CGAP       the Cancer Genome Anatomy Project

CGAP GO Browser

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 biological_process [Hs:722] [Mm:1565]
 biological adhesion [Hs:737] [Mm:604]
 biological regulation [Hs:7830] [Mm:7162]
 cell killing [Hs:13] [Mm:9]
 cellular process [Hs:12577] [Mm:11687]
 absorption of light
 cell activation [Hs:184] [Mm:219]
 cell adhesion [Hs:737] [Mm:604]
 cell aging [Hs:17] [Mm:25]
 cell communication [Hs:4035] [Mm:3901]
 cell competition in a multicellular organism
 cell cycle [Hs:760] [Mm:644]
 cell cycle process [Hs:480] [Mm:361]
 cell death [Hs:564] [Mm:505]
 cell development [Hs:462] [Mm:753]
 cell division [Hs:254] [Mm:274]
 cell fate commitment [Hs:82] [Mm:150]
 cell fate determination [Hs:35] [Mm:27]
 cell fate specification [Hs:14] [Mm:35]
 cell growth [Hs:40] [Mm:21]
 cell maturation [Hs:40] [Mm:76]
 cell motion [Hs:396] [Mm:344]
 cell proliferation [Hs:387] [Mm:244]
 cell recognition [Hs:44] [Mm:47]
 cellular component organization [Hs:1944] [Mm:1816]
 cellular developmental process [Hs:1215] [Mm:1578]
 cellular homeostasis [Hs:337] [Mm:300]
 cellular localization [Hs:1089] [Mm:858]
 cellular macromolecular complex subunit organization [Hs:472] [Mm:315]
 cellular metabolic process [Hs:7469] [Mm:6390]
 bioluminescence [Hs:5]
 cell wall metabolic process [Hs:17] [Mm:16]
 cellular alcohol metabolic process [Hs:341] [Mm:299]
 cellular aldehyde metabolic process [Hs:17] [Mm:15]
 cellular alkane metabolic process
 cellular alkene metabolic process [Hs:23] [Mm:18]
 cellular alkyne metabolic process
 cellular amino acid and derivative metabolic process [Hs:333] [Mm:289]
 cellular aromatic compound metabolic process [Hs:141] [Mm:115]
 cellular biosynthetic process [Hs:3469] [Mm:3002]
 RNA biosynthetic process [Hs:348] [Mm:104]
 alcohol biosynthetic process [Hs:34] [Mm:30]
 aldehyde biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 alkane biosynthetic process
 alkene biosynthetic process [Hs:19] [Mm:15]
 amino acid derivative biosynthetic process [Hs:31] [Mm:28]
 antibiotic biosynthetic process [Hs:5] [Mm:3]
 aromatic compound biosynthetic process [Hs:13] [Mm:13]
 cellular carbohydrate biosynthetic process [Hs:96] [Mm:70]
 cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process [Hs:2882] [Mm:2467]
 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2292]
 DNA replication [Hs:221] [Mm:151]
 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:20]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 cytokine biosynthetic process [Hs:13] [Mm:14]
 ferredoxin biosynthetic process
 glycoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:146] [Mm:104]
 hemoglobin biosynthetic process [Hs:4] [Mm:5]
 lipoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:55] [Mm:61]
 cocaine biosynthetic process
 cofactor biosynthetic process [Hs:86] [Mm:78]
 depsipeptide biosynthetic process
 glycerol ether biosynthetic process [Hs:9] [Mm:9]
 heterocycle biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 hormone biosynthetic process [Hs:38] [Mm:36]
 hydrogen peroxide biosynthetic process [Hs:3] [Mm:4]
 indole biosynthetic process
 indole derivative biosynthetic process [Hs:4] [Mm:2]
 isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthetic process
 ketone biosynthetic process
 ketone body biosynthetic process
 membrane lipid biosynthetic process [Hs:114] [Mm:98]
 mucilage biosynthetic process
 neurotransmitter biosynthetic process [Hs:14] [Mm:14]
 nitrogen compound biosynthetic process [Hs:101] [Mm:96]
 nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process [Hs:15] [Mm:8]
 nucleotide-sugar biosynthetic process [Hs:6] [Mm:1]
 one-carbon compound biosynthetic process
 organic acid biosynthetic process [Hs:80] [Mm:83]
 organomercury biosynthetic process
 peptide biosynthetic process [Hs:8] [Mm:3]
 phaseic acid biosynthetic process
 pheromone biosynthetic process
 phosphonate biosynthetic process
 phytoalexin biosynthetic process
 pigment biosynthetic process [Hs:36] [Mm:30]
 polyphosphate biosynthetic process
 prosthetic group biosynthetic process
