[Federal Register: April 2, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 62)]
[Page 15644-15650]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Crop Insurance Corporation

Request for Applications (RFA): Non-Insurance Risk Management 
Program Partnerships

    Announcement Type: Notice of Availability of Funds and Request for 
Applications for Non-Insurance Risk Management Program Partnerships
    CFDA Number: 10.456.
    Dates: The closing date and time for receipt of an application is 5 
p.m. CDT on May 17, 2007. Applications received after the deadline will 
not be evaluated by the technical review panel and will not be 
considered for funding. All awards will be made and agreements 
completed no later than September 30, 2007.
    Overview: The purpose of the Non-Insurance Risk Management Program 
Partnerships is to fund the development of non-insurance risk 
management tools that will be utilized by agricultural producers to 
assist them in mitigating the risks inherent in agricultural 
production. The proposal must address the objective listed in section 
I.D. Approximately $3 million is available to fund an undetermined 
number of partnerships. Projects may be funded for a period of up to 
three years. Applications are accepted from public and private 
entities; individuals are not eligible to apply. No cost sharing by the 
applicant is required. There are no limitations on the number of 
applications each applicant may submit.

[[Page 15645]]

I. Funding Opportunity Description

A. Background

    The Risk Management Agency (RMA), on behalf of the Federal Crop 
Insurance Corporation (FCIC), is committed to meeting the risk 
management needs and improving or developing risk management tools for 
the nation's farmers and ranchers. It does this by offering Federal 
crop insurance through a network of private-sector entities and by 
overseeing the creation of new products, seeking enhancements in 
existing products, and by expanding the use of a variety of risk 
management tools. Risk management tools also include a variety of non-
insurance risk management options and strategies developed to assist 
producers in mitigating the risks inherent in agricultural production. 
For the purposes of this announcement, risk management tools do not 
include insurance products, plans of insurance, policies or 
modifications thereof.

B. Purpose

    The purpose of this program is to fund partnership agreements that 
assist producers, minimize their production risks, or develop risk 
management tools. The agreements are for the development of risk 
management tools for use directly by agricultural producers. To aid in 
meeting these goals each partnership agreement awarded through this 
program will provide the recipient with funds, guidance, and the 
substantial involvement of RMA to carry out these risk management 
initiatives. Applications requesting funding for the development of 
insurance products, plans of insurance, policies or modifications 
thereof are excluded from consideration under this announcement.

C. Authorization

    In accordance with section 522(d) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act 
(Act), FCIC announces the availability of funding for risk management 
non-insurance program activities. Priority will be given to those 
activities addressing the need for risk management tools for producers 
of the following agricultural commodities (For purposes of this 
announcement, these commodities are collectively referred to as 
``Priority Commodities''):
     Agricultural commodities covered by section 196 of the 
Agricultural Market Transition Act (7 U.S.C. 7333) (Noninsured 
Assistance Program (NAP)). Commodities in this group are commercial 
crops that are not covered by catastrophic risk protection crop 
insurance, are used for food or fiber (except livestock), and 
specifically include, but are not limited to, floricultural, ornamental 
nursery, Christmas trees, turf grass sod, aquaculture (including 
ornamental fish), and industrial crops.
     Specialty crops. Commodities in this group may be covered 
under a Federal crop insurance plan and include, but are not limited 
to, fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, syrups, honey, roots, herbs, and 
highly specialized varieties of traditional crops.
     Underserved commodities. This group includes: (a) 
Commodities, including livestock that are covered by a Federal crop 
insurance plan but for which participation in an area is below the 
national average; and (b) commodities, including livestock, with 
inadequate crop insurance coverage.

