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Conferences and Meetings

World Ocean Conference
Manado, Indonesia
May 11-15, 2009

The World Ocean Conference is a forum for the world community to discuss current issues in the marine field that are related to climate change in order to achieve an international agreement and draw up an adaptive strategy for the wise use of marine resources to benefit humanity. For more information, visit

International Marine Conservation Conference
Making Marine Science Matter

Washington, D.C.
May 19-24, 2009

The goal of this conference is to put conservation science into practice through public and media outreach and the development of science-based deliverables that will be used to drive policy change and implementation. Major themes include marine protected areas, fisheries and aquaculture, global climate change; the land-sea interface; ecosystem-based management; and poverty and globalization. The meeting also will serve as the 2nd International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC2). A pre-conference “MPA University” will offer training opportunities for MPA professionals on May 16-19, 2009. For more information, visit

National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration
Los Angeles, California
July 20-24, 2009

The purpose of this conference is to bring together scientists and engineers, policy makers, planners, and partners who are actively involved in or affected by all aspects of ecosystem restoration, and to provide an interactive forum to share their experiences and research results. Conference participants will also have the opportunity to learn about both large-scale and local ecosystem restoration efforts and what their colleagues working at these levels have learned, what factors contributed to success, and how barriers were overcome. For more information, visit

Last updated: 2/3/2009 2:37:28 PM
Conferences and Meetings


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Turbulent Flow Image Courtesy of Prof. Haris J. Catrakis, University of California, Irvine
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