Paige Issues Statement Regarding Final Report of Commission on Opportunity in Athletics
Archived Information

February 26, 2003
Media Contact: Susan Aspey
Dan Langan
(202) 401-1576
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   Final Report

U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige today issued the following statement regarding the final report of the Commission on Opportunity in Athletics:

"I am pleased to receive the report of the Secretary of Education's Commission on Opportunity in Athletics. This report, "Open to All: Title IX at 30," is the result of nine months of meetings, research, hearings and testimony by a 15-member commission created to make recommendations to strengthen and improve Title IX.

"This report includes several recommendations unanimously agreed to by all of the commissioners in public meetings. I am pleased that the commission, made up of a diverse group of individuals with vastly different points of view, was able to agree on some important recommendations, and the department intends to move forward only on those recommendations. I appreciate the hard work of the commissioners in producing this final document.

"Some of these unanimous recommendations include suggestions that the Department of Education (1) reaffirm its strong commitment to equal opportunity for girls and boys, women and men; (2) aggressively enforce Title IX in a uniform way across the nation; (3) give equal weight to all three parts of the test governing Title IX compliance; and (4) encourage schools to understand that the Department of Education disapproves of cutting teams in order to comply with Title IX.

"The commission's work will greatly assist the department in strengthening, clarifying and improving the enforcement of Title IX. I thank the commissioners and the department's staff for their efforts and for their service to the country."


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Last Modified: 12/15/2003