D. Objective

    The project objective listed below highlights the research priority 
of RMA. All proposals must clearly describe how the objective will be 
met and provide information on the usefulness and demand for the tool 
to be developed.
    The project objective is:
    To develop a risk management tool designed to increase knowledge of 
and participation in existing insurance programs available to producers 
of agricultural products. This tool should not be part of the insurance 
policy or plan of insurance but should be a stand alone product that 
can be used by producers to make the purchase decision for insurance 
easier or ease the burden on producers in fulfilling the requirements 
under the policy. The tool should, at a minimum, be designed to assist 
producers who purchase one or more of the following products: Pasture, 
Rangeland and Forage (PRF); Livestock insurance, or Adjusted Gross 
Revenue (AGR) and Adjusted Gross Revenue-Lite (AGR-Lite). Educational 
materials explaining the use of the tool should be included as a 
component of the tool; however, tools which are exclusively educational 
in nature will not meet the objective. Information on non-insurance 
risk management tools, developed in partnership with RMA, may be 
included in the tool; however tools dealing exclusively with non-
insurance risk management tools will not meet the objective. The tool 
may be web-based, electronic media, or traditional media. Any web-based 
tool must conform to all established USDA standards, policies, and 
procedures. The tool may be developed for use with any other insurance 
products including pilot or regulatory programs that are listed at the 
following Web sites: http://www.rma.usda.gov/pilots/2008pilot.html; 

http://www.rma.usda.gov/policies/2008policy.html; http://www

Examples of tools that may be developed under this objective are as 
follows. The examples are not meant to be exhaustive:
     Tools that assist producers in constructing and 
maintaining a farm records system required to participate in an 
insurance program, e.g., development of a software package for 
producers who sell through Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) 
programs and direct markets. Development of materials (software, 
electronic media or traditional media) to assist producers in 
establishing insurance guarantees (including adjustments for added 
value), maintaining accurate inventory records, and calculating farm 
losses for producers who elect to insure their operations under the AGR 
     Tools that assist producers in selecting the most 
appropriate risk management strategy including the most appropriate 
plan of crop insurance, e.g., a decision support tool that would assist 
producers in comparing and analyzing available insurance products and 
non-insurance risk management tools in order to make informed decisions 
concerning risk management alternatives.
     Tools that assist producers that are socially 
disadvantaged, limited resource or with limited English proficiency in 
understanding and participating in crop insurance programs, e.g., 
development of a system that would promote accessibility, and target 
the limited resource farmer, including a plan to provide access to web-
based tools, that would explain and inform producers concerning 
available crop insurance options in a variety of languages.

II. Award Information

A. Award Description

    Approximately $3 million is available for partnership agreements 
that will fund the development of risk management tools. Awards under 
this program will be made on a competitive basis. Projects may be 
funded for a period of up to three years for the activities described 
in this announcement. Projects can also be in two parts with the first 
part including the research and feasibility studies and the second part 
including the development, implementation, delivery and maintenance of 
the risk management tool. If the development of the tool is determined 
not to be feasible, the partnership may be terminated by RMA after 
completion of the first part with funding reduced accordingly.

[[Page 15646]]

