[Federal Register: August 31, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 169)]
[Proposed Rules]               
[Page 50311-50317]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Emergency Management Agency

44 CFR Part 67

[Docket No. FEMA-B-7733 and FEMA-D-7816]

Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations

AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: Technical information or comments are requested on the 
proposed Base (1% annual chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and proposed 
BFEs modifications for the communities listed below. The BFEs are the 
basis for the floodplain management measures that the community is 
required either to adopt or to show evidence of being already in effect 
in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the 
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

DATES: The comment period is ninety (90) days following the second 
publication of this proposed rule in a newspaper of local circulation 
in each community.

ADDRESSES: The proposed BFEs for each community are available for 
inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer of each 
community. The respective addresses are listed in the table below.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William R. Blanton, Jr., Engineering 
Management Section, Mitigation Directorate, Federal Emergency 
Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Emergency Management Agency 
(FEMA) proposes to make determinations of BFEs and modified BFEs for 
each community listed below, in accordance with section 110 of the 
Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and 44 CFR 
    These proposed BFEs and modified BFEs, together with the floodplain 
management criteria required by 44 CFR 60.3, are the minimum that are 
required. They should not be construed to mean that the community must 
change any existing ordinances that are more stringent in their 
floodplain management requirements. The community may at any time enact 
stricter requirements of its own, or pursuant to policies established 
by other Federal, State or regional entities. These proposed elevations 
are used to meet the floodplain management requirements of the NFIP and 
are also used to calculate the appropriate flood insurance premium 
rates for new buildings built after these elevations are made final, 
and for the contents in these buildings.
    National Environmental Policy Act. This proposed rule is 
categorically excluded from the requirements of 44 CFR part 10, 
Environmental Consideration. An environmental impact assessment has not 
been prepared.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act. As flood elevation determinations are 
not within the scope of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601-
612, a regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
    Regulatory Classification. This proposed rule is not a significant 
regulatory action under the criteria of section 3(f) of Executive Order 
12866 of September 30, 1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 
    Executive Order 13132, Federalism. This proposed rule involves no 
policies that have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132.
    Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform. This proposed rule 
meets the applicable standards of Executive Order 12988.

List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67

    Administrative practice and procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting 
and recordkeeping requirements.

    Accordingly, 44 CFR part 67 is proposed to be amended as follows:


    1. The authority citation for part 67 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 
1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 
1979 Comp., p. 376.

Sec.  67.4  [Amended]

    2. The tables published under the authority of Sec.  67.4 are 
proposed to be amended as follows:

                                                                     Elevation in
                                                                feet(NGVD)+Elevation in
                                       Location of referenced  feet(NAVD)Depth
         Flooding source(s)                  elevation           in feet above ground      Communities affected
                                                                Effective     Modified
                                 Lowndes County, Georgia, and Incorporated Areas
Sugar Creek.........................  At Baytree Road........         None         *145  City of Remerton.
                                      Approximately 1,100             None         *148  .......................
                                       feet downstream of the
                                       confluence of One Mile
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
 Depth in feet above ground.
+ North American Vertical Datum.
                                                City of Remerton

Maps are available for inspection at 1757 Poplar Street, Remerton, GA 31601.
Send comments to The Honorable Peggy Seifert, Mayor, City of Remerton, 1757 Poplar Street, Remerton, GA 31601.

[[Page 50312]]

