Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service

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2002 Archives

Updates Field Travel Reports
12/17  Argentina:   Heavy November Rains Have Affected Wheat
12/16  Russia and Ukraine:  Cold Snap in Winter Grain Zone
12/16  Argentina:  Peanut Area Declines
Malaysia:   Irregular Rainfall Balances to Average for Palm Oil
12/2  China:   Trip Report, September 2002
11/22  European Union: Grain Area, Yield and Production Tables
Indonesia: Rain on Java
11/20  Germany:  Rapeseed Production Insufficient for Expanding Biodiesel Industry
11/19  Central Europe Fall Update
11/15  Afghanistan:  Grain Production Recovers After Three Years of Drought
11/12  Ukraine:  Winter Grains in Excellent Condition
11/12  Brazil:   Surging Soybean Cultivation Continues
11/12  Brazil:  Corn Acreage Declines in Face of Soybean Juggernaut
11/04  South Africa: Dry Weather Delays Corn Planting
11/4  Mexico:   Crop Travel
11/1  Eastern United States Crop Condition Update:  Cold, Wet Weather Grips the Region
10/29  Burma:   Rice Situation Update
10/25  Turkey: Heavy Rainfall Raises Cotton Quality Concerns10/24  Brazil:   2002/03 Wheat Situation Review
10/24  Ethiopia:   Drought Intensifies During Corn and Sorghum Harvest
10/21 Durum:  Global Production Up for 2002/03
Argentina:  Prices Favor Sunflower Planting Over Corn
Ukraine:  Good Conditions for Winter Wheat
Russia:  Dry for Winter Wheat in Southern District
10/16 Eastern Europe:  Mostly Favorable Planting Conditions Follow Summer Drought
Italy:  Near-Normal Conditions in the Po River Valley
10/3 Hurricanes Shrink Rainfall Deficits but Damage Cuba and Jamaica
10/2  Argentina:   Favorable Conditions for Planting Sunflowers
10/31  Brazil: Forecasting the Unknown
10/16 Eastern Europe Crop Travel During Late Summer Reveals Effect of Drought
  U.S. Crop Update:  Tropical Storm Isidore Deluges Gulf States and Eases Drought Across the Eastern Corn Belt to the Northeast
9/26  Russia and Ukraine: Adequate Surface Moisture for Emerging Winter Grains
9/26  Georgia:  Early Prospects Favorable for Winter Wheat
9/25  African Franc Zone: Cotton Regions Dry
9/25  Hurricanes and Tropical Storms:   Plentiful in Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea
9/19  Australian Wheat Production Way Down Under
9/19  India:
  Kharif Rice Suffered Due to Late Monsoon
9/18  Russia:  Wheat Harvest Forecast to Surpass Last Year
Ukraine Harvests Second Consecutive Bumper Crop
9/13  Canada: Prairie Drought Reduces Production
9/13  Cote d'Ivoire:
Favorable Palm Oil Production Forecasted
9/6    Senegal: Drought Causes Worries in Peanut Producing Region
9/12 Eastern United States Crop Condition Update, 9-4-02
9/5   West Africa Crop Tour Summary

8/29  Caribbean:    Additional Moisture in Later Stages of Hurricane Season Needed
Malaysia:   Lower Rainfall and Lower Than Expected Area Reduce Palm Oil Prospects
8/23  Severe Hailstorm Damages Eastern North Dakota

8/16  Eastern Europe:  Floods Inundate Areas
8/14  Australia:
  Wheat Update
8/13  Zimbabwe:  Grain Production Shortfall Will Continue
8/13  Russia and Ukraine:  High Temperatures Reduce Corn Prospects
8/13  Kazakstan:  Favorable Conditions for Spring Wheat
8/13  India:  2002-03 Cotton Area and Production for India Expected to Drop
China: Flood Warning - Heavy Rain Returns

8/12 Eastern United States Crop Condition Update: August 5, 2002

8/12 Western United States Slide Show, July 31, 2002
7/31  Mexico: Important South Mexican Cornfields Going Dry
Germany: Prices, Demand, Biodiesel Raise German Rapeseed Output
Afghanistan: Marginal Improvement in Winter Crop Area
India: Kharif Rice Areas Go Dry
EU:  A Production Perspective on Rye
7/12  Argentina's Economic Uncertainty Affects Planting Decisions in 2002/03
Italy:  Po River Valley Crop Update
7/30  Eastern United States:   Crop Condition Update, July 30, 2002
Eastern United States:   Crop Condition Update, July 17, 2002
7/12  Russia Trip Report:   Grain Outlook Favorable Despite Volga Valley Dryness

7/5    South Dakota:  Crop Condition Update

6/25  Mexican Grains: Awaiting Water
6/21  Northwest Africa:
  2002/03 Winter Grains Update
6/20  Iran:  Rains in Iran End One Month Early
Canada: Widespread Rainfall Arrives on the Prairie
6/17  China:   2002/03 Wheat Update
South Africa:   2001/02 Grain Update
6/14  A Satellite Perspective:  Cornbelt Flooding of May 2002
6/13  Mexico:  Hidalgo State Little Recognized
6/13  India and Pakistan: Agriculture in Kashmir and Surrounding Regions
6/12 World Agricultural Production
6/12 Brazil:  2002/03 Wheat Situation Update
6/6   North Korea:  Update
6/6   Eastern Europe:   Update
  Afghanistan:  Conditions Marginally Improved for Winter Grain Season Situation
6/4   Heavy Rains Soak Jamaica


6/26  U.S. Crop Condition Updates
Eastern United States          Western United States