    There is no commitment by RMA to fund any particular project or to 
make a specific number of awards. Applicants awarded a partnership 
agreement for an amount that is less than the amount requested will be 
required to modify their application to conform to the reduced amount 
before execution of the partnership agreement. No maximum or minimum 
funding levels have been established for individual projects. All 
awards will be made and agreements completed no later than September 
30, 2007.
    Recipients of awards must demonstrate non-financial benefits from a 
partnership agreement and must agree to substantial involvement of RMA 
in the project.
1. Recipient Activities
    The applicant will be required to perform the following activities:
    a. Finalize, in cooperation with RMA, the partnership agreement.
    b. Finalize, in cooperation with RMA, the plan to administer, 
maintain and update the risk management tool in the future. The 
applicant must develop a plan for the delivery and evaluation of the 
risk management tool to producers and the ongoing maintenance and 
support of the risk management tool, including how the applicant will 
fund the delivery, support, maintenance and updating of the tool to 
maintain its applicability, benefits, usefulness, and value to 
producers. The applicant must also deliver the risk management tool to 
producers and support, maintain and update the tool as applicable.
    c. Define non-financial benefits and the substantial involvement of 
the RMA.
    d. Coordinate, manage, document and implement the timely completion 
of the approved research and development activities.
    e. Abide by the plans and provisions contained in the partnership 
    f. Report on program performance in accordance with the partnership 
    g. The recipient may be required to make a presentation to the FCIC 
Board of Directors.
    h. Adhere to RMA guidelines for systems development and information 
technology development.
2. RMA Activities
    RMA will be substantially involved during the performance of the 
funded activity. Potential types of substantial involvement may 
include, but are not limited to the following activities:
    a. Collaborate on the research plan;
    b. Assist in the selection of subcontractors and project staff;
    c. Review and approve critical stages of project development before 
subsequent stages may be started;
    d. Provide assistance in the management or technical performance of 
the project;
    e. Collaborate with the recipient in the development of materials 
associated with the funded project, as it relates to publication or 
presentation of the results and the distribution of the risk management 
tools to the public, any producer groups, RMA, and the FCIC Board of 
    f. Assist in the collection of data and information that may be 
available in RMA databases;
    g. Collaborate with the recipient in the development of a proposal 
to administer, maintain and update the risk management tool in the 
    h. Similar types of activities.

B. Other Activities

    In addition to the specific activities listed above, the applicant 
may suggest other activities that would contribute directly to the 
purpose of this program. For any additional activity suggested, the 
applicant should identify the objective of the activity, the specific 
tasks required to meet the objective, specific timelines for performing 
the tasks, and specific responsibilities of the partners. The applicant 
should also identify specific ways in which RMA could or should have 
substantial involvement in that activity.

III. Eligibility Information

A. Eligible Applicants

    Proposals are invited from qualified public and private entities. 
Eligible applicants include colleges and universities, Federal, State, 
and local agencies, Native American tribal organizations, non-profit 
and for-profit private organizations or corporations, and other 
entities. Individuals are not eligible applicants.
    Although an applicant may be eligible to compete for an award based 
on its status as an eligible entity, other factors may exclude an 
applicant from receiving Federal assistance under this program (e.g. 
debarment and suspension; a determination of non-performance on a prior 
contract, cooperative agreement, grant or partnership; a determination 
of a violation of applicable ethical standards).

B. Cost Sharing or Matching

    Cost sharing, matching, in-kind contributions, or cost 
participation is not required.

C. Other

    1. Applicants must demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed risk 
management tool and the benefits of the tool to producers of priority 
commodities. Applicants must include information supporting the need 
for the tool, such as a market analysis, or communications from 
producers or producer organizations expressing a need for the proposed 
tool. The proposal must also clearly define how the proposed tool will 
meet the needs of the producer groups identified. Refer to section 
V.A.3 for the evaluation criterion.
    2. If the project proposed for development requires ongoing 
maintenance, support and delivery to producers beyond the development 
stage, the applicant must submit a plan to continue the maintenance, 
support and delivery of the tool without relying on RMA's resources. If 
the applicant does not plan to directly support, maintain and deliver 
the tool using non-award funds after the development period funded by 
this award is completed, then the proposal should identify a third 
party sponsor who will do so. For example, if a proposed tool would 
require constant updating of data and availability on a Web site in 
order to be utilized by producers, then a sponsor should be identified 
that would be able to provide the funds necessary to maintain and host 
the tool. Third party sponsors may include government agencies, grower 
organizations, industry organizations, private sector entities, etc. If 
the tool proposed does not require support, maintenance, updating or 
revisions to maintain applicability or value or does not require 
continued delivery to producers, the proposal should so state and 
provide the basis why such actions are not required. Refer to section 
V.A.4 for evaluation criterion.
    3. Applicants must be able to demonstrate they will receive non-
financial benefits as a result of the partnership agreement. Non-
financial benefits must accrue to the applicant and must include more 
than the ability to provide income to the applicant or for the 
applicant's employees or the community. The applicant must demonstrate 
that performance under the partnership agreement will further the 
specific mission of the applicant (such as providing research or 
activities necessary for graduate or other students to complete 
educational programs or benefits derived through the furtherance of an 
organization's mission). Refer to section V.A.2 for evaluation 