                              Stanly County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas
Big Bear Creek......................  At the confluence with          None         +295  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Long Creek.                                        Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 1,350             None         +645  .......................
                                       feet upstream of State
                                       Highway 49.
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None         +369  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Big Bear Creek.                                    Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None         +384  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Big
                                       Bear Creek.
    Tributary 2.....................  At the confluence with          None         +395  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Big Bear Creek.                                    Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 0.6 mile          None         +426  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Big
                                       Bear Creek.
    Tributary 3.....................  At the confluence with          None         +441  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Big Bear Creek.                                    Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 710 feet          None         +483  .......................
                                       upstream of Peaceful
    Tributary 4.....................  At the confluence with          None         +580  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Big Bear Creek.                                    Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 1.0 mile          None         +606  .......................
                                       upstream of Ridenhour
                                       Road (State Road 1433).
Big Cedar Creek.....................  At the confluence with          None         +227  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rocky River.                                       Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 1,240             None         +283  .......................
                                       feet upstream of West
                                       Whitley Street (State
                                       Road 1933).
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None         +229  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Big Cedar Creek.                                   Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None         +241  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Big
                                       Cedar Creek.
Camp Branch.........................  At the confluence with          None         +449  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rocky River.                                       Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 60 feet           None         +455  .......................
                                       downstream of Tite
                                       Road (State Road 1152).
Cedar Creek.........................  At the confluence with          None         +279  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Pee Dee River (Lake                                Stanly County, Town of
                                       Tillery).                                          Norwood.
                                      Approximately 0.6 mile          None         +422  .......................
                                       upstream of Railroad.
Coldwater Branch....................  At the confluence with          None         +327  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rocky River.                                       Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 340 feet          None         +330  .......................
                                       upstream of Old
                                       Sandbar Road (State
                                       Road 1100).
Coopers Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None         +254  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rocky River.                                       Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 1.1 miles         None         +328  .......................
                                       upstream of Old Davis
                                       Road (State Road 1943).
Curl Tail Creek.....................  At the confluence with          None         +572  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Riles Creek.                                       Stanly County, Town of
                                                                                          Richfield, Village of
                                      Approximately 510 feet          None         +655  .......................
                                       downstream of Merner
East Prong Rock Hole Creek..........  At the confluence with          None         +488  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rock Hole Creek.                                   Stanly County, Town of
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None         +569  .......................
                                       upstream of West
                                       Stanly Street.
Hardy Creek.........................  At the confluence with          None         +240  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rocky River.                                       Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 150 feet          None         +383  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence of Ugly
Island Creek........................  At the confluence with          None         +354  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rocky River.                                       Stanly County, City of
                                      Approximately 1.1 miles         None         +537  .......................
                                       upstream of Pless Mill
                                       Road (State Road 1136).
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None         +368  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Island Creek.                                      Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 520 feet          None         +412  .......................
                                       downstream of Drye-
                                       Hill Road (State Road

[[Page 50313]]

    Tributary 2.....................  At the confluence with          None         +388  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Island Creek.                                      Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None         +412  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Island
Jacks Branch........................  At the confluence with          None         +252  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rocky River.                                       Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 1.1 miles         None         +281  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Rocky
Jacobs Creek........................  At the confluence with          None         +279  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Pee Dee River (Lake                                Stanly County, City of
                                       Tillery).                                          Albemarle.
                                      Approximately 2.5 miles         None         +379  .......................
                                       upstream of Indian
                                       Mound Road (State Road
Little Bear Creek (North)...........  At the confluence with          None         +470  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Big Bear Creek.                                    Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 450 feet          None         +523  .......................
                                       upstream of NC 73
Little Bear Creek (South)...........  At the confluence with          None         +334  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Long Creek.                                        Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 1.7 miles         None         +524  .......................
                                       upstream of Canton
                                       Road (State Road 1249).
    South Tributary 1...............  At the confluence with          None         +417  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Little Bear Creek                                  Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 600 feet          None         +443  .......................
                                       upstream of NC 24-27
    South Tributary 2...............  At the confluence with          None         +452  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Little Bear Creek                                  Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 1,170             None         +510  .......................
                                       feet upstream of
                                       Canton Road (State
                                       Road 1249).
Little Cedar Creek..................  At the confluence with          None         +226  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rocky River.                                       Stanly County, Town of
                                      Approximately 0.4 mile          None         +266  .......................
                                       upstream of U.S.
                                       Highway 52.
Little Creek (North)................  At the confluence with          None         +444  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Big Bear Creek.                                    Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 1,220             None         +551  .......................
                                       feet upstream of Old
                                       Concord Road (State
                                       Road 1236).
Little Creek (South)................  At the confluence with          None         +302  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Long Creek.                                        Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 900 feet          None         +425  .......................
                                       upstream of Western
                                       Road (State Road 1959).
Little Long Creek...................  Approximately 450 feet          +428         +429  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       downstream of Efird                                Stanly County, City of
                                       Street.                                            Albemarle, Town of New
                                      Approximately 1,480             None         +569  .......................
                                       feet upstream of
Little Meadow Creek.................  Approximately 1.1 miles         None         +551  City of Locust.
                                       downstream of State
                                       Highway 200.
                                      Approximately 1,200             None         +581  .......................
                                       feet downstream of
                                       Mauney Road (State
                                       Road 2625).
Little Mountain Creek...............  At the confluence with          None         +384  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Mountain Creek.                                    Stanly County, Town of
                                      Approximately 1.1 miles         None         +588  .......................
                                       upstream of Barnhardt
                                       Road (State Road 1545).
Long Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None         +284  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rocky River.                                       Stanly County, City of
                                                                                          Albemarle, Town of
                                                                                          Richfield, Village of
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None         +637  .......................
                                       upstream of Matton
                                       Grove Church Road
                                       (State Road 1454).
    Tributary 1.....................  Approximately 500 feet          None         +484  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       upstream of the                                    Stanly County.
                                       confluence with Long
                                      Approximately 1,170             None         +509  .......................
                                       feet upstream of
                                       Pennington Road (State
                                       Road 1401).
    Tributary 2.....................  Approximately 1,500             None         +485  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       feet upstream of the                               Stanly County.
                                       confluence with Long

