[Federal Register: July 12, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 133)]
[Page 38100-38101]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



National Park Service

Availability of Funding for Acquisition of Civil War Battlefield 

AGENCY: National Park Service, Department of the Interior.

ACTION: Availability of Funding for Acquisition of Civil War 
Battlefield Land.


SUMMARY: The National Park Service (NPS) announces the availability of 
funds to assist States and local communities in acquiring for permanent 
protection lands, or interests in lands, at significant Civil War 
battlefield sites.

[[Page 38101]]

    Under Public Law (Pub. L.) 110-5, making appropriations to the 
Department of Interior in FY 2007, Congress appropriated $4 million 
from the Land & Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) to assist non-federal 
efforts to acquire and preserve Civil War battlefield lands. NPS seeks 
proposals from State and local governments--or from qualified non-
profit historic preservation organizations acting through an agency of 
State or local government--for the non-federal acquisition of 
significant Civil War battlefield land.
    Project proposals are subject to the following requirements.
    1. These funds must be matched on a dollar-for-dollar basis with 
non-federal dollars. That is, the federal dollars can pay for no more 
than one-half of the acquisition cost.
    2. The purchase price must be supported by a qualified appraisal 
that has been approved by NPS as meeting the Uniform Appraisal 
Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions.
    3. The battlefield land acquired with the assistance of these funds 
must be permanently protected from inappropriate development through 
conveyance of a perpetual easement to a public historic preservation 
    NPS will give priority to acquisition of land, or interests in 
land, within the ``core'' areas of Priority I and Priority II 
battlefields, as identified by the Congressionally-chartered Civil War 
Sites Advisory Commission (CWSAC). Among potential projects, NPS will 
give highest priority to acquisition projects that can be completed 
within the immediate future.
    Proposals may be submitted at any time, and must include:
(1) CWSAC Priority Listing and Map
    The applicant must include the CWSAC priority listing and document 
that the proposed acquisition lies within the battlefield core and/or 
study area, as defined by the CWSAC. Applicants must submit a U.S. 
Geological Survey quadrangle map with the boundaries of the proposed 
acquisition clearly drawn.
(2) Threat to the Battlefield
    The applicant must demonstrate that the battlefield is imminently 
threatened. The nature, the extent, and the level of severity of the 
threat to the battlefield must be clearly and convincingly stated. 
Further, the applicant must describe how and to what extent the 
proposed acquisition addresses the described threat. In cases where 
there is minimal threat, applications will be considered if there is a 
stated compelling reason why the acquisition of the property at this 
time is a better use of LWCF funds than waiting for a more threatened 
(3) Ability To Secure Non-Federal Match
    An applicant that has secured matching funds must list all sources 
of those funds. The applicant must certify that the non-federal 
matching funds are either ``in-hand'' or otherwise committed in writing 
at the time of application. Third-party matching share commitments must 
be documented by letter from the third party. Matching share 
commitments contingent upon receipt of federal funds from this program 
are acceptable.
    An applicant that has not yet secured matching funds must submit a 
specific, credible plan for raising the necessary matching funds. The 
plan must identify potential sources of funds. It must include a 
proposed schedule, usually not more than 120 days, for securing funds 
or commitments of funds.
(4) Immediacy of Acquisition
    The applicant must demonstrate that the owner of the property to be 
acquired is willing to sell the land at an agreed-upon price. 
Acceptable documentation includes a contract or contingent contract to 
buy the land, or a letter from the owner indicating willingness to 
enter into such a contract at a specified price. The applicant should 
include a schedule for completion of the acquisition within the near 

ADDRESSES: Funding proposals should be mailed to: Paul Hawke, Chief, 
American Battlefield Protection Program, National Park Service, 1849 C 
Street, NW., Org. Code 2255, Washington, DC 20240, telephone (202) 354-

Battlefield Protection Program, National Park Service, 1849 C Street, 
NW., Org Code 2255, Washington, DC 20240, telephone (202) 354-2023.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Guidelines and submittal instructions may be 
found at the American Battlefield Protection Program Web site: http://www.cr.nps.gov/hps/abpp/index2.htm

    Dated: May 2, 2007.
Paul Hawke,
Chief, American Battlefield Protection Program.
 [FR Doc. E7-13527 Filed 7-11-07; 8:45 am]