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NONROAD2005 Model: Update Notes & Installation Instructions


I. Overview

This note contains this overview section, a section for installation of model files from the ZIP file distribution (such as a web download), a section for users who are installing from a CD, and a section on finishing touches for all users.

This release and the very limited documentation presented here are intended for users already familiar with an earlier release of the draft NONROAD model. For information about additional documentation please see the accompanying ReadMe file at: www.epa.gov/otaq/models/nonrdmdl/nonrdmdl2005/readme.htm.

NONROAD2005 is a final release of the DRAFT EPA NONROAD model, which was first released in June 1998. There were updated versions of some of the model files in July and October of 1998, April 1999, June 2000, June 2003, and April 2004, which were posted on the NONROAD web site. Various technical reports documenting the model inputs have also been distributed via the web site at various times since June 1998.

An updated set of technical reports is being provided on the NONROAD model web page along with this version of the model.

This December 2005 release contains substantial updates and enhancements to the model, including especially:

II. Installation from ZIP'd (compressed) Files (web)


Due to the addition of new evaporative pollutants and a new file structure in general, any model output data files from previous versions of the model are no longer compatible with the new Reporting Utility (RU). If you wish to maintain access to that data, you have a couple of choices:

1) Generate any desired reports from your current reporting utility. Print them out and/or export them from the RU to Excel spreadsheet format.

2) Alternatively, you may prefer to retain your old Reporting Utility (reports.mdb) and its data file (nrdata.mdb) AND THE ENTIRE PREVIOUS NONROAD\REPORTS DIRECTORY, since the actual database software has now been changed from Microsoft Access 2.0 (95) to MS-Access 2002 (XP), which can no longer process the reports.mdb files from draft NONROAD2004 and earlier versions of NONROAD. To save the prior reporting utility, you will need to put it into a new directory, separate from the nonroad\reports\ directory where the new reporting utility files will reside. This must be done BEFORE installation of the new reporting utility, or you risk losing all of your prior data.

The new Reporting Utility files specific to this release are: reports.mdb and nrdata.mdb. And two additional postprocessing tools are provided for those who may need to do model runs for a number of years (e.g., 2005-2020) and import the outputs from all of them into a single database:

nr05.mdb (multi-year postprocessor for .OUT files)

bmy05.mdb (multi-year postprocessor for by-model-year .BMX and .BMV files)

UnZIPing files:

All the model files are contained in ZIP'd (compressed) files. You can uncompress and install these new files using an unZIP utility of your choice, such as the unZIP capability built into Windows XP, or an external utility such as WINZIP or PKUNZIP. Be sure to set the unZIP options to include the folder names when extracting the files. If using PKUNZIP from the DOS prompt, the options you should specify are:

-d (restore directory structure stored in ZIP file), and
-o (overwrite previously existing files)

For example, the DOS command to unZIP the new NONROAD nr2005.zip file would be:

pkunzip -do nr2005.zip

NOTE: For Users With a Prior Installation of NONROAD:

If you wish to save your complete prior version of the model to maintain the ability to use it instead of the new version when desired, one possible approach is to simply rename your existing c:\nonroad directory to something else, such as c:\nr2004 depending on what prior version you have. Then create a new c:\nonroad directory into which you can install this new version. Later, anytime you want to run the old version, you would temporarily rename the directories, e.g., first rename c:\nonroad to c:\nr2005 and then rename the old c:\nr2004 to c:\nonroad. Then when ready to switch back to the new version, rename c:\nonroad to c:\nr2004 and rename c:\nr2005 to c:\nonroad.

In any case, before installing this new version of NONROAD on your computer, be sure to check the warnings above about saving any desired files from previous modeling runs. Since everything about NONROAD2005 is different from prior versions, you will need ALL of the following files:

1. Core Model and new Data Files (nr2005.zip)

Place this ZIP file into your new empty c:\nonroad directory and unZIP it with the unZip option to use subdirectories, allowing it to overwrite any existing versions of the files, including the entire nonroad\data\ subdirectory. Some unZIP utilities (e.g., WindowsXP) will default to unZIPing the files into c:\nonroad\nonroad2005, but that is not what you want. You should change the path to just c:\nonroad, so that the final directory structure looks like:


If you choose to install the NONROAD model somewhere other than the default c:\nonroad directory, you will need to modify the nr-gui.ini file to change the model directory and data directory as appropriate. This can be done after installing the Graphical User Interface, as described below.

When done extracting the ZIP file, you can delete the ZIP file if you wish.

2. Graphical User Interface (nr05-gui.zip)

Place this ZIP file into a temporary directory and unZIP it into that directory, which yields the files: setup.exe, nr-gui.CAB, and SETUP.LST

Run setup.exe.

This asks where you would like to install the GUI. You can leave it at the default, which keeps it together with your core NONROAD2005 model files in the c:\nonroad directory, or you may prefer to put it elsewhere, such as in the main \Program Files\ directory of your computer.