 steroid metabolic process [Hs:187] [Mm:156]
 sulfur compound biosynthetic process [Hs:49] [Mm:38]
 toxin biosynthetic process
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 vitamin biosynthetic process [Hs:21] [Mm:19]
 cellular carbohydrate metabolic process [Hs:323] [Mm:261]
 cellular catabolic process [Hs:742] [Mm:561]
 cellular hormone metabolic process
 cellular ketone body metabolic process [Hs:2] [Mm:2]
 cellular ketone metabolic process [Mm:2]
 cellular lipid metabolic process [Hs:656] [Mm:585]
 cellular macromolecule metabolic process [Hs:6030] [Mm:5160]
 cellular biopolymer metabolic process [Hs:3467] [Mm:2938]
 DNA metabolic process [Hs:506] [Mm:388]
 RNA metabolic process [Hs:1007] [Mm:634]
 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2292]
 DNA replication [Hs:221] [Mm:151]
 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:20]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 cellular biopolymer catabolic process
 cellular polysaccharide metabolic process [Hs:66] [Mm:58]
 cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process [Hs:2882] [Mm:2467]
 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2292]
 DNA replication [Hs:221] [Mm:151]
 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:20]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 cytokine biosynthetic process [Hs:13] [Mm:14]
 ferredoxin biosynthetic process
 glycoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:146] [Mm:104]
 hemoglobin biosynthetic process [Hs:4] [Mm:5]
 lipoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:55] [Mm:61]
 cellular macromolecule catabolic process [Hs:455] [Mm:299]
 cellular protein metabolic process [Hs:3201] [Mm:2721]
 cellular protein catabolic process [Hs:236] [Mm:162]
 ferredoxin metabolic process
 integrin activation
 photosystem II repair
 prosthetic group metabolic process
 protein folding [Hs:262] [Mm:221]
 protein maturation [Hs:23] [Mm:22]
 protein modification process [Hs:1756] [Mm:1525]
 protein repair [Hs:4] [Mm:3]
 protein unfolding
 proteoglycan metabolic process [Hs:33] [Mm:23]
 proteolysis [Hs:819] [Mm:676]
 regulation of protein stability [Hs:28] [Mm:16]
 rhodopsin metabolic process
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 cytokine metabolic process [Hs:14] [Mm:15]
 glycoprotein metabolic process [Hs:174] [Mm:117]
 hemoglobin metabolic process [Hs:5] [Mm:8]
 lipoprotein metabolic process [Hs:80] [Mm:71]
 cellular metabolic compound salvage [Hs:9] [Mm:6]
 cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process [Hs:399] [Mm:336]
 cofactor metabolic process [Hs:176] [Mm:170]
 depsipeptide metabolic process
 drug metabolic process [Hs:8] [Mm:7]
 generation of precursor metabolites and energy [Hs:303] [Mm:210]
 glycerol ether metabolic process [Hs:34] [Mm:37]
 heterocycle metabolic process [Hs:83] [Mm:76]
 isopentenyl diphosphate metabolic process
 mucilage metabolic process
 neurotransmitter metabolic process [Hs:30] [Mm:36]
 nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolic process [Hs:3264] [Mm:2798]
 one-carbon compound metabolic process [Hs:91] [Mm:108]
 organic acid metabolic process [Hs:553] [Mm:482]
 organometal metabolic process
 oxygen and reactive oxygen species metabolic process [Hs:56] [Mm:43]
 peptide metabolic process [Hs:23] [Mm:12]
 pheromone metabolic process
 phosphorus metabolic process [Hs:991] [Mm:926]
 phytoalexin metabolic process
 pigment metabolic process [Hs:40] [Mm:37]
 prosthetic group metabolic process
 silicate metabolic process
 sulfur metabolic process [Hs:92] [Mm:76]
 toxin metabolic process [Hs:1] [Mm:4]
 vitamin metabolic process [Hs:75] [Mm:72]
 xenobiotic metabolic process [Hs:33] [Mm:15]
 cellular pigment accumulation [Hs:2] [Mm:1]
 cellular pigmentation [Hs:6] [Mm:13]
 cellular response to stimulus [Hs:385] [Mm:293]
 chromosome segregation [Hs:65] [Mm:57]
 contact inhibition
 cytokinetic process [Hs:3] [Mm:1]
 ensheathment of neurons [Hs:30] [Mm:39]
 establishment or maintenance of cell polarity [Hs:37] [Mm:29]
 gene expression [Hs:2968] [Mm:2559]
