[Federal Register: September 5, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 171)]
[Page 50991-50992]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



[Docket No. 50-139]

Notice of License Termination for University of Washington 
Research Reactor (UWAR)

    The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is announcing the 
termination of facility Operating License No. R-73 for the University 
of Washington Research Reactor (UWAR).
    The NRC has terminated the license of the decommissioned UWAR, at 
the University of Washington (UWA) in Seattle, Washington, and has 
released the site for unrestricted use. The UWAR was an Argonaut-type 
training and research reactor with an initial power output of 10 
kilowatts, which later received authority to increase power output to 
100 kilowatts. The reactor was permanently shut down on June 30, 1988. 
By application dated August 2, 1994, the licensee requested 
authorization to dismantle the UWAR and to dispose of the component 
parts, in accordance with the decommissioning plan submitted as part of 
the application. Opportunity for a hearing was afforded by ``Notice of 
Proposed Issuance of Orders Authorizing Disposition of Component Parts 
and Terminating Facility License'' published in the Federal Register on 
September 2, 1994 (59 FR 45738). No request for a hearing or petition 
for leave to intervene was filed following notice of the proposed 
action. The NRC reviewed the application with respect to the 
Commission's rules and regulations and found that the dismantling and 
disposal of component parts as stated in the licensee's decommissioning 
plan are consistent with the regulations in 10 CFR Chapter I and are 
not inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and 
safety of the public. On May 1, 1995, the Commission issued the ``Order 
Authorizing Dismantling of Facility and Disposition of Component 
    The licensee conducted remediation activities and completed final 
status surveys in October 2006. The licensee's request for termination 
of the license was supported by the submittal of a Final Status Survey 
Report (FSSR). The NRC completed its review of the UWAR FSSR submitted 
to NRC by letter dated December 13, 2006, as supplemented February 26 
and March 12, 2007. The FSSR documented the level of residual 
radioactivity remaining at the facility and stated that compliance with 
the criteria in the NRC-approved decommissioning plan for the reactor 
has been demonstrated. The NRC staff verified that the criteria in the 
approved decommissioning plan had been met and determined that the 
facility and site met the criteria in 10 CFR 20.1402 for unrestricted 
    Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.82(b)(6), the NRC staff has concluded that 
the reactor has been decommissioned in accordance with the approved 
decommissioning plan and that the terminal radiation survey and 
associated documentation demonstrate that the facility and site may be 
released in accordance with the criteria in the NRC-approved 
decommissioning plan. Further, on the basis of the decommissioning 
activities carried out by UWA, the NRC's review of the licensee's FSSR, 
the results of NRC inspections conducted at the UWAR, and the results 
of NRC confirmatory surveys, the NRC has concluded that the 
decommissioning process is complete and the facility and site may be 
released for unrestricted use. Therefore Facility Operating License No. 
R-73 is terminated.
    For further details with respect to the proposed action, see the 
licensee's letter dated December 13, 2006, as supplemented February 26 
and March 12, 2007; and NRC Inspection Report No. 50-139/2006-204, 
dated May 21, 2007. The above referenced documents may be examined, 
and/or copied for a fee, at the NRC's Public Document Room (PDR) at One 
White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike (first floor), Rockville, 
Maryland. Publicly available

[[Page 50992]]

records will be accessible electronically from the Agencywide Documents 
Access and Management System (ADAMS) Public Electronic Reading Room on 
the Internet at the NRC Web site, http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html.
 Persons who do not have access to ADAMS or who have 

problems in accessing the documents in ADAMS should call the NRC PDR 
reference staff at 1-800-397-4209 or 301-415-4737 or e-mail 

    Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 29th day of August 2007.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Keith I. McConnell,
Deputy Director, Decommissioning and Uranium Recovery Licensing 
Directorate, Division of Waste Management and Environmental Protection, 
Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Programs.
[FR Doc. E7-17494 Filed 9-4-07; 8:45 am]