After installation, you will need to check the last line of the nr-gui.ini file to ensure that it points to the MS-Access executable file that is to be used for the reporting utility. If you already have your own personal installation of MS-Access 2002 or later on your computer (or network), then you would just point to that. The most likely place to find your existing MS-Access executable is:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE

or if you have MS-Access 2003:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\MSACCESS.EXE

If you are installing the full NONROAD2005 MS-Access 2002 (XP) runtime, per step (b) of the reporting utility instructions below, then you should check this path AFTER performing that installation.

When done with the installation, you can delete the temporary directory that you used.

3. Reporting Utility

a) All Users

You will first need to unZip two files, and then some users will need to go on to step (b) to install the MS-Access Runtime software.


Place these two ZIP files into a temporary directory and unZIP all the files into the \reports\ folder in your main NONROAD model directory, creating that folder first if it does not yet exist as shown here.

When done with the installation, you can delete the two zip files if you wish.

b) access-inst.zip for users who do NOT already have your own copy of MS-Access 2002 or later

Place this ZIP file into a temporary directory and unZIP it into that directory.

Run (double-click on) the file accessrt.msi (which is an executable setup file), and follow the on-screen installation directions. This should automatically install the MS-Access Runtime software. This will allow you to open, but not modify, existing MS-Access databases, such as the NONROAD reporting utility (reports.mdb).

One way to verify if this installation was successful by looking in your Control Panel Add/Remove Programs utility for Access 2002 Runtime.

As mentioned above in the Graphic User Interface section, you should now check the last line of the nr-gui.ini file to ensure that it points to the MS-Access executable file that is to be used for the reporting utility.

Examples of likely places you would find it are shown below for Windows XP and Windows 98, respectively.

Windows XP
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE

Windows 98
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Access Runtime\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE

When done with the installation, you can delete the access-inst.zip file and the other temporary installation files.

NOTE: The first time you run the new Reporting Utility you will need to Re-Attach Tables (see the Data menu). You should ignore any error messages that show up prior to re-attaching tables.

III. Installation from CD

Besides the necessary model installation files, the CD also contains the User's Guide and technical reports (in the \Docs\ folder) and the core model Fortran source code (in the \nr05-SRC\ folder), which you can place anywhere you wish on your computer, or just leave them on the CD to view when needed.

Essentially, you will follow the same steps as given above in section II, except that some of the ZIP files are already unZIPed on the CD.

If you already have a prior version of NONROAD on your computer, PLEASE see the CAUTION above at the beginning of section II.

1. Core Model and Data Files

a) As one installation option, the nr2005.zip file is provided in case you wish to just unZIP that into c:\nonroad per the instructions in section II above. Using this method will save you from possibly needing to remove the read-only attribute as can be needed if using installation option (b).


b) Alternatively, all the unZIPed core model files are also provided on the CD. You can copy (click & drag) the entire \NONROAD\ folder from the CD to the root of your C: drive.

In either case, check that the final directory structure looks like the following:

    \reports  [this folder won't be there if you did option (a).]

Depending on your operating system, you copied from the CD rather than unZIPed all the files, then you may need to remove the "Read-Only" attribute from the files. You can do this with Windows Explorer. If you are using Windows 2000 or XP, you can easily do this by right-clicking on the c:\nonroad folder, select Properties, and un-check the "Read-only" box, click the Apply button and tell it to apply the changes to all subfolders and files.

If you are using an earlier version of Windows, such as Windows 98, there is no option to apply the change to subfolders, so you must do the process separately for each subfolder. Open each subfolder, select all the files within each subfolder, and use the menu command - File: Properties... un-check the "Read-only" box, and click Apply.

If you choose to install the NONROAD model somewhere other than the default c:\nonroad directory, you will need to modify the nr-gui.ini file to change the model directory and data directory as appropriate. This can be done after installing the Graphical User Interface, as described below.

2. Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Open the \GUI-inst\ folder of the CD and run setup.exe. Follow the on-screen instructions and the instructions concerning the nr-gui.ini file given in section II above for GUI installation.

3. Reporting Utility

a) All Users

First, you need to ensure that the NONROAD reporting utility files exist in the proper directory, and then some users will need to also do step (b). If you copied the entire \nonroad\ directory from the CD in step 1 above, then your are done with this step (a). But if you unZIP'd the nr2005.zip file from the CD onto your hard drive, then you still need to copy the nonroad\reports folder from the CD into the main \nonroad\ directory on your hard drive. When you are done with this step, your nonroad directory should include a \reports\ folder with various files as shown here:

        (and other mdb and text files)

NOTE: The first time you run the new Reporting Utility you will need to Re-Attach Tables (see the Data menu). You should ignore any error messages that show up prior to re-attaching tables.

b) access-inst.zip for users who do not already have your own copy of MS-Access 2002 or later

Open the \Access-inst\ directory on the CD and run (double-click on) the file accessrt.msi (which is an executable setup file), and follow the on-screen installation directions. This should automatically install the MS-Access Runtime software. This will allow you to open, but not modify, existing MS-Access databases, such as the NONROAD reporting utility (reports.mdb).

