Resources and Technology; Statement of Organization, 
Functions, and Delegations of Authority

    Part A, Office of the Secretary, Statement of Organization, 
Functions and Delegations of Authority for the Department of Health and 
Human Services (HHS) is being amended as Chapter AM, Office of 
Resources and Technology, as last amended 68 FR 11555-62, dated March 
11, 2003; and most recently at 72 FR 2282-83, dated January 18, 2007. 
The reorganization will even out the management responsibilities within 
the office. The changes are as follows:
    I. Under Chapter AM, Section AML.20 Functions, Paragraph 1, 
``Division of Discretionary Programs (AML1)'' delete in its entirety 
and replace with the following:
    1. Division of Discretionary Programs (AML1): The Division of 
Discretionary Programs:
    a. Provides analytical services and assistance to the Secretary, 
the Assistant Secretary for Resources and Technology (ASRT), and HHS 
Operating Division (OPDIV) Heads in their budgetary management of the 
Department's principal discretionary programs, including science and 
health services programs administered by the Public Health Service 
components; and social service programs of the Administration for 
Children and Families and the Administration on Aging.
    b. Reviews budgets and related requests for resources, and analyzes 
plans and proposals for new or alternative legislation.
    c. Analyzes proposed regulations, reorganizations, or program 
initiatives to determine their policy, resource and management 
    d. Proposes recommendations on draft regulations, proposed 
legislation and reorganization proposals.
    e. Proposes budget options and policy initiatives as necessary to 
achieve program objectives established by the Secretary.
    f. Assists in the development of strategies for the presentation of 
the budget to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the 
Congress, and develops materials for key Departmental officials who 
testify at hearings before these bodies.
    g. Provides guidance to OPDIVs in the formulation of their budgets.
    h. Conducts special reviews and analyses to examine assigned OPDIV 
program operations and management effectiveness.
    i. Assists in the development of performance plans, reports, and 
program assessments under the Government Performance and Results Act.
    j. Assists in the presentation of the Department's budget to the 
public by developing material for use of Departmental officials, and 
reviews press statements and other public documents for consistency 
with approved budgets and plans.
    k. Assists in the presentation of the Department's budget to the 
public by developing materials for use by Departmental officials, and 
reviews press statements and other public documents for consistency 
with approved budgets and plans.
    l. reviews and analyzes the budgets of the Staff Divisions 
(STAFFDIVS) funded by the General Departmental Management (GDM), Office 
of Inspector General (OIG) and Office for Civil Rights (OCR) 
appropriations. Prepares special analyses of these budgets for use in 
decision-making, particularly for evaluating capacity and determining 
if alternative approaches are feasible. Monitors Congressional 

[[Page 56075]]

hearings in which the GDM STAFFDIVS, OIG and OCR are participants.
    m. Works closely with OASAM in planning and formulating the GDM 
budget justification for presentation to the Secretary, OMB and the 
    n. Provides staff assistance to the Secretary, the ASRT, the 
Service and Supply Funds (SSF) Board of Directors, OPDIV Budget 
Officers and STAFFDIV Heads in the budgetary and financial management 
of the SSF.
    o. Provides for budget policy management and financial integrity of 
the SSF in the provision of Departmental common sue administrative 
    p. Assists in the planning and preparation of the SSF budget for 
presentation to the SSF Board, the OMB, and Congress.
    q. Prepares apportionment requests for the SSF.
    II. Under Chapter AM, Section AML.20 Functions, Paragraph 3, 
``Division of Budget Policy, Execution and Review (AML4),'' delete in 
its entirety and replace with the following:
    3. Division of Budget Policy, Execution and Review (AML4). The 
Division of Budget Policy, Execution and Review (DBPER):
    a. Directs the formulation and presentation of the HHS budget by 
developing and promulgating to the OPDIVs and others the policies, 
procedures, guidance, and schedules for preparing budget submissions.
    b. Coordinates the presentation of the Department's budget and 
performance plan to Congress, including preparation and submission of 
justifications, reports, significant items, and crosscutting materials; 
preparation of the Secretary's testimony before the Appropriations 
Committees; and coordination of transcripts, questions for the record, 
and other hearing materials.
    c. Provides advice and analysis to support Department-wide budget 
    d. Maintains active communication with Department budget officers 
with regard to budget events and activities with OMB, GAO, Congress and 
other parties.
    e. Manages a computerized budget information system reflecting data 
on a HHS-wide basis and coordinates OPDIV input into the system.
    f. Provides direct staff support to the Secretary in preparation 
for appropriation hearings and other budget-related presentations and 
    g. Actively communicates with the Budget and Appropriations 
Committees in the Congress and provides intelligence and analyses of 
budget decisions to senior HHS staff and the OPDIVs.
    h. Coordinates preparation of guidelines governing reprogrammings, 
transfers between accounts, and other crosscutting funding methods; 
provides recommendations and staff support in managing and processing 
crosscutting funding proposals.
    i. Analyzes and prepares reports on HHS performance in managing 
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) levels and in implementing FTE policy, and 
provides expert advice on Department-wide staffing.
    j. Provides leadership and direction in the Department-wide review, 
analysis and appraisal of financial elements of program execution and 
the development and execution of policies related to efficient 
allocation, expenditure and control of funds.
    k. Coordinates and tracks outlay projections: (1) To assist OMB in 
the continuing effort to monitor spending and to thereby improve the 
management of the Government's overall cash and debt operations; and 
(2) in support of formulation of the budget, including the maintenance 
of HHS ceiling controls and the development of outlay estimates shown 
in the President's Budget for controllable program.
    l. Promulgates Departmental spending policies, especially in the 
events of Continuing Resolutions and possible suspension of operations 
due to the failure of the Congress to enact appropriations on time, and 
works with agency budget officers and the OMB in formulating agency 
funding plans.
    m. Maintains a system of Department-wide budget execution, 
including the management and control of the apportionment of funds in 
accordance with the requirements of the Anti-Deficiency Act and OMB 
regulations; and requests and monitors the receipt of Treasury 
    n. Serves as principal staff advisor to the ASRT on all matters 
involving budget execution.
    o. Acts as liaison on behalf of HHS with OMB, the Treasury 
Department, the Congressional Budget Office, and other agencies on 
matters involving budget execution.
    p. Responsible for the development and maintenance of a system of 
financial information which involves the collection, organization, and 
maintenance of financial data in electronic form as well as the 
development of reporting mechanisms for making the financial 
information useful and available for decisionmaking.
    q. Represents the Department in government-wide activities to 
implement the development and implementation of performance measures 
and budget-related performance planning policies, requirements and 
processes. Manages program performance assessment activities.
    r. Provides special management review services for selected 

    Dated: September 18, 2007.
Joe W. Ellis,
 Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management.
[FR Doc. 07-4859 Filed 10-1-07; 8:45 am]