 RNA processing [Hs:568] [Mm:434]
 protein maturation [Hs:23] [Mm:22]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 generation of a signal involved in cell-cell signaling [Hs:49] [Mm:76]
 host cellular processes involved in virus induced gene silencing
 intracellular defense response
 membrane docking [Hs:32] [Mm:17]
 nurse cell nucleus anchoring
 plasmid maintenance
 pollen germination
 reproductive cellular process
 stomatal movement
 syncytium formation [Hs:3] [Mm:9]
 transmembrane transport [Hs:70] [Mm:49]
 transposition [Hs:7] [Mm:1]
 vesicle-mediated transport [Hs:522] [Mm:458]
 developmental process [Hs:3122] [Mm:3072]
 establishment of localization [Hs:2970] [Mm:2675]
 growth [Hs:96] [Mm:138]
 immune system process [Hs:847] [Mm:723]
 localization [Hs:3362] [Mm:3006]
 locomotion [Hs:314] [Mm:322]
 macromolecular complex subunit organization [Hs:678] [Mm:385]
 metabolic process [Hs:8068] [Mm:7036]
 biosynthetic process [Hs:3534] [Mm:3069]
 L-methylmalonyl-CoA biosynthetic process
 carbohydrate biosynthetic process [Hs:114] [Mm:92]
 cellular biosynthetic process [Hs:3469] [Mm:3002]
 RNA biosynthetic process [Hs:348] [Mm:104]
 alcohol biosynthetic process [Hs:34] [Mm:30]
 aldehyde biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 alkane biosynthetic process
 alkene biosynthetic process [Hs:19] [Mm:15]
 amino acid derivative biosynthetic process [Hs:31] [Mm:28]
 antibiotic biosynthetic process [Hs:5] [Mm:3]
 aromatic compound biosynthetic process [Hs:13] [Mm:13]
 cellular carbohydrate biosynthetic process [Hs:96] [Mm:70]
 cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process [Hs:2882] [Mm:2467]
 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2292]
 DNA replication [Hs:221] [Mm:151]
 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:20]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 cytokine biosynthetic process [Hs:13] [Mm:14]
 ferredoxin biosynthetic process
 glycoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:146] [Mm:104]
 hemoglobin biosynthetic process [Hs:4] [Mm:5]
 lipoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:55] [Mm:61]
 cocaine biosynthetic process
 cofactor biosynthetic process [Hs:86] [Mm:78]
 depsipeptide biosynthetic process
 glycerol ether biosynthetic process [Hs:9] [Mm:9]
 heterocycle biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 hormone biosynthetic process [Hs:38] [Mm:36]
 hydrogen peroxide biosynthetic process [Hs:3] [Mm:4]
 indole biosynthetic process
 indole derivative biosynthetic process [Hs:4] [Mm:2]
 isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthetic process
 ketone biosynthetic process
 ketone body biosynthetic process
 membrane lipid biosynthetic process [Hs:114] [Mm:98]
 mucilage biosynthetic process
 neurotransmitter biosynthetic process [Hs:14] [Mm:14]
 nitrogen compound biosynthetic process [Hs:101] [Mm:96]
 nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process [Hs:15] [Mm:8]
 nucleotide-sugar biosynthetic process [Hs:6] [Mm:1]
 one-carbon compound biosynthetic process
 organic acid biosynthetic process [Hs:80] [Mm:83]
 organomercury biosynthetic process
 peptide biosynthetic process [Hs:8] [Mm:3]
 phaseic acid biosynthetic process
 pheromone biosynthetic process
 phosphonate biosynthetic process
 phytoalexin biosynthetic process
 pigment biosynthetic process [Hs:36] [Mm:30]
 polyphosphate biosynthetic process
 prosthetic group biosynthetic process
 steroid metabolic process [Hs:187] [Mm:156]
 sulfur compound biosynthetic process [Hs:49] [Mm:38]
 toxin biosynthetic process
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 vitamin biosynthetic process [Hs:21] [Mm:19]
 cuticle hydrocarbon biosynthetic process
 lipid biosynthetic process [Hs:304] [Mm:278]
 macromolecule biosynthetic process [Hs:2888] [Mm:2471]
 MHC class I biosynthetic process
 MHC class II biosynthetic process
 S100 alpha biosynthetic process
 S100 beta biosynthetic process
 TRAIL receptor biosynthetic process
 acyl-carrier-protein biosynthetic process
 biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2293]