6/24  Ukraine Trip Report:  Market Reforms Continue
Eastern United States:  Crop Condition Update
6/17  Special Report: Drought Plagues Colorado Crops and Promotes Wildfires

5/24  Midwest U.S.:  Heavy Rainfall Dampens Planting Prospects
Russia and Ukraine:   May Dryness in Winter Wheat Zone
5/23  Brazil: Torrential Rains End Drought in Key Southern States
5/21  Nicaragua:  Threat of Fire Grows in Nicaragua
5/21  Malaysia:  Lower Rainfall, Less Fertilizer, and Replanting Reduce Palm Oil Prospects
5/14  Zimbabwe:   Government Cuts 2001-02 Corn Production Estimate
5/14  Brazil:   Corn Deficit to Spur Higher Plantings in 2002/03
5/14  Spain:  
Barley and Soft Wheat Could be Better Than 2001
  Brazil: 2001/02 Post-Harvest Soybean Seasonal Review
5/10  Cotton:  
2002/03 World Cotton Production Forecast Below 2001/02 Level
5/10  Russia and Ukraine:  Grain Production Down From Last Year
5/10  Uzbekistan:  Improved Prospects For
Grain Output
5/2    Argentina:  Harvest Progress Update
5/21  Kansas Wheat Tour Highlights

4/29  Eastern Europe:  Spring Crop Condition Update
4/26  MexicoTamaulipas Ties Future to Imaginative Program
4/23  Canada:   Rapeseed Production May Go Higher
4/22  Greece:  Wet Weather Delays Cotton Planting
4/19  Italy:   Rains Improve Crop Prospects in the Po Valley
4/18  Argentina:   Rain Delays Sunflowerseed Harvest
4/12  North Korea: Mild Winter, Dry Spring Could Affect 2002/03 Crops
4/10  Iran: Rains Raise Winter Crop Prospects, but More Moisture Needed
4/5    Oklahoma: Poor Spring Moisture Lowers Wheat Prospects
4/4    Northwest Africa:  Spring Rains Boost Crop Recovery Prospects in Morocco
4/4    Russia & Ukraine:  Winter Grain Growth and Spring Seeding Outpace Last Year
4/2    Kansas:  Winter Wheat Condition Update
4/1    Central America:  
Approaches 2002-03 Crop Season With El Niño Concerns
4/1    India:   Winter Wheat Conditions Positive
4/1    Syria's  2001-02 Wheat Production Breaks Record

3/27  Georgia:  Rainfall May Revive Crops in Dry Eastern Growing Areas
  Argentina:  Changing Policies Increase Uncertainty for Soybean and Corn Producers
3/25  Turkey:   Winter Wheat Breaks Dormancy
3/21  Central Asia:  Favorable Early-Season Conditions
3/15  Nigeria: Rice Production Rises, as Do Import Duties
3/11  Eastern Europe:  2002 Winter Wrap-up
3/8    Afghanistan:  Growing Condition Update--Continued Dryness Compounds Food Shortage
3/4    Morocco and Algeria:   Extremely Dry January and February Increases Crop Stress

3/22 Argentina Soybeans:  Field Travel Shows Mixed Yield Prospects

3/22 Argentina Corn:  Field Travel Reveals Good Crop Condition

2001 Wheat Quality Council Tour: Tracking the Spring Wheat and Durum Tour Using Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing Field Research:
Maryland's Eastern Shore (Talbot County)

2/28  Cote d'Ivoire:  Record Rice Production for Cote d'Ivoire
2/28  Georgia:  Rebound for 2001-02 Wheat, Favorable Prospects for 2002-03
2/27  Russia and Ukraine:  Winter Grains Likely to Break Dormancy Soon
2/25  Zimbabwe:  Drought Threatens 2001/02 Summer Crops
2/22  Argentina:  Rain needed in Soybean Areas
  Australia:  Cotton Conditions Favorable
  Turkey’s Cotton:  Production Lowered Due to Excessive Rains
  Argentina:  Cotton Area Declines to Lowest Level in 70 Years
2/13  Malaysia:  Heavy Rainfall May Cut Malaysian Palm Oil Production
  China:  2002-03 Winter Wheat Update
2/11  Pakistan: Winter Wheat: Dry Conditions Trim Output
2/11  Argentina:  Cotton Area Declines to Lowest Level in 70 Years
  Paraguay:  Rains Help Soybean Areas
2/08  Central Asia:   Wheat- 2001-02 Output and 2002-03 Prospects
2/08  India:  Rabi Wheat Generally Experiencing Favorable Conditions
2/08  Foreign Cotton:  Low World Prices Expected to Cut 2002/03 Area and Production 
2/04  Brazil:  Favorable Corn Outlook, Despite Summer Drought


1/30  Italy:  Dry Conditions Threaten Po Valley Prospects
1/30  Argentina: Sunflower Harvest Starts on Time
1/25  Argentina: Record Soybean Planting Nears Finish
1/25  Canada:   Dry Conditions Persist on the Canadian Prairie
1/18  Northwest Africa: Winter Grains Off to Good Start, but More Rain Needed
1/18  Australia: Harvest Begins for  Slow-Maturing Winter Crops
1/14  Somalia: Severe Drought Reduces Grain Production and Increases Food Shortages
1/14  Brazil:  Ideal Conditions Underpin Record Soybean Outlook
 Klamath Basin: Recent Precipitation Ends Drought, Begins Recharging Reservoirs
 Ukraine: Snow Protects Winter Grains from Frigid Temperatures

2000 & 1999 Archives


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Updated: October 21, 2005

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