[[Page 15647]]

IV. Application and Submission Information

A. Address To Request Application Package

    Applicants may download an application package from the Risk 
Management Agency Web site at: http://www.rma.usda.gov The application package can also be accessed via Grants.gov. Go to http://.

http://www.grants.gov, click on ``Find Grant Opportunities,'' then click on 

``Search Grant Opportunities,'' and enter CFDA number 10.456 to search 
by CFDA number. From the search results, select the item that 
correlates to the title of this RFA. If you do not have electronic 
access to the RFA or have trouble downloading material and you would 
like a hardcopy, or have any questions you may contact Kristin Chow, 
USDA/RMA, Non-Insurance Programs, 6501 Beacon Drive, Stop 0813, Kansas 
City, Missouri 64133-4676, phone (816) 926-6343, fax (816) 926-7343, e-
mail: RMA.Reasearch.Application@rma.usda.gov.
    If assistance is needed to access the application package via 
Grants.gov (e.g., downloading or navigating PureEdge forms, using 
PureEdge with a Macintosh computer), refer to resources available on 
the Grants.gov Web site first (http://www.grants.gov/). Grants.gov 

assistance is also available as follows:
     Grants.gov customer support
    Toll Free: 1-800-518-4726.
    Business Hours: M-F 7:00 a.m.--9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
    E-mail: support@grants.gov.
    Applicants who submit their applications via the Grants.gov Web 
site are not required to submit any hard copy documents to RMA.
    When using Grants.gov to apply, RMA strongly recommends that you 
submit the online application at least one week prior to the 
application due date in case there are problems with the Grants.gov Web 
site and you need to submit your application via a mail delivery 

B. Content and Form of Application Submission

    If submitting the application via regular mail an original and 
twelve (12) paper copies are requested (these are optional), however, 
three copies are required. Of the complete and signed application, and 
one copy (Microsoft Word format preferred) on diskette or compact disk 
must be submitted in one package at the time of initial submission 
along with the following documents:
    1. A completed and signed OMB Standard Form 424, ``Application for 
Federal Assistance''.
    2. A completed and signed OMB Standard Form 424-A, ``Budget 
Information--Non-construction Programs''. Reviewers will need 
sufficient information to effectively evaluate the budget. Indirect 
cost for projects submitted in response to this solicitation are 
limited to 10 percent of the total direct cost of the agreement. A 
sample budget narrative, including suggestions for format and content, 
is available on the RMA Web site (http://www.rma.usda.gov) or upon 

    3. A completed and signed OMB Standard Form 424-B, ``Assurances, 
Non-construction Programs''.
    4. A statement of the non-financial benefits of any partnership 
agreement to the recipient. (Refer to section III.C.3).
    5. A completed Form RD-1, ``Title Page and Proposal Summary.'' If 
the same or similar proposals are submitted by the same entity, the 
first received will be the only one evaluated.
    6. A proposal narrative submitted with the application package 
should be limited to 10 single-sided pages. Reviewers will need 
sufficient information to effectively evaluate the application under 
the criteria contained in section V. A sample narrative, including 
suggestions for format and content, is available on the RMA Web site 
(http://www.rma.usda.gov) or upon request.

    7. An appendix containing any attachments that may support 
information in the narrative (Optional).
    8. A completed Form RD-2, ``Statement of Work.''
    If submitting the above materials electronically, as described on 
the RMA Web site, paper copies of the submission will not be required. 
Applicants are responsible for ensuring the application materials are 
received by the closing date. Incomplete application packages will not 
receive further consideration.