 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2292]
 DNA replication [Hs:221] [Mm:151]
 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:20]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) biosynthetic process
 polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:21]
 biotin carboxyl carrier protein biosynthetic process
 cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process [Hs:2882] [Mm:2467]
 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2292]
 DNA replication [Hs:221] [Mm:151]
 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:20]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 cytokine biosynthetic process [Hs:13] [Mm:14]
 ferredoxin biosynthetic process
 glycoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:146] [Mm:104]
 hemoglobin biosynthetic process [Hs:4] [Mm:5]
 lipoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:55] [Mm:61]
 glutaredoxin biosynthetic process
 holo-[acyl-carrier-protein] biosynthetic process
 immunoglobulin biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 integrin biosynthetic process
 nitric-oxide synthase 2 biosynthetic process
 nitric-oxide synthase biosynthetic process
 prosthetic group biosynthetic process
 receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:5] [Mm:2]
 thioredoxin biosynthetic process
 thymidylate synthase biosynthetic process
 viral protein biosynthetic process
 multicellular organismal biosynthetic process
 peptidyl-dehydroalanine biosynthetic process from peptidyl-tyrosine or peptidyl-serine
 peptidyl-diphthamide biosynthetic process from peptidyl-histidine [Hs:2] [Mm:1]
 peptidyl-diphthine biosynthetic process from peptidyl-histidine
 peptidyl-thyronine biosynthetic process from peptidyl-tyrosine
 carbon utilization [Hs:4] [Mm:1]
 catabolic process [Hs:874] [Mm:689]
 cellular metabolic process [Hs:7469] [Mm:6390]
 bioluminescence [Hs:5]
 cell wall metabolic process [Hs:17] [Mm:16]
 cellular alcohol metabolic process [Hs:341] [Mm:299]
 cellular aldehyde metabolic process [Hs:17] [Mm:15]
 cellular alkane metabolic process
 cellular alkene metabolic process [Hs:23] [Mm:18]
 cellular alkyne metabolic process
 cellular amino acid and derivative metabolic process [Hs:333] [Mm:289]
 cellular aromatic compound metabolic process [Hs:141] [Mm:115]
 cellular biosynthetic process [Hs:3469] [Mm:3002]
 RNA biosynthetic process [Hs:348] [Mm:104]
 alcohol biosynthetic process [Hs:34] [Mm:30]
 aldehyde biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 alkane biosynthetic process
 alkene biosynthetic process [Hs:19] [Mm:15]
 amino acid derivative biosynthetic process [Hs:31] [Mm:28]
 antibiotic biosynthetic process [Hs:5] [Mm:3]
 aromatic compound biosynthetic process [Hs:13] [Mm:13]
 cellular carbohydrate biosynthetic process [Hs:96] [Mm:70]
 cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process [Hs:2882] [Mm:2467]
 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2292]
 DNA replication [Hs:221] [Mm:151]
 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:20]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 cytokine biosynthetic process [Hs:13] [Mm:14]
 ferredoxin biosynthetic process
 glycoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:146] [Mm:104]
 hemoglobin biosynthetic process [Hs:4] [Mm:5]
 lipoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:55] [Mm:61]
 cocaine biosynthetic process
 cofactor biosynthetic process [Hs:86] [Mm:78]
 depsipeptide biosynthetic process
 glycerol ether biosynthetic process [Hs:9] [Mm:9]
 heterocycle biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 hormone biosynthetic process [Hs:38] [Mm:36]
 hydrogen peroxide biosynthetic process [Hs:3] [Mm:4]
 indole biosynthetic process
 indole derivative biosynthetic process [Hs:4] [Mm:2]
 isopentenyl diphosphate biosynthetic process
 ketone biosynthetic process
 ketone body biosynthetic process
 membrane lipid biosynthetic process [Hs:114] [Mm:98]
 mucilage biosynthetic process
 neurotransmitter biosynthetic process [Hs:14] [Mm:14]
 nitrogen compound biosynthetic process [Hs:101] [Mm:96]
 nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid biosynthetic process [Hs:15] [Mm:8]
 nucleotide-sugar biosynthetic process [Hs:6] [Mm:1]
 one-carbon compound biosynthetic process
 organic acid biosynthetic process [Hs:80] [Mm:83]
 organomercury biosynthetic process
 peptide biosynthetic process [Hs:8] [Mm:3]
 phaseic acid biosynthetic process
 pheromone biosynthetic process
 phosphonate biosynthetic process
 phytoalexin biosynthetic process
 pigment biosynthetic process [Hs:36] [Mm:30]
 polyphosphate biosynthetic process
 prosthetic group biosynthetic process
 steroid metabolic process [Hs:187] [Mm:156]
 sulfur compound biosynthetic process [Hs:49] [Mm:38]
 toxin biosynthetic process
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 vitamin biosynthetic process [Hs:21] [Mm:19]
 cellular carbohydrate metabolic process [Hs:323] [Mm:261]
 cellular catabolic process [Hs:742] [Mm:561]
 cellular hormone metabolic process
 cellular ketone body metabolic process [Hs:2] [Mm:2]
 cellular ketone metabolic process [Mm:2]
 cellular lipid metabolic process [Hs:656] [Mm:585]
 cellular macromolecule metabolic process [Hs:6030] [Mm:5160]
 cellular biopolymer metabolic process [Hs:3467] [Mm:2938]
 DNA metabolic process [Hs:506] [Mm:388]
 RNA metabolic process [Hs:1007] [Mm:634]
 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2292]
 DNA replication [Hs:221] [Mm:151]
 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:20]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 cellular biopolymer catabolic process
 cellular polysaccharide metabolic process [Hs:66] [Mm:58]
 cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process [Hs:2882] [Mm:2467]
 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2292]
 DNA replication [Hs:221] [Mm:151]
 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:20]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 cytokine biosynthetic process [Hs:13] [Mm:14]
 ferredoxin biosynthetic process
 glycoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:146] [Mm:104]
 hemoglobin biosynthetic process [Hs:4] [Mm:5]
 lipoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:55] [Mm:61]
 cellular macromolecule catabolic process [Hs:455] [Mm:299]
 cellular protein metabolic process [Hs:3201] [Mm:2721]
 cellular protein catabolic process [Hs:236] [Mm:162]
 ferredoxin metabolic process
 integrin activation
 photosystem II repair
 prosthetic group metabolic process
 protein folding [Hs:262] [Mm:221]
 protein maturation [Hs:23] [Mm:22]
 protein modification process [Hs:1756] [Mm:1525]
 protein repair [Hs:4] [Mm:3]
 protein unfolding
 proteoglycan metabolic process [Hs:33] [Mm:23]
 proteolysis [Hs:819] [Mm:676]
 regulation of protein stability [Hs:28] [Mm:16]
 rhodopsin metabolic process
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 cytokine metabolic process [Hs:14] [Mm:15]
 glycoprotein metabolic process [Hs:174] [Mm:117]
 hemoglobin metabolic process [Hs:5] [Mm:8]
 lipoprotein metabolic process [Hs:80] [Mm:71]
 cellular metabolic compound salvage [Hs:9] [Mm:6]
 cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process [Hs:399] [Mm:336]
 cofactor metabolic process [Hs:176] [Mm:170]
 depsipeptide metabolic process
 drug metabolic process [Hs:8] [Mm:7]
 generation of precursor metabolites and energy [Hs:303] [Mm:210]
 glycerol ether metabolic process [Hs:34] [Mm:37]
 heterocycle metabolic process [Hs:83] [Mm:76]
 isopentenyl diphosphate metabolic process
 mucilage metabolic process
 neurotransmitter metabolic process [Hs:30] [Mm:36]
 nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolic process [Hs:3264] [Mm:2798]
 one-carbon compound metabolic process [Hs:91] [Mm:108]
 organic acid metabolic process [Hs:553] [Mm:482]
 organometal metabolic process
 oxygen and reactive oxygen species metabolic process [Hs:56] [Mm:43]
 peptide metabolic process [Hs:23] [Mm:12]
 pheromone metabolic process
 phosphorus metabolic process [Hs:991] [Mm:926]
 phytoalexin metabolic process
 pigment metabolic process [Hs:40] [Mm:37]
