[Federal Register: October 11, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 196)]
[Page 57953-57956]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Fish and Wildlife Service

NiSource Inc. Application for an Incidental Take Permit

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement, 
announcement of public scoping meetings, and request for comments.


SUMMARY: Pursuant the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, 
as amended, we, the Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), as lead 
agency, are advising the public that we intend to prepare an 
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on a proposed application from 
NiSource Inc. (Applicant) for an Incidental Take Permit (ITP) issued 
under Section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as 
amended (Act). The ITP would potentially include multiple federally 
listed species across 17 States and cover NiSource operations, 
maintenance, construction, and emergency response activities associated 
with the company's interstate natural gas transmission and storage 
    We provide this notice to (1) describe the proposed action and 
possible alternatives; (2) advise other Federal and State agencies, 
potentially affected tribal interests, and the public of our intent to 
prepare an EIS; (3) announce the initiation of a public scoping period; 
and (4) obtain suggestions and information on the scope of issues to be 
included in the EIS.

[[Page 57954]]

DATES: To ensure consideration, we must receive your written comments 
on or before November 30, 2007. For approximate public meeting dates, 
see ``Public Meetings.''

ADDRESSES: Send your comments or request for information by any one of 
the following methods:
     U.S. Mail: Regional Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service, Division of Ecological Services, 1 Federal Drive, Fort 
Snelling, MN 55111-4056.
     Facsimile: 612-713-5292.
     E-Mail: http://infoman.amec.com/SIMS_PublicComment/.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Thomas Magnuson, at 612-713-5467 
or tom_magnuson@fws.gov, or Mr. Forest Clark, at 812-334-4261 ext. 206 
or forest_clark@fws.gov.


Public Meetings

    To facilitate information transfer, we will hold public meetings in 
the following cities between November 5, 2007, and November 16, 2007: 
Lafayette, LA; Jackson, MS; Nashville TN; Lexington, KY; Philadelphia, 
PA; Pittsburgh, PA; Columbus, OH; Cleveland, OH; Charleston, WV; 
Richmond, VA; Washington, D.C.; Binghamton, NY; and Portsmouth, NH. 
Specific locations, dates, and times of public meetings can be found at 
the following Web site: http://www.fws.gov/midwest/Endangered/permits/hcp/hcp_nisource.html

Reasonable Accommodations

    Persons needing reasonable accommodations in order to attend and 
participate in the public meetings should contact the Service at the 
address above no later than 1 week before the public meeting. 
Information regarding this proposed action is available in alternative 
formats upon request.


    The operations conducted by the Applicant's subject subsidiaries--
Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation, Columbia Gulf Transmission 
Corporation, Granite State Gas Transmission Corporation and Crossroads 
Pipeline Corporation--are specific only to the interstate natural gas 
transmission and storage business. The Applicant's primary operations 
are subject to the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717, et seq.) (NGA), and 
fall under the direct jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission (FERC) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). 
The proposed ITP would be granted for those activities undertaken by 
the four Applicant subsidiaries noted above.
    The Applicant currently maintains and operates approximately 17,000 
miles of onshore and offshore interstate natural gas transmission 
pipelines and appurtenant facilities in Louisiana, Mississippi, 
Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana, 
Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, New Hampshire, 
Maine, Maryland, and Massachusetts. In addition, the Applicant operates 
and maintains underground natural gas storage fields (36) in 
conjunction with its pipeline system which are comprised of 
approximately 3,600 individual storage wells in West Virginia, Ohio, 
Pennsylvania, and New York.
    The Applicant currently addresses listed species-related concerns 
pursuant to Section 7 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531, et seq.), as well as 
associated NGA regulations which are under the purview of the FERC and/
or associated with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' (USACE) permitting 
    Section 9 of the Act and its implementing regulations prohibit the 
take of animal species listed as endangered or threatened. The 
definition of take under the Act includes the following activities: To 
harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or 
collect listed animal species, or attempt to engage in such conduct (16 
U.S.C. 1538). We have certain responsibilities for the conservation and 
protection of threatened and endangered species under the Act. Section 
10 of the Act, 16 U.S.C. 1539, establishes a program whereby persons 
seeking to pursue activities that otherwise could give rise to 
liability for unlawful ``take'' of federally protected species may 
receive an ITP, which protects them from such liability. To obtain an 
ITP, an applicant must submit a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) 
containing appropriate minimization and mitigation measures and ensure 
that the taking is incidental to, and not the purpose of, an otherwise 
lawful activity (16 U.S.C. 1539(a)(1)(B) and 1539(a)(2)(A). Once we 
have determined that the applicant has satisfied these and other 
statutory criteria, we may issue the ITP.
    The Applicant has entered into discussions with us to explore ways 
to more efficiently address their Act obligations, while also 
maximizing the conservation and mitigation that they undertake on a 
yearly basis through the traditional Section 7 process. The Applicant 
has also initiated discussions with FERC and USACE, and other 
stakeholders (States, non-governmental organizations, etc.). 
Accordingly, both FERC and USACE will be cooperating agencies for the 
environmental review process.
    If successful, the Applicant's HCP and subsequent ITP would allow 
take authorization for otherwise lawful activities, such as the 
Applicant's facility construction, maintenance, operation, and 
emergency response activities inherent to its interstate natural gas 
transmission and storage business. The HCP will contain a multifaceted 
approach, including but not limited to take avoidance, minimization 
(e.g., through proven and defined best management practices), and 
mitigation through potential preservation, restoration, and enhancement 
measures. The Applicant must also ensure that adequate funding for 
implementation and compliance monitoring be provided.
    Species the Applicant has proposed for inclusion in the HCP are 
species that are currently listed as federally threatened or endangered 
or have the potential to become listed during the life of this HCP, and 
have some likelihood of occurring within the project area (as defined 
in Table 1 below). Only those species under the purview of the Service 
will be assessed in the EIS and included in the ITP.
    The project area (i.e., proposed ``covered lands'') is hereby 
defined as a 1-mile wide corridor centered upon the Applicant's 
existing facilities (i.e., \1/2\ mile on each side of the right-of-way 
center line).