C. Submission Dates and Times

    The closing date and time for receipt of an application is 5 p.m. 
CDT on May 17, 2007. Applications received after the deadline will not 
be evaluated by the technical review panel and will not be considered 
for funding.

D. Funding Restrictions

    No maximum or minimum funding levels have been established for 
individual projects. The funding level will be determined by FCIC. 
Indirect cost for projects submitted in response to this solicitation 
are limited to 10 percent of total direct cost of the agreement. Each 
project may be funded for a period of up to three years for the 
activities described in this announcement. Partnership agreement funds 
may not be used to:
    1. Plan, repair, rehabilitate, acquire, or construct a building or 
facility including a processing facility;
    2. Purchase, rent, or install fixed equipment;
    3. Repair or maintain privately owned vehicles;
    4. Pay for the preparation of the partnership application;
    5. Fund political activities;
    6. Pay costs incurred prior to receiving this partnership 
    7. Fund any activities prohibited under 7 CFR parts 3015 and 3019, 
as applicable.

E. Other Submission Requirements

Mailed Submissions
    1. If submitting the application via regular mail, an original and 
twelve (12) paper copies are requested (these are optional), however, 
three copies are required. Of the completed and signed application, and 
one copy (Microsoft Word format preferred) on diskette or compact disk 
must be submitted in one package at the time of initial submission.
    2. If submitting the application via regular mail all applications 
must be submitted and received by the deadline. Applications that do 
not meet all of the requirements in this announcement are considered 
incomplete applications. Late or incomplete applications will not be 
considered in this competition and will be returned to the applicant.
    3. Applications will be considered as meeting the announced 
deadline if they are received in the mailroom at the address stated 
below in section IV.E.4, on or before the deadline. Applicants are 
cautioned that express, overnight mail or other delivery services do 
not always deliver as agreed. Applicants are responsible for mailing 
applications well in advance, to ensure that applications are received 
on or before the deadline time and date. Applicants should be aware 
that there may be significant delays in delivery if applications are 
mailed using mail delivery due to the additional security measures that 
mail delivered to government offices now requires. Applicants should 
take this into account because failure of such delivery services will 
not extend the deadline.
    4. Address when using mail delivery: USDA/RMA, Non-Insurance 
Programs, 6501 Beacon Drive, Stop 0813, Kansas City, Missouri 64133-
Electronic Submissions
    Applications transmitted electronically via Grants.gov are strongly 
encouraged. The application package can be accessed via Grants.gov.

[[Page 15648]]

Go to http://www.grants.gov, click on ``Find Grant Opportunities,'' 

then click on ``Search Grant Opportunities,'' and enter CFDA number 
10.456 to search by CFDA number. From the search results, select the 
item that correlates to the title of this RFA. If you do not have 
electronic access to the RFA or have trouble downloading material and 
you would like a hardcopy, or have any questions you may contact 
Kristin Chow, USDA/RMA, Non-Insurance Programs, 6501 Beacon Drive, Stop 
0813, Kansas City, Missouri 64133-4676, phone (816) 926-6343, fax (816) 
926-7343, e-mail: RMA.Reasearch.Application@rma.usda.gov.
    If assistance is needed to access the application package via 
Grants.gov (e.g., downloading or navigating PureEdge forms, using 
PureEdge with a Macintosh computer), refer to resources available on 
the Grants.gov Web site first (http://www.grants.gov/). Grants.gov 

assistance is also available as follows:
     Grants.gov customer support
    Toll Free: 1-800-518-4726.
    Business Hours: M-F 7 a.m.--9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
    E-mail: support@grants.gov.
    Applicants who submit their applications via the Grants.gov Web 
site are not required to submit any hard copy documents to RMA.
    When using Grants.gov to apply, RMA strongly recommends that you 
submit the online application at least one week prior to the 
application due date in case there are problems with the Grants.gov Web 
site and you need to submit your application via a mail delivery 