 prosthetic group metabolic process
 silicate metabolic process
 sulfur metabolic process [Hs:92] [Mm:76]
 toxin metabolic process [Hs:1] [Mm:4]
 vitamin metabolic process [Hs:75] [Mm:72]
 xenobiotic metabolic process [Hs:33] [Mm:15]
 hormone metabolic process [Hs:90] [Mm:97]
 macromolecule metabolic process [Hs:6117] [Mm:5247]
 biopolymer metabolic process [Hs:5206] [Mm:4418]
 biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2293]
 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2292]
 DNA replication [Hs:221] [Mm:151]
 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:20]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) biosynthetic process
 polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:21]
 biopolymer catabolic process [Hs:408] [Mm:272]
 biopolymer modification [Hs:1822] [Mm:1575]
 cellular biopolymer metabolic process [Hs:3467] [Mm:2938]
 DNA metabolic process [Hs:506] [Mm:388]
 RNA metabolic process [Hs:1007] [Mm:634]
 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2292]
 DNA replication [Hs:221] [Mm:151]
 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:20]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 cellular biopolymer catabolic process
 cellular polysaccharide metabolic process [Hs:66] [Mm:58]
 poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) metabolic process
 polysaccharide metabolic process [Hs:68] [Mm:58]
 cellular macromolecule metabolic process [Hs:6030] [Mm:5160]
 cellular biopolymer metabolic process [Hs:3467] [Mm:2938]
 DNA metabolic process [Hs:506] [Mm:388]
 RNA metabolic process [Hs:1007] [Mm:634]
 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2292]
 DNA replication [Hs:221] [Mm:151]
 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:20]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 cellular biopolymer catabolic process
 cellular polysaccharide metabolic process [Hs:66] [Mm:58]
 cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process [Hs:2882] [Mm:2467]
 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2292]
 DNA replication [Hs:221] [Mm:151]
 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:20]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 cytokine biosynthetic process [Hs:13] [Mm:14]
 ferredoxin biosynthetic process
 glycoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:146] [Mm:104]
 hemoglobin biosynthetic process [Hs:4] [Mm:5]
 lipoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:55] [Mm:61]
 cellular macromolecule catabolic process [Hs:455] [Mm:299]
 cellular protein metabolic process [Hs:3201] [Mm:2721]
 cellular protein catabolic process [Hs:236] [Mm:162]
 ferredoxin metabolic process
 integrin activation
 photosystem II repair
 prosthetic group metabolic process
 protein folding [Hs:262] [Mm:221]
 protein maturation [Hs:23] [Mm:22]
 protein modification process [Hs:1756] [Mm:1525]
 protein repair [Hs:4] [Mm:3]
 protein unfolding
 proteoglycan metabolic process [Hs:33] [Mm:23]
 proteolysis [Hs:819] [Mm:676]
 regulation of protein stability [Hs:28] [Mm:16]
 rhodopsin metabolic process
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 cytokine metabolic process [Hs:14] [Mm:15]
 glycoprotein metabolic process [Hs:174] [Mm:117]
 hemoglobin metabolic process [Hs:5] [Mm:8]
 lipoprotein metabolic process [Hs:80] [Mm:71]
 lipid modification [Hs:69] [Mm:55]
 macromolecule biosynthetic process [Hs:2888] [Mm:2471]
 MHC class I biosynthetic process
 MHC class II biosynthetic process
 S100 alpha biosynthetic process
 S100 beta biosynthetic process
 TRAIL receptor biosynthetic process
 acyl-carrier-protein biosynthetic process
 biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2293]
 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2292]
 DNA replication [Hs:221] [Mm:151]
 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:20]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) biosynthetic process
 polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:21]
 biotin carboxyl carrier protein biosynthetic process
 cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process [Hs:2882] [Mm:2467]
