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HSEB NEXRAD Software Development

Mission: To serve our customers at Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs), River Forecast Centers (RFCs), and National Centers by developing and maintaining high quality scientific software for the WSR-88D Radar Product Generator (RPG) computer system. The NEXRAD products form an integral part of the AWIPS computer system operations. To achieve this quality, we employ sound software engineering practices.

Who we are:

Mark Fresch, Lead 
Dan Stein

What we do: We work closely with technique developers from the Office of Hydrologic Development/Hydrology Laboratory's HSMB, and user representatives the Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services (OCWWS)/Hydrologic Services Division (HSD), to transfer scientific advances in the area of precipitation estimation from the research arena into operational applications.  This usually involves analyzing a validated prototype application developed by HSMB and integrating it within the operational environment of the RPG system. We employ a variety of software engineering tools and techniques to accomplish this task.

Once we have transformed the prototype into production quality software, we transfer the resulting package to the NWS Radar Operations Center (ROC) in Norman, Oklahoma, where it undergoes rigorous integration and system testing, prior to final deployment to WFOs around the country. 

These combined efforts result in improved hydrologic forecasting by RFCs and WFOs, and higher quality products, many of which are also shared with the NWS's external customers.

Software Applications supported: We primarily support the Precipitation Processing System (PPS) of the NEXRAD Radar Product Generator (RPG) computer system. The PPS comprises several applications, which analyze real-time reflectivity data from the WSR-88D radar and site reference information (such as geographic coordinates and topography) to determine the quantity and nature of potential precipitation. Once it has made its determination, the PPS subsequently causes the RPG to generate a variety of precipitation related products for use by external systems, such as AWIPS. 

We support the following PPS applications:

1. Enhanced Pre-processing Algorithm (epre): prepares the precipitation detection and hybrid scan data for further processing by the precipitation algorithms.

2. Precipitation Rate Accumulation Algorithm (prcprtac): converts the reflectivity values in a hybrid scan to instantaneous precipitation rate values and computes the precipitation accumulation. 

3. Precipitation Adjustment Algorithm (prcpadju): performs a mean field bias correction to the various rainfall accumulation fields for their use in the PPS accumulation products.

4. Precipitation Products Generator (prcpprod): generates the 1 Hr Surface Rainfall Accumulation (OHP), 3 Hr Surface Rainfall Accumulation (THP), Storm Total Rainfall Accumulation (STP), Digital Storm Total Precipitation (DSP), Hourly Digital Precipitation Array (DPA), and Supplemental Precipitation Data (SPD) products.

5. User Selectable Product Generator (prcpuspt): generates the User Selectable Precipitation (USP) product.

6. Hybrid Scan Product Generator (hybrprod): generates the Hybrid Scan Reflectivity (HSR) and Digital Hybrid Scan Reflectivity (DHR) products.

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US Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Office of Hydrologic Development
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Page Author: OHD webmaster
Page last modified: October 14, 2008
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