National Scenic Byways Program

Providing resources to the byway community that will enable better management of byway organizations and the intrinsic qualities they value and work hard to protect.

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NSBP Nomination Outreach Call Schedule

October 6, 2008

To everyone considering nominating a byway as part of the America’s Byways® collection, telephone Question + Answer sessions have been scheduled for the following dates and times:

Tuesday, October 7: Significance - All-American Road or National Scenic Byway

Wednesday, October 8: Multi-Jurisdiction Nominations – if your byway traverses more than one State, Indian tribe or Federal land

Friday, October 10: Nomination of an Extension – if you are seeking an extension to an existing National Scenic Byway or All-American Road

Tuesday, October 14: Filling out the Nomination Application – the nuts and bolts of submitting the electronic online application

Friday, October 17: Creating an Itinerary – creating an Itinerary that relates to your byway’s Intrinsic Quality(s)

All calls will be held from 12 noon until 2 pm Eastern Time. Please call 1-877-960-1403 and use passcode 6513759. There will be 45 lines available, which will be on a first come, first-served basis. If you are unable to get in to one of these calls, please e-mail Cindi.Ptak@dot.gov; additional calls may be scheduled as a result. Please, no cell phones.

Please familiarize yourself with the information available at www.bywaysonline.org/nominations prior to each call, including the Designation Readiness Worksheet, Nominations Guide, Application, Articles and Important Documents.

FY 2008 NSBP Nominations Cycle Now Open

September 18, 2008

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is announcing the sixth National Scenic Byways Program (NSBP) nomination cycle. A hard copy of the completed nomination and completion of the online nomination are due from the State, Indian tribe, or Federal land management agencies to the FHWA Division Offices by December 17, 2008. A copy of the signed solicitation memo is available in the Nominations section of this website under Important Documents: http://www.bywaysonline.org/nominations/docs.

New Nominations Documents and Article Added

September 10, 2008

In anticipation of the FY 2008 Nomination cycle, more information continues to be added to the Nominations section, http://www.bywaysonline.org/nominations. A list of Frequently Asked Questions about Designations has been added, and the FY 2008 Designation Readiness Worksheet (Text, PDF) and Image Style Guide are available in the Important Documents section to assist you as you prepare.

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