F. Acknowledgement of Application

    Receipt of applications will be acknowledged by e-mail, whenever 
possible. Therefore, each applicant is encouraged to provide an e-mail 
address in the application. If an e-mail address is not indicated on an 
application, receipt will be acknowledged by letter. There will be no 
notification of incomplete, unqualified or unfunded applications until 
the awards have been made.
    When received by RMA, applications will be assigned an 
identification number. This number will be communicated to applicants 
in the acknowledgement of receipt of applications. An application 
identification number should be referenced in all correspondence 
regarding the application. If the applicant does not receive an 
acknowledgement within 15 days of the submission deadline, the 
applicant should contact Kristin Chow, Non-Insurance Programs at (816) 

V. Application Review Information

A. Criteria

1. Research Objective--Maximum 30 Points
    The application must receive a minimum score of 20 points under 
this criterion in order to be considered for further evaluation and 
funding. Applications receiving less than 20 points will be eliminated 
and will not be evaluated under criterion 2 through 4. The proposal 
must clearly define the development, management and implementation of a 
risk management tool designed to meet the needs of producers under the 
objective listed in section I.D. The proposal will be reviewed to 
determine if it is similar to a project that has been funded, has been 
recommended for funding, or is currently under development through 
other means.
2. Indication of RMA Involvement and Non-financial Benefits--Maximum 10 
    The proposal clearly indicates areas of substantial involvement by 
RMA and clearly indicates benefits derived from the partnership that 
extend beyond the financial benefits or funding of the research 
proposal. Those proposals that clearly outline the involvement of RMA 
in all aspects of the project and demonstrate non-financial benefits 
will receive the highest score.
3. Research Approach, Methodology, Development and Implementation--
Maximum 45 Points
    The proposal clearly demonstrates a sound research approach and 
defines the methodology to be used as well as describes the development 
and implementation of the risk management tool. The proposal must 
clearly demonstrate the usefulness of the tool and the benefits of the 
tool to producers of priority commodities and demonstrate that there is 
a reasonable expectation that the tool will actually be used by a 
substantial number of such producers. The proposal will be evaluated to 
ensure that the risk management tool can be readily and easily updated, 
delivered to producers and will be supported, maintained, updated or 
revised as necessary. Proposals that demonstrate a clear, concise and 
generally accepted research methodology and innovative approach will 
receive the highest number of points.
4. Management and Plan for Maintenance and Support--Maximum 15 Points
    The proposal clearly demonstrates the applicant's ability and 
resources to coordinate and manage all aspects of the proposed research 
project. Applicants must provide a detailed budget summary that clearly 
explains and justifies costs associated with the project. The applicant 
must submit a plan, if necessary, to continue the maintenance, support 
and delivery of the tool without relying on RMA's resources. The 
applicant whose approach is the most cost effective and optimizes the 
use and effective application of the funding will receive the highest 

B. Review and Selection Process

    Each application will be evaluated using a four-part process. 
First, each application will be screened by RMA to ensure that each 
proposal meets the objective stated in section I.D. The same or similar 
proposals cannot be submitted multiple times by the same entity. If the 
same or similar proposals are submitted by the same entity, the first 
received will be the only one evaluated. Applications that do not meet 
the objective stated in section I.D. and all other requirements in this 
announcement or are incomplete, will not receive further consideration.
    Second, all eligible applications will be evaluated using the 
criterion in section V.A.1. Applications must score at least 20 points 
under this criterion in order to be evaluated further.
    Third, all applications scoring the required 20 points will be 
evaluated further under sections V.A.2 through 4.
    For the second and third steps, a review panel will consider all 
applications that are complete and meet the objective in section I.D. 
and all other requirements in this announcement. The panel will review 
the merits of the applications. The evaluation of each application will 
be conducted by a panel of not less than three independent reviewers. 
The panel will be comprised of representatives from USDA, other federal 
agencies, and others representing public and private organizations, as 
needed. The narrative and any appendices provided by each applicant 
will be used by the review panel to evaluate the merits of the project 
that is being proposed for funding. The panel will examine and score 
applications based on the evaluation criteria and weights contained in 
section V.A. The identities of review panel members will remain 
confidential throughout the entire