One way to verify if this installation was successful by looking in your Control Panel Add/Remove Programs utility for Access 2002 Runtime.

As mentioned above in the Graphic User Interface section, you should now check the last line of the nr-gui.ini file to ensure that it points to the MS-Access executable file that is to be used for the reporting utility.

Examples of likely places you would find it are shown in the nr-guiXP.ini and nr-gui98.ini files for Windows XP and Windows 98, respectively.

Windows XP
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE

Windows 98
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Access Runtime\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE

NOTE: The first time you run the new Reporting Utility you will need to Re-Attach Tables (see the Data menu). You should ignore any error messages that show up prior to re-attaching tables.

IV. Troubleshooting

a) Virus Checking Software

Some real-time virus checking software may keep your installation from occurring properly. If you have such software active and have problems getting the NONROAD model files to install, then you should try temporarily turning off the virus checking software until after the installation is complete.

b) Graphic User Interface (GUI) Installation Problems

For some unknown reason some users run into a problem during the GUI installation process, in which the following error message appears on the screen:

"Setup cannot continue because some system files are out of date on your system. Click OK if you would like setup to update these files for you now. You will need to restart Windows before you can run setup again. Click cancel to exit setup without updating system files."

Do not bother clicking OK. That does nothing to help the situation. What we have found is that for computers that give this message the system files (DLLs, etc.) in the installation package are not needed at all, presumably because the necessary files are already on the computer. Regardless of why it works, this is what we have found to work:

Copy the following three files into your c:\nonroad folder (or wherever you have your nonroad.exe file)...

              nonroad.pif  (note that Windows doesn't show the extension on this file,
                            it just lists it as "NONROAD" with a file type of 
                            "Shortcut to MS-DOS Program")

These three files are contained in the nr05-gui.zip file that you downloaded from the web. You can find them there by first unZipping nr05-gui.zip, and then unZipping just those three files from nr-gui.CAB (which is another kind of zip file handled by WinZip).

As described in the normal installation instructions for NONROAD, you should then check the nr-gui.ini file in a text editor to make sure that it points to the version of MS-Access that you have on your computer. I.e., find your MSACCESS.EXE and make sure the path shown in nr-gui.ini matches the path on your computer.

Lastly, you will want to create a shortcut to the GUI on your desktop and/or in your Start menu. One way to do this is:

1. Right click in a blank area of your desktop, and select New => Shortcut.

2. Click the Browse button and select the nr-gui.exe file, which should be in c:\nonroad. Click OK.

3. Click Next, and change the shortcut name from nr-gui.exe to NONROAD GUI (or whatever you want to call it). And Click Finish. That gives you a desktop icon.

4. Then to have it also show up in the Start Menu, you can just copy that desktop icon into: c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\

c) Read-Only Flag Left Over from CD

If you installed by copying the \NONROAD\ folder directly from a CD, and running the model yields error messages such as not being able to find the fips.dat or other NONROAD files, you should confirm that you removed the READ-ONLY flag from the files. For example, right click on the file c:\nonroad\data\activity\activity.dat, and select Properties. The Attributes: Read-only box should not have a check mark. If it does, please follow the instructions above in section III at the end of the core model installation description to remove the read-only flag from all the NONROAD model files.

d) Reporting Utility: Did you "Re-Attach Tables" ?? The first time you run the new Reporting Utility you will need to Re-Attach Tables (see the Data menu). You should ignore any error messages that show up prior to re-attaching tables.

e) Installation CD May Help

If you run into installation problems using zip files downloaded from the web (such as error messages saying that certain necessary Windows or Internet Explorer files could not be found), you can request a CD by sending an email to nonroad@epa.gov. The CD has some additional system files that may be missing from a small percentage of computers.

V. Finishing Touches

A. All Users: The first time you run the new Reporting Utility, you will need to Re-Attach Tables (see the Data menu). You should ignore any error messages that show up prior to re-attaching tables.

B. Users Who Did Not Have a Prior Installation of NONROAD on Computer:

(1) You may want to create New Shortcuts (desktop icons). You should be able to copy and paste shortcuts from the Start menu. Click Start, and navigate to Programs => NONROAD GUI, and right click on the NONROAD GUI icon (tractor). Select Copy. Then right click on the desktop and select Paste shortcut.

(2) If you want to be able to run the reporting utility or either of the multi-year postprocessing utilities from the desktop, you can copy the MDB file and paste a shortcut of it to the desktop. For example, right-click on the reports.mdb file and select Copy. Then right-click on a blank area of the desktop and select Paste Shortcut.

For further information or assistance, please contact EPA at:

Email: asdinfo@epa.gov,
Fax:   734-214-4939, or
US Mail:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Assessment and Standards Division
Nonroad Modeling Team
2000 Traverwood Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48105

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