Secretary's Commission on Opportunity in Athletics Announces Meeting Schedule
Archived Information

August 2, 2002
Contact:Dan Langan
(202) 401-1576
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Cynthia Cooper and Ted Leland, co-chairs of the Secretary's Commission on Opportunity in Athletics, today announced the dates and cities selected for the commission's public meetings.

"During these meetings, we will hear Americans' perspectives, which will be necessary to compile our report and share our views with Secretary Paige and his team," Cooper said. Added Leland: "These meetings will give us a chance to listen, observe and absorb the views of those who care deeply about this issue. We look forward to these very important conversations in communities across the country."

Each meeting will include panels of four invited speakers and comments from the general public on the various topics addressed in the commission's charter.

Those who would like to be considered to participate as one of the invited speakers should submit their requests by email at The request should include the name of the person and/or organization to be represented and a short paragraph stating what aspect of Title IX and the charter they would like to address. Requests will be reviewed and the selection will be made so as to provide a broad representation on a wide range of issues within Title IX as it relates to athletics.

All aspects of Title IX as it relates to athletics will be considered at each meeting. The second meeting will primarily focus on Title IX as it relates to high schools and junior colleges; however there will be an opportunity to comment on Title IX in general.

Those who cannot attend a meeting in person may submit comments by e-mail at, or to the commission office at: Office of the Commission on Opportunity in Athletics, U. S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., S.W., ROB-3, Room 3060, Washington, D.C. 20202.

The meeting schedule follows:

Aug. 27-28, Atlanta: Wyndham Downtown, 160 Spring St., N.W.
-- Aug. 27
9 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Three panel discussions, each with four invited speakers
2-5 p.m. Presentations by the general public
-- Aug. 28
9 a.m.-1 p.m. Presentations by the general public

Sept. 17-18, Chicago: Location will be announced later

-- Sept. 17
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Three panel discussions, each with four invited speakers
2-5 p.m. Presentations by the general public
-- Sept. 18
9 a.m. Commissioners will regroup to review and process what they heard the previous day. The general public may observe this meeting; however there will not be opportunity for public comment.

Oct. 22-23, Colorado Springs: Location will be announced later

-- Oct. 22
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Three panel discussions, each with four invited speakers
2-5 p.m. Presentations by the general public
-- Oct. 23
9 a.m. Commissioners will regroup to review and process what they heard the previous day. The general public may observe this meeting; however there will not be opportunity for public comment.

Nov. 20-21, San Diego: Location will be announced later

-- Nov. 20
9 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Three panel discussions, each with four invited speakers
2-5 p.m. Presentations by the general public
-- Nov. 21:
9 a.m. Commissioners will regroup to review and process what they heard the previous day. The general public may observe this meeting; however there will not be opportunity for public comment.

Dec. 4, Philadelphia: Location will be announced later

--9 a.m. Meeting to discuss the details of the pending report
No public comment session

Jan. 8, 2003, Washington, D.C.: Location will be announced later

--9 a.m. Meeting to discuss the details of the report
No public comment session

U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige appointed the commission in June to examine ways of strengthening enforcement and expanding opportunities to ensure fairness for all college and interscholastic athletes. The commission will gather information and prepare recommendations that will be submitted to the secretary by Jan. 31, 2003.

For more information on the commission, visit



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