                          Table 1.--Species Proposed for Inclusion in the NiSource HCP
          Common name              Scientific name     Federal  status       Where listed     Final listing rule
Gray Bat.......................  Myotis grisescens.  E..................  AL, AR, FL, GA,     41 FR 17736.
                                                                           IL, IN, KS, KY,
                                                                           MO, OK, TN, VA,

[[Page 57955]]

Indiana bat....................  Myotis sodalist...  E..................  AL, AR, CT, GA,     32 FR 4001.
                                                                           IL, IN, IA, KY,
                                                                           MD, MI, MS, MO,
                                                                           NJ, NC, OH, OK,
                                                                           PA, TN, VT, VA,
Louisiana black bear...........  Ursus americanus    T..................  LA, MS, TX........  57 FR 588.
Virginia big-eared bat.........  Plecotus            E..................  KY, NC, VA, WV....  44 FR 69206.
Virginia northern flying         Glaucomys sabrinus  E..................  VA, WV............  50 FR 26999.
 squirrel.                        fuscus.
New England Cottontail.........  Sylvilagus          C..................
Bald eagle.....................  Haliaeetus          T..................  Delisted..........  72 FR 37346.
Brown pelican..................  Pelecanus           E..................  CA, LA, MS, OR,     35 FR 16047.
                                  occidentalis                             PR, TX, VI, WA.
Interior least tern............  Sterna antillarum.  E..................  AR, CO, IL, IA,     50 FR 21784.
                                                                           KS, KY, LA, MS,
                                                                           MO, MT, NE, NM,
                                                                           ND, OK, SD, TN,
Piping plover..................  Charadrius melodus  E/T/CH.............  Great Lakes E--IL,  50 FR 50726,
                                                                           IN, MI, MN, NY,     Critical Habitat--
                                                                           OH, PA, WI;         66 FR 57637
                                                                           Remaining T--AL,    Northern Great
                                                                           CO, CT, DE, FL,     Plains, 66 FR
                                                                           GA, IN, IA, KS,     22938 Great
                                                                           KY, LA, ME, MD,     Lakes.
                                                                           MA, MN, MS, MO,
                                                                           MT, NE, NH, NJ,
                                                                           NY, NC, ND, OH,
                                                                           OK, PR, RI, SC,
                                                                           TX, VA, WV.
Red cockaded woodpecker........  Picoides borealis.  E..................  AL, AR, FL, GA,     35 FR 16047.
                                                                           LA, MS, NC, OK,
                                                                           SC, TX, VA.
Bog turtle.....................  Glyptemys           T..................  GA, NC, SC, VA,     62 FR 59605.
                                  muhlenbergii.                            CT, DE, MD, MA,
Copperbelly watersnake.........  Nerodia             T..................  IN, MI, OH........  62 FR 4183.
Eastern Massasauga.............  Sistrurus           C..................
Louisiana pine snake...........  Pituophis ruthveni  C..................
Cheat mountain salamander......  Plethodon nettingi  T..................  WV................  54 FR 34464.
Shenandoah salamander..........  Plethodon           E..................  VA................  54 FR 34464.
Maryland darter................  Etheostoma sellare  E..................  MD................  32 FR 4001.
Pallid sturgeon................  Scapnirhynchus      E..................  AR, IL, IA, KS,     55 FR 36641.
                                  albus.                                   KY, LA, MS, MO,
                                                                           MT, NE, ND, SD,
Roanoke logperch...............  Percina rex.......  E..................  VA................  54 FR 34464.
