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EPA# 100R93001Final Comprehensive State Ground Water Protection Program Guidance
EPA# 100R93004Transforming Environmental Permitting and Compliance Policies to Promote Pollution Prevention: Removing Barriers and Providing Incentives to Foster Technology Innovation Productivity and Environmental Protection - Report and Recommendations of the Technology Innovation and Economics Committee
EPA# 101F90046Urban Stormwater Runoff and Ground-Water Quality
EPA# 175B97001Terms of Environment: Glossary Abbreviations and Acronyms (Revised December 1997)
EPA# 175N94002EPA Journal: Clean Water Agenda - Remaking the Laws That Protect Our Water Resources
EPA# 190R00002Strategic Plan
EPA# 190R03002Fiscal Year 2003 Annual Report
EPA# 190R07001EPA's FY 2007 Performance and Accountability Report
EPA# 190R97002EPA Strategic Plan
EPA# 200B03001EPA National Publications Catalog 2003
EPA# 200B98001EPA National Publications Catalog 1998, 4th Edition
EPA# 200B99001EPA National Publications Catalog 1999
EPA# 200C03001EPA National Publications Catalog 2003 [CD-ROM]
EPA# 202B92006Financing Models for Environmental Protection: Helping Communities Meet Their Environmental Goals
EPA# 20M2002Funding Our Environment Future: General Proceedings Region 1 Conference on the Public-Private Partnership and Alternative Financing Mechanisms - November 6-7, 1989, Northampton, MA
EPA# 20M2003Public-Private Partnerships for Environmental Facilities: A Self-Help Guide for Local Governments
EPA# 20M2004Paying for Progress: Perspectives on Financing Environmental Protection
EPA# 20M2005Public - Private Partnerships Case Studies: Profiles of Success in Providing Environmental Services
EPA# 20T1004Pesticides in Drinking - Water Wells
EPA# 20W0001Pollution Prevention Begins with You
EPA# 20W0002Preventing Pollution through Efficient Water Use
EPA# 21E2001Enforcement Four Year Strategic Plan: Enhanced Environmental Enforcement for the 1990's
EPA# 21E2005ABEL: User's Manual
EPA# 21K1012Preserving Our Future Today: Your Guide to the United States Environmental Protection Agency
EPA# 21T1022Pesticides and Ground-Water Strategy
EPA# 21W4001Control of Sludge Loading to POTWS: Guidance Manual
EPA# 21W4002Supplemental Manual on the Development and Implementation of Local Discharge Limitations Under the Pretreatment Program: Residential and Commercial Toxic Pollutant Loadings and POTW Removal Efficiency Estimation
EPA# 21W4003PRELIM Version 4.0 User's Guide: Documentation for the EPA Computer Program for Development of Local Discharge Limitations Under the Pretreatment Program
EPA# 21W4004Report to Congress: National Pretreatment Program
EPA# 21W7001Youth and the Environment

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