[[Page 15649]]

review process and will not be released to applicants.
    In order to be considered for funding, a proposal must score at 
least 75 points.
    For the last step, those applications meeting the minimum number of 
points will be listed in initial rank order. Proposals will be funded 
by rank order according to score. The projects proposed for funding 
will be presented, along with funding level recommendations, to the 
Manager of FCIC, who will make the final decision on awarding of a 
partnership agreement.
    If the Manager of FCIC determines that any application is 
sufficiently similar to a project that has been funded or has been 
recommended to be funded under this announcement or any other research 
and development program, then the Manager may elect not to fund that 
application in whole or in part.

VI. Award Administration Information

A. Administrative and National Policy Requirements

1. Access to Panel Review Information
    Upon written request, scores from the evaluation panel, not 
including the identity of reviewers, will be sent to the applicant 
after the review and awards process has been completed.
2. Notification of Partnership Agreement Awards and Notification of 
    Following approval of the applications selected for funding, notice 
of project approval and authority to draw down funds will be made to 
the selected applicants in writing. Within the limit of funds available 
for such purpose, the awarding official of RMA shall enter into 
partnership agreements with those applicants whose applications are 
judged to be most meritorious under the procedures set forth in this 
announcement. The partnership agreement provides the amount of Federal 
funds for use in the project period, the terms and conditions of the 
award, and the time period for the project.
    The effective date of the partnership agreement shall be the date 
the agreement is executed by both parties. All funds provided to the 
applicant by FCIC must be expended solely for the purpose for which 
funds are obligated in accordance with the approved application and 
budget, the regulations, the terms and conditions of the award, and the 
applicability of Federal cost principles. No commitment of Federal 
assistance beyond the project period is made or implied, as a result of 
any award made pursuant to this announcement.
    Notification of denial of funding will be sent to applicants after 
final funding decisions have been made. Reasons for denial of funding 
can include incomplete proposals, proposals that did not meet the 
objective, scored low or were duplicative.
3. Confidential Aspects of Proposals and Awards
    When an application results in a partnership agreement, it becomes 
a part of the official record of RMA transactions, available to the 
public upon specific request. Information that the Secretary of 
Agriculture determines to be of a confidential, privileged, or 
proprietary nature will be held in confidence to the extent permitted 
by law. Therefore, any information that the applicant wishes to be 
considered confidential, privileged, or proprietary should be clearly 
marked within the application, including the basis for such 
designation. The original copy of a proposal that does not result in an 
award will be retained by RMA for a period of one year. Other copies 
will be destroyed. Such a proposal will be released only with the 
express written consent of the applicant or to the extent required by 
law. A proposal may be withdrawn at any time prior to award. The names 
of applicants, the names of individuals identified in the applications, 
the content of applications, and the panel evaluations of applications 
will all be kept confidential, except to those involved in the review 
process, to the extent permitted by law.
4. Administration
    All partnership agreements are subject to 7 CFR part 3015.
5. Prohibitions and Requirements with Regard to Lobbying
    Section 1352 of Public Law 101-121, enacted on October 23, 1989, 
imposes prohibitions and requirements for disclosure and certification 
related to lobbying on recipients of Federal contracts, grants, 
cooperative agreements, and loans. It provides exemptions for Indian 
Tribes and tribal organizations. Current and prospective recipients, 
and any subcontractors, are prohibited from using Federal funds, other 
than profits from a Federal contract, for lobbying Congress or any 
Federal agency in connection with the award of a contract, grant, 
cooperative agreement, or loan. In addition, for each award action in 
excess of $100,000 ($150,000 for loans) the law requires recipients and 
any subcontractors: (1) To certify that they have neither used nor will 
use any appropriated funds for payment of lobbyists; (2) to disclose 
the name, address, payment details, and purpose of any agreements with 
lobbyists whom recipients or their subcontractors will pay with profits 
or other non-appropriated funds on or after December 22, 1989; and (3) 
to file quarterly up-dates about the use of lobbyists if material 
changes occur in their use. The law establishes civil penalties for 
non-compliance. All recipients must provide a copy of the certification 
and disclosure forms prior to the beginning of the project period.
6. Applicable OMB Circulars
    All partnership agreements funded as a result of this notice will 
be subject to the requirements contained in all applicable OMB 
7. Audit Requirements
    Applicants awarded partnership agreements are subject to audit.
8. Requirement to Assure Compliance with Federal Civil Rights Laws
    Project leaders of all partnership agreements funded as a result of 
this notice are required to know and abide by Federal civil rights laws 
and to assure USDA and RMA that the recipient is in compliance with and 
will continue to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 
(42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.), 7 CFR part 15, and USDA regulations 
promulgated under 7 CFR part 1901.202. RMA requires that recipients 
submit Form RD 400-4, Assurance Agreement (Civil Rights), assuring RMA 
of this compliance prior to the beginning of the project period.