Spotfin chub...................  Erimonax monachus.  T..................  TN................  42 FR 45526.
Madison cave isopod............  Antrolana lira....  T..................  VA, WV............  47 FR 43699.
Nashville crayfish.............  Orconectes shoupi.  E..................  TN................  51 FR 34410.
Clubshell......................  Pleurobema clava..  E..................  IN, KY, MI, OH,     58 FR 5638.
                                                                           PA, WV.
Birdwing pearlymussel..........  Lemiox rimosus....  E..................  TN, VA.             ..................
Cracking pearlymussel..........  Hemistena lata....  E..................  AL, IN, KY, PA,     54 FR 39850.
                                                                           TN, VA.
Cumberland monkeyface            Quadrula            E..................  AL, TN, VA........  41 FR 24062.
 pearlymussel.                    Rafinesque.
Dwarf wedgemussel..............  Alasmidonta         E..................  CT, MD, MA, NH,     55 FR 9447.
                                  heterodon.                               NJ, NC, PA, VT,
Fanshell.......................  Cyprogenia          E..................  AL, IL, IN, KY,     55 FR 25591.
                                  stegaria.                                OH, TN, VA, WV.
Fat pocketbook.................  Potamilus capax...  E..................  AR, IL, IN, KY,     41 FR 24062.
                                                                           MS, MO.
James spinymussel..............  Pleurobema collina  E..................  NC, VA, WV........  53 FR 27693.
Louisiana pearlshell...........  Margaritifera       T..................  LA................  58 FR 49935.
Northern riffleshell...........  Epioblasma          E..................  IN, KY, MI, OH,     58 FR 5638.
                                  torulosa rangiana.                       PA, WV.
Orangefoot pimpleback            Plethobasus         E..................  AL, IL, IN, KY,     41 FR 24062.
 pearlymussel.                    cooperianus.                             PA, TN.
Oyster mussel..................  Epioblasma          E/CH...............  AL, KY, TN, VA....  62 FR 1647.
Pink mucket pearlymussel.......  Lampsilis           E..................  AL, AR, IL, IN,     41 FR 24026.
                                  orbiculata.                              KY, LA, MO, OH,
                                                                           PA, TN, VA, WV.
Purple catspaw pearlymussel....  Epioblasma          E..................  AL, KY, OH, TN....  55 FR 28209.
Rayed bean.....................  Villosa fabalis...  C..................
Ring pink mussel...............  Obovaria retusa...  E..................  AL, IN, KY, PA, TN  54 FR 40109.
Rough pigtoe...................  Pleurobema plenum.  E..................  AL, IN, KY, PA,     42 FR 24062.
                                                                           TN, VA.
Sheepnose......................  Plethobasus         C..................
Slabside pearlymussel..........  Lexingtonia         C..................
Spectaclecase..................  Cumberlandia        C..................
Tan riffleshell................  Epioblasma          E..................  KY, TN, VA........  42 FR 42351.
White cat's paw pearlymussel...  Epioblasma          E..................  IN, OH............  41 FR 24062.
White wartyback pearlymussel...  Plethobasus         E..................  AL, IN, KY, TN....  41 FR 24062.
American burying beetle........  Nicrophorus         E..................  AR, MA, MI, NE,     54 FR 29652.
                                  americanus.                              OH, OK, RI, SD.
Karner blue butterfly..........  Lycaeides melissa   E..................  IL, IN, MI, MN,     57 FR 59236.
                                  Samuelis.                                NH, NY, OH, WI.
American chaffseed.............  Schwalbea           E..................  AL, FL, GA, LA,     57 FR 44703.
                                  americana L.                             MS, NJ, NC, SC.
Eastern prairie fringed orchid.  Platanthera         T..................  AR, IL, IA, ME,     54 FR 39857.
                                  leucophaea.                              MI, OH, OK, VA,
Globe bladderpod (previously     Lesquerella         C..................
 Short's bladderpod).             globosa.
Harperella.....................  Ptilimnium nodosum  E..................  AL, AR, GA, MD,     53 FR 37978.
                                                                           NC, SC, VA, WV.

