TV Show, Webcast: Helping Your Child Become A Good Citizen
Archived Information

February 14, 2003

Contact: Jim Bradshaw
(202) 401-1576

  • Where can I find more information on school, community and faith-based organizations dedicated to advancing the president's goals of volunteerism and service to country?

  • What can I do in the home and community to help my children develop strong character and become good citizens?

  • Guests include Charles Quigley, executive director and founder of the Center for Civic Education; Darcia Narvaez, associate professor of psychology at Notre Dame; Patrick McEvoy, principal of Maplewood-Richmond Heights Senior High School in St. Louis; and Nicole Tiggs, student council president at Maplewood-Richmond Heights Senior High.

    Also, Sara Leven, service learning coordinator at Nicolas Senn High School in Chicago; Sam Chaltain, coordinator of the First Amendment Schools initiative at the First Amendment Center; Robert Gibbs, a senior law partner and chapter president of the 100 Black Men organization of Jackson, Miss., and Amy Cohen, director of Learn and Serve America at the Corporation for National and Community Service.

    The show will also feature a conversation between Secretary Paige and D.C. civic leader and former Washington Redskin Darrell Green about citizenship, service and his recent appointment as the chair of the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation.

    "Education News Parents Can Use" features one-on-one interviews, "how-to" demonstrations, and brief conversations with parents, educators, community, business and religious leaders, and education experts. As always, viewers can call in their questions at addresses and phone numbers that will be posted on the screen.

    The show is broadcast on the third Tuesday of every month during the school year. Besides local cable systems, it's rebroadcast nationally on the Discovery Network's TLC (The Learning Channel), the Channel One Network, and some Public Broadcasting Service stations.

    Details about the series are available at:

    Future broadcasts will address teacher quality (March 18), special education (April 15), educational technology (May 20) and summer reading (June 17).



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    Last Modified: 12/15/2003