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Regulatory Impact Analysis and Small Business Analysis for Hours of Service Options

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Prepared by:

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration & ICF Consulting, Inc.

August 15, 2005


Executive Summary




1. Background




2. Profile of the Affected Industry




3. Assessment of Impacts on Operations




4. Cost of Changes in Operations




5. Analysis of Changes in Crashes




6. Modeling Results




7. Financial Impacts to Small Carriers




Appendix (I) Industry Data




Appendix (II) Details of Modelling of Carrier Operations




Appendix (III) Review of Safety Literature




Appendix (IV) Analysis of Exemptions for Trucks of 10,000 to 26,000 Pounds




List of acronyms

ATA   -   American Trucking Associations
BEA   -   Bureau of Economic Affairs
CMV   -  Commercial Motor Vehicle
DFACS   -  Driver Fatigue, Alertness, and Countermeasures Study
DOT   -  Department of Transportation
ES   -  Executive Summary
FARS   -  Fatality Analysis Reporting System
FMCSA   -  Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
GDP   -  Gross Domestic Product
GES   -  General Estimates System
HOS   -  Hours of Service
IIHS   -  Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
LCM   -  Logistics Cost Model
LH   -  Long-Haul
LTL   -  Less-than-Truckload
MCMIS   -  Motor Carrier Management Information System
NAICS   -  North American Industrial Classification System
NHS Act   -  National Highway System Designation Act of 1995
NHTSA   -  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NPRM   -  Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
OOIDA   -  Owner-Operators Independent Drivers Association
OTR   -  Over the Road
PVT   -  Psychological Vigilance Task
RIA   -  Regulatory Impact Analysis
SBA   -  Small Business Administration
SH   -  Short-Haul
SPM   -  Sleep Performance Model
TL   -  Truckload
TOT   -  Time on Task
UMTIP   -   University of Michigan Trucking Industry Program
UPS   -  United Parcel Service
VIUS   -  Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey
VMT   -  Vehicle Miles Traveled
VPI   -  Virginia Polytechnic Institute
WRAIR   -  Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
WRAIR-SPM   -  Walter Reed Army Institute of Research - Sleep Performance Model


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  12. ICF Consulting and Imperial College Centre for Transportation Studies "Cost-Benefit Analysis of Road Safety Improvements" Final Report submitted to the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, June 2003
  13. Paul P. Jovannis, Sang-Woo Park, Ko-Yu Chen, "Crash Risk and Hours Driving: Interim Report" Letter report to FMCSA, Pennsylvania Transportation Institute, Penn State University, February 25, 2005
  14. Paul P. Jovannis, Sang-Woo Park, Ko-Yu Chen, "Crash Risk and Hours Driving: Interim Report II" Letter report to FMCSA, Pennsylvania Transportation Institute, Penn State University, April 15, 2005
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  22. Wylie, C.D., Shultz, T., Miller, J.C., and Mitler, M.M. (1997) "Commercial motor vehicle driver rest periods and recovery of performance."

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