[[Page 57956]]

Lakeside daisy.................  Tetraneuris         E..................  IL, MI, OH........  53 FR 23742.
Leafy prairie clover...........  Dalea foliosa.....  E..................  AL, IL, TN........  56 FR 19953.
Leedy's roseroot...............  Rhodiola            T..................  MN, NY............  57 FR 14649.
                                  integrifolia ssp.
Mead's milkweed................  Asclepias meadii..  T..................  IL, IN, IA, KS, MO  53 FR 33992.
Michaux's sumac................  Rhus michauxii....  T..................  GA, NC, SC, VA....  54 FR 39850.
Northeastern bulrush...........  Scirpus             E..................  MD, MA, NH, PA,     56 FR 21091.
                                  ancistrochaetus.                         VT, VA, WV.
Northern Monkshood.............  Aconitum            E..................  IA, NY, OH, WI....  43 FR 17910.
Pondberry......................  Lindera             E..................  AR, GA, MS, MO,     51 FR 27495.
                                  melissifolia.                            NC, SC.
Price's potato bean............  Apios priceana....  T..................  AL, IL, KY, MS, TN  55 FR 429.
Running buffalo clover.........  Trifolium           E..................  AR, IN, KY, MO,     52 FR 21478.
                                  stoloniferum.                            OH, WV.
Sandplain gerardia.............  Agalinis acuta....  E..................  CT, MD, MA, NY, RI  53 FR 34701.
Sensitive joint-vetch..........  Aeschynomene        T..................  MD, NJ, NC, VA....  57 FR 21569.
Shale barren rockcress.........  Arabis serotina...  E..................  VA, WV............  54 FR 29655.
Short's goldenrod..............  Solidago shortii..  E..................  IN, KY............  50 FR 36085.
Small whorled pogonia..........  Isotria             T..................  CT, DE, GA, IL,     59 FR 50852.
                                  medeoloides.                             ME, MA, MI, NH,
                                                                           NJ, NC, OH, PA,
                                                                           RI, SC, TN, VA,
Smooth coneflower..............  Echinacea           E..................  GA, NC, SC, VA....  57 FR 46340.
Spring Creek bladderpod........  Lesquerella         E..................  TN................  61 FR 67493.
Swamp pink.....................  Helonias bullata L  T..................  DE, GA, MD, NJ,     53 FR 35076.
                                                                           NC, SC, VA.
Tennessee purple coneflower....  Echinacea           E..................  TN................  44 FR 32604.
Tennessee yellow-eyed grass....  Xyris               E..................                      56 FR 34151.
Virginia sneezeweed............  Helenium            T..................  MD, VA............  63 FR 59239.
Virginia spiraea...............  Spiraea virginiana  T..................  GA, KY, NC, OH,     55 FR 24241.
                                                                           PA, TN, VA, WV.
White Fringeless Orchid........  Platanthera         C..................
White-haired goldenrod.........  Solidago            T..................  KY................  53 FR 11612.

Environmental Impact Statement

    We will be the lead Federal agency in the preparation of an EIS 
that will satisfy the requirements of the National Environmental Policy 
Act (NEPA; (42 U.S.C. 4321, et seq.). USACE and FERC will serve as 
cooperating agencies during the preparation of the EIS. With this NOI, 
we ask other Federal, State, and local agencies with jurisdiction and/
or special expertise with respect to environmental issues, in addition 
to those agencies that have already agreed to serve as cooperating 
agencies (as noted above), to formally cooperate with us in the 
preparation of the EIS. Agencies that would like to request cooperating 
agency status on the EIS should follow the instructions for filing 
comments provided under the Addresses section of this NOI.
    The EIS will consider the proposed action (i.e., the issuance of a 
Section 10(a)(1)(B) permit under the Act, as supported by an HCP), no 
action (no HCP/no Section 10 permit), and a reasonable range of 
alternatives that accomplish the purpose and need of the proposal. A 
detailed description of the proposed action and alternatives will be 
included in the EIS. The alternatives to be considered for analysis in 
the EIS may include, but not be limited to, modified lists of covered 
species, land coverage areas, and activities coverage. The EIS will 
also identify potentially significant impacts on biological resources, 
land use, air quality, water quality, water resources, economics, and 
other environmental/historical resources that may occur directly or 
indirectly as a result of implementing the proposed action or any of 
the alternatives. Various strategies for avoiding, minimizing, and 
mitigating the impacts of incidental take may also be considered.
    Environmental review of the EIS will be conducted in accordance 
with the requirements of NEPA, its implementing regulations (40 CFR 
parts 1500-1508), other applicable regulations, and our procedures for 
compliance with those regulations. We furnish this notice in accordance 
with 40 CFR 1501.7 and 1508.22 to obtain suggestions and information 
from other agencies and the public on the scope of issues and 
alternatives they believe need to be addressed in the EIS. The primary 
purpose of the scoping process is to identify important issues raised 
by the public related to the proposed action. Written comments from 
interested parties are invited to ensure that the full range of issues 
related to the proposed permit application is identified. Comments will 
only be accepted in written form.

Public Availability of Comments

    Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or 
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be 
aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying 
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can 
ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying 
information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be 
able to do so.

    Dated: September 19, 2007.
Wendi Weber,
Assistant Regional Director, Great Lakes-Big Rivers Region.
[FR Doc. E7-20039 Filed 10-10-07; 8:45 am]