B. Reporting

    Applicants awarded a partnership agreement will be required to 
submit quarterly written progress and financial reports (SF-269) 
throughout the project period, as well as a final program and financial 
report not later than 90 days after the end of the project period. 
Recipients will be required to submit prior to the award:
     A completed and signed Form RD 400-4, Assurance Agreement 
(Civil Rights).
     A completed and signed OMB Standard Form LLL, ``Disclosure 
of Lobbying Activities.''
     A completed and signed AD-1047, ``Certification Regarding 
Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters--Primary Covered 
     A completed and signed AD-1049, ``Certification Regarding 
Drug-Free Workplace.''
     A completed and signed Faith-Based Survey on EEO.

[[Page 15650]]

VII. Agency Contact
    If applicants have any questions they may contact: Kristin Chow, 
USDA/RMA, Non-Insurance Programs, 6501 Beacon Drive, Stop 0813, Kansas 
City, Missouri 64133-4676, phone (816) 926-6343, fax (816) 926-7343, e-
mail: RMA.Research.Application@rma.usda.gov.

VIII. Other Information

A. Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)

    A DUNS number is a unique nine-digit sequence recognized as the 
universal standard for identifying and keeping track of over 70 million 
businesses worldwide. The Office of Management and Budget published a 
notice of final policy issuance in the Federal Register June 27, 2003 
(68 FR 38402) that requires a DUNS number in every application (i.e., 
hard copy and electronic) for a grant or cooperative agreement on or 
after October 1, 2003. Therefore, potential applicants should verify 
that they have a DUNS number or take the steps needed to obtain one. 
For information about how to obtain a DUNS number, go to http://www.grants.gov.
 Please note that the registration may take up to 14 

business days to complete. Previously registered DUNS numbers must be 
annually renewed; applicants must do so prior to submission of 
applications under this RFA.

B. Required Registration With the Central Contract Registry for 
Submission of Proposals

    The Central Contract Registry (CCR) is a database that serves as 
the primary Government repository for contractor information required 
for the conduct of business with the Government. This database will 
also be used as a central location for maintaining organizational 
information for organizations seeking and receiving grants from the 
Government. Such organizations must register in the CCR prior to the 
submission of applications. A DUNS number is needed for CCR 
registration. For information about how to register in the CCR, visit 
``Get Started'' at http://www.grants.gov. Allow a minimum of five 

business days to complete the CCR registration.

    Signed in Washington, DC, on March 26, 2007.
Eldon Gould,
Manager, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation.
 [FR Doc. E7-5971 Filed 3-30-07; 8:45 am]