[[Page 50314]]

                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None         +508  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Long
    Tributary 3.....................  At the confluence with          None         +530  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Long Creek.                                        Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 650 feet          None         +553  .......................
                                       downstream of
                                       Sunnybrook Road.
Meadow Creek........................  At the upstream side of         None         +495  City of Locust.
                                       Reed Mine Road (State
                                       Road 1100).
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None         +511  .......................
                                       upstream of Reed Mine
                                       Road (State Road 1100).
Melchor Branch......................  At the confluence with          +446         +448  City of Albemarle.
                                       Little Long Creek.
                                      Approximately 480 feet          +487         +486  .......................
                                       upstream of North
                                       Sixth Street.
    Tributary 1.....................  Just upstream of Fox            +514         +524  City of Albemarle.
                                       Run Drive.
                                      Approximately 160 feet          None         +557  .......................
                                       upstream of Montgomery
    Tributary 1A....................  At the confluence with          None         +536  City of Albemarle.
                                       Melchor Branch
                                       Tributary 1.
                                      Approximately 550 feet          None         +554  .......................
                                       upstream of Montgomery
Mountain Creek......................  At the confluence with          None         +284  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Pee Dee River.                                     Stanly County, City of
                                      Approximately 60 feet           None         +708  .......................
                                       upstream of State
                                       Highway 740.
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None         +377  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Mountain Creek.                                    Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 300 feet          None         +407  .......................
                                       upstream of Stony Hill
                                       Road (State Road 1729).
Pee Dee River.......................  At the Anson/Montgomery/        None         +220  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Richmond/Stanly County                             Stanly County, Town of
                                       boundary.                                          Norwood.
                                      At the confluence of            None         +287  .......................
                                       Yadkin River and
                                       Uwharrie River.
    Tributary 6.....................  At the confluence with          None         +229  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Pee Dee River.                                     Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 150 feet          None         +264  .......................
                                       upstream of Railroad.
Pole Bridge Creek...................  At the confluence with          None         +477  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Little Bear Creek                                  Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 0.7 mile          None         +570  .......................
                                       upstream of Lambert
                                       Road (State Road 1231).
Poplin Creek........................  At Aquadale Road.......         +428         +429  City of Albemarle.
                                      Approximately 630 feet          None         +501  .......................
                                       upstream of Dr. Martin
                                       Luther King Jr. Drive.
    Tributary 1.....................  Approximately 250 feet          None         +428  City of Albemarle.
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Poplin
                                      Approximately 300 feet          None         +483  .......................
                                       upstream of East North
Pumpkin Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None         +426  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rocky River.                                       Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None         +444  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Rocky
Ramsey Creek........................  At the confluence with          None         +369  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Big Bear Creek.                                    Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 1,270             None         +543  .......................
                                       feet upstream of
                                       Canton Road (State
                                       Road 1249).
Riles Creek.........................  Approximately 500 feet          None         +572  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       upstream of Rowan/                                 Stanly County, Town of
                                       Stanly County boundary.                            Richfield.
                                      Approximately 1.3 miles         None         +590  .......................
                                       upstream of Willie
Rock Creek..........................  At the upstream side of         +429         +430  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rock Creek Park Drive.                             Stanly County, City of
                                      Approximately 1,000             None         +446  .......................
                                       feet upstream of
Rock Hole Branch....................  At the confluence with          None         +458  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rock Hole Creek.                                   Stanly County, Town of
                                      Approximately 2.3 miles         None         +544  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Rock
                                       Hole Creek.