 cellular biopolymer biosynthetic process [Hs:2674] [Mm:2292]
 DNA replication [Hs:221] [Mm:151]
 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process [Hs:30] [Mm:20]
 transcription [Hs:1962] [Mm:1765]
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 cytokine biosynthetic process [Hs:13] [Mm:14]
 ferredoxin biosynthetic process
 glycoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:146] [Mm:104]
 hemoglobin biosynthetic process [Hs:4] [Mm:5]
 lipoprotein biosynthetic process [Hs:55] [Mm:61]
 glutaredoxin biosynthetic process
 holo-[acyl-carrier-protein] biosynthetic process
 immunoglobulin biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 integrin biosynthetic process
 nitric-oxide synthase 2 biosynthetic process
 nitric-oxide synthase biosynthetic process
 prosthetic group biosynthetic process
 receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:5] [Mm:2]
 thioredoxin biosynthetic process
 thymidylate synthase biosynthetic process
 viral protein biosynthetic process
 macromolecule catabolic process [Hs:501] [Mm:347]
 multicellular organismal macromolecule metabolic process [Hs:21] [Mm:19]
 protein metabolic process [Hs:3235] [Mm:2754]
 cellular protein metabolic process [Hs:3201] [Mm:2721]
 cellular protein catabolic process [Hs:236] [Mm:162]
 ferredoxin metabolic process
 integrin activation
 photosystem II repair
 prosthetic group metabolic process
 protein folding [Hs:262] [Mm:221]
 protein maturation [Hs:23] [Mm:22]
 protein modification process [Hs:1756] [Mm:1525]
 protein repair [Hs:4] [Mm:3]
 protein unfolding
 proteoglycan metabolic process [Hs:33] [Mm:23]
 proteolysis [Hs:819] [Mm:676]
 regulation of protein stability [Hs:28] [Mm:16]
 rhodopsin metabolic process
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 collagen metabolic process [Hs:26] [Mm:22]
 multicellular organismal protein metabolic process [Hs:21] [Mm:19]
 protein catabolic process [Hs:283] [Mm:209]
 receptor metabolic process [Hs:12] [Mm:27]
 multicellular organismal metabolic process [Hs:24] [Mm:20]
 nitrogen compound metabolic process [Hs:410] [Mm:343]
 oxidation reduction [Hs:584] [Mm:618]
 primary metabolic process [Hs:7289] [Mm:6235]
 carbohydrate metabolic process [Hs:540] [Mm:422]
 cellular amino acid and derivative metabolic process [Hs:333] [Mm:289]
 lipid metabolic process [Hs:787] [Mm:678]
 nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolic process [Hs:3264] [Mm:2798]
 protein metabolic process [Hs:3235] [Mm:2754]
 cellular protein metabolic process [Hs:3201] [Mm:2721]
 cellular protein catabolic process [Hs:236] [Mm:162]
 ferredoxin metabolic process
 integrin activation
 photosystem II repair
 prosthetic group metabolic process
 protein folding [Hs:262] [Mm:221]
 protein maturation [Hs:23] [Mm:22]
 protein modification process [Hs:1756] [Mm:1525]
 protein repair [Hs:4] [Mm:3]
 protein unfolding
 proteoglycan metabolic process [Hs:33] [Mm:23]
 proteolysis [Hs:819] [Mm:676]
 regulation of protein stability [Hs:28] [Mm:16]
 rhodopsin metabolic process
 translation [Hs:507] [Mm:394]
 collagen biosynthetic process [Hs:2]
 low-density lipoprotein receptor biosynthetic process [Hs:1]
 mitochondrial translation
 plastid translation
 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation [Hs:58] [Mm:58]
 translational elongation [Hs:149] [Mm:27]
 translational initiation [Hs:33] [Mm:34]
 translational termination [Hs:4] [Mm:6]
 collagen metabolic process [Hs:26] [Mm:22]
 multicellular organismal protein metabolic process [Hs:21] [Mm:19]
 protein catabolic process [Hs:283] [Mm:209]
 respiratory burst [Hs:7] [Mm:2]
 secondary metabolic process [Hs:25] [Mm:36]
 multi-organism process [Hs:562] [Mm:278]
 multicellular organismal process [Hs:3697] [Mm:4205]
 pigmentation [Hs:31] [Mm:56]
 reproduction [Hs:582] [Mm:530]
 reproductive process [Hs:313] [Mm:263]
 response to stimulus [Hs:2853] [Mm:2053]
 rhythmic process [Hs:75] [Mm:85]
 viral reproduction [Hs:63] [Mm:10]
 cellular_component [Hs:760] [Mm:1494]
 molecular_function [Hs:688] [Mm:1482]