[[Page 50315]]

Rock Hole Creek.....................  At the confluence with          None         +367  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rocky River.                                       Stanly County, Town of
                                      Approximately 480 feet          None         +489  .......................
                                       upstream of Polk Ford
Rocky River.........................  At the confluence with          None         +220  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Pee Dee River.                                     Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          +482         +481  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence of Muddy
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None         +220  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rocky River.                                       Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None         +245  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Rocky
    Tributary 3.....................  At the confluence with          None         +237  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rocky River.                                       Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 710 feet          None         +248  .......................
                                       upstream of Loop Road
                                       (State Road 1982).
    Tributary 8.....................  At the confluence with          None         +350  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Rocky River.                                       Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 0.5 mile          None         +364  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Rocky
Running Creek.......................  At the confluence with          None         +467  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Big Bear Creek.                                    Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 0.8 mile          None         +540  .......................
                                       upstream of Five Point
                                       Road (State Road 1206).
Scaly Bark Creek....................  At the confluence with          None         +384  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Long Creek.                                        Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 0.9 mile          None         +416  .......................
                                       upstream of St. Martin
                                       Road (State Road 1963).
South Ugly Creek....................  At the confluence with          None         +268  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Hardy Creek.                                       Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 1.1 miles         None         +311  .......................
                                       upstream of the
                                       confluence with Hardy
Stony Run...........................  At the confluence with          None         +339  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Big Bear Creek.                                    Stanly County, Town of
                                                                                          Oakboro, Town of Red
                                      Approximately 140 feet          None         +636  .......................
                                       upstream of Running
                                       Creek Church Road
                                       (State Road 1134).
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None         +445  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Stony Run.                                         Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 1,120             None         +469
                                       feet upstream of
                                       Liberty Hill Church
                                       Road (State Road 1115).
Town Creek..........................  At the confluence with          +446         +448  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Little Long Creek.                                 Stanly County, City of
                                                                                          Albemarle, Town of New
                                      Approximately 1,890             None         +530  .......................
                                       feet upstream of
                                       Henderson Road (State
                                       Road 1436).
    Tributary 1.....................  At the confluence with          None         +516  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Town Creek.                                        Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 1,060             None         +546  .......................
                                       feet upstream of
                                       Burris-Burleson Road
                                       (State Road 1437).
Ugly Creek..........................  At the confluence with          None         +380  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Hardy Creek.                                       Stanly County.
                                      Approximately 1,200             None         +407  .......................
                                       feet upstream of South
                                       Stanly School Road
                                       (State Road 1922).
Yadkin River........................  At the confluence with          None         +287  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Pee Dee River and                                  Stanly County, Town of
                                       Uwharrie River.                                    Badin.
                                      Approximately 500 feet          None         +566
                                       downstream of State
                                       Highway 49/8.
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
 Depth in feet above ground
+ North American Vertical Datum
City of Albemarle

Maps are available for inspection at City of Albemarle Engineering Department, 157 North Second Street,
 Albemarle, North Carolina.

[[Page 50316]]

Send comments to The Honorable Elbert Whitley, Mayor of the City of Albemarle, P.O. Box 190, Albemarle, North
 Carolina 28001.
City of Locust

Maps are available for inspection at Locust City Hall, 211 Town Centre, Locust, North Carolina.
Send comments to The Honorable Harold Greene, Mayor of the City of Locust, P.O. Box 190, Locust, North Carolina
Town of Badin

Maps are available for inspection at Badin Town Hall, 36 Falls Road, Badin, North Carolina.
Send comments to The Honorable James L. Harrison, Mayor of the Town of Badin, P.O. Box 707, Badin, North
 Carolina 28009.
Town of Norwood

Maps are available for inspection at Norwood Town Hall, Zoning Department, 116 South Main Street, Norwood, North
Send comments to The Honorable Larry McMahon, Mayor of the Town of Norwood, P.O. Box 697, Norwood, North
 Carolina 28128.
Town of Oakboro

Maps are available for inspection at Oakboro Town Hall, 109A North Main Street, Oakboro, North Carolina.
Send comments to The Honorable Joe Lowder, Mayor of the Town of Oakboro, P.O. Box 610, Oakboro, North Carolina
Town of Red Cross

Maps are available for inspection at Red Cross Town Clerk's Residence, 680 West Red Cross Road, Oakboro, North
Send comments to The Honorable Ray Quick, Mayor of the Town of Red Cross, 231 East Red Cross Road, Oakboro,
 North Carolina 28129.
Town of Richfield

Maps are available for inspection at Richfield Town Hall, 138 Highway 49 North, Richfield, North Carolina.
Send comments to The Honorable Wade Barbee, Mayor of the Town of Richfield, P.O. Box 158, Richfield, North
 Carolina 28137.
Town of Stanfield

Maps are available for inspection at Stanfield Town Hall, 203 West Stanly Street, Stanfield, North Carolina.
Send comments to The Honorable Kevin Barbee, Mayor of the Town of Stanfield, P.O. Box 699, Stanfield, North
 Carolina 28163.
Unincorporated Areas of Stanly County

Maps are available for inspection at Stanly County Planning and Zoning Department, 1000 North First Street,
 Albemarle, North Carolina.
Send comments to Mr. Jerry Myers, Stanly County Manager, 1000 North First Street, Albemarle, North Carolina
Village of Misenheimer

Maps are available for inspection at Misenheimer Town Hall, 48384 U.S. Highway 52 North, Misenheimer, North
Send comments to The Honorable Peter Edquist, Mayor of the Village of Misenheimer, P.O. Box 100, Misenheimer,
 North Carolina 28109.
                               Williamson County, Illinois, and Incorporated Areas
Campground Creek....................  Where Main Street               None         +423  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       crosses over                                       Williamson County.
                                       Campground Creek.
                                      490 feet upstream of            None         +424  .......................
                                       Main Street.
                                      1090 feet upstream of           None         +428  .......................
                                       Edgewood Park.
                                      1160 feet upstream of           None         +428  .......................
                                       Edgewood Park.
Crab Orchard Creek..................  200 feet upstream of            None         +417  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Fosse Road.                                        Williamson County.
                                      Just Downstream of              None         +430  .......................
                                       State Highway 13.
East Fork Campground Creek..........  Where Main Street               None         +423  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       crosses East Fork                                  Williamson County 865
                                       Campground Creek.                                  feet upstream of
                                                                                          Belinda Road.
                                      865 feet upstream of            None         +426  .......................
                                       Belinda Road.
Lake Creek..........................  Where Prosperity Road           None         +402  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       crosses Lake Creek.                                Williamson County.
                                      650 feet upstream of            None         +410  .......................
                                       Newton Avenue.
West Fork Campground Creek..........  Confluence with                 None         +424  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Campground Creek.                                  Williamson County.
                                      25 feet downstream of           None         +424  .......................
                                       Honeysuckle Lane.
West Fork Westernaire Creek.........  Confluence with                 None         +423  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       Westernaire Creek.                                 Williamson County.
                                      700 feet Downstream of          None         +426  .......................
                                       Bainbridge Trail.
Westernaire Creek...................  Where Main Street               None         +421  Unincorporated Areas of
                                       crosses over                                       Williamson County.
                                       Westernaire Creek.
                                      750 feet upstream of            None         +432
                                       DeYoung Street.
* National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
 Depth in feet above ground.
+ North American Vertical Datum.
                                    Unincorporated Areas of Williamson County
Maps are available for inspection at Supervisor of Assessments Office, 200 West Jefferson, Marion, IL 62959.
Send comments to The Honorable Brent Gentry, County Board Chairman, Williamson County Courthouse, 200 West
 Jefferson, Marion, IL 62959.

[[Page 50317]]

(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 97.022, ``Flood 

    Dated: August 21, 2007.
David I. Maurstad,
Federal Insurance Administrator of the National Flood Insurance 
Program, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management 
 [FR Doc. E7-17346 Filed 8-30-07; 8:45 am]