USDA Forest Service
Apache and Sitgreaves National Forests

Recreational Activities

Link to bear aware site

Safety Tips:

General Outdoor Safety
Winter Safety Tips
Winter Driving Tips

Other Information:

Off-Highway Vehicle Policy
The policy for driving motorized vehicles on this National Forest is tied to the State of Arizona's motor vehicle policy. On all state, county, and those forest roads marked by a horizontally-numbered route marker

Scenic Drives
Finding a scenic drive on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests is as easy as pointing to any spot on the Forest map and taking a drive.

Winter Activities
The high country on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest receives ample snow each year for various types of snow play. Take a look...

A one-stop site for information on federal lands.

Its called God's Country.. lakes.. mountains... The Mogollon Rim made famous by Zane Grey... The White Mountains.. made green by ponderosa pine, gentled by cold waters flowing to the valleys below and far beyond. It is a physically challenging and rewarding recreational landscape. A place of spiritual renewal.. and more...

Recreation Conditions  


Highway 273 is CLOSED from its junction at Forest Road 87 to Crescent Lake. Please use Highway 261 to access the Big Lake Recreation Area.


There is NO VEHICLE ACCESS to Lee Valley Reservoir (near Winn Campground) due to road reconstruction work on Highway 273


There are downed trees across many higher elevation trails in the Alpine and Springerville Ranger Districts. Please call the district office for specific trail information.


Black Mesa Ranger District — All campgrounds are open.

Lakeside Ranger District — All campgrounds are open.

Springerville Ranger District — All campgrounds are open except Winn and Gabaldon, which are CLOSED due to the road reconstruction work on Highway 273. Please use Highway 261 to access the campgrounds in the Big Lake Recreation Area. Hoyer Campground near Greer is open, the shower facility and the RV dump station ARE OPERABLE and portable toilets are available in the campground, however, due to problems with the wastewater treatment infrastructure the flush toilets are NOT operable. The Forest Service continues working with RRMA and the citizens of Greer to make the flush toilets operable.

Alpine Ranger District — Most campgrounds are open. KP Cienega and Hannagan campgrounds are open as are the campgrounds along the East Fork and West Fork of the Bolack River.

Clifton Ranger District — All campgrounds are open.

Dispersed camping

All dispersed areas are open across the Forests.

Cabin Rental

Nestled amongst the tall pine trees overlooking a large grassy meadow, Caldwell Cabin sits at an elevation of 7,600. Caldwell originated as a one room cabin constructed in approximately 1920's from hand hewn logs.   more »

Wildlife and Fisheries

The Apache-Sitgreaves provides habitat for over 400 species of wildlife. The forest is home to most big game animals, such as antelope, elk, deer, bighorn sheep, and turkey, as well as a variety of songbirds, waterfowl, small mammals, fish, amphibians and reptiles. There are opportunities throughout the forest for photographers, casual observers, hunters, and anglers.   more »


Backcountry travel requires special preparation and precautions. Plan your route of travel and schedule. Let someone know your plans. At least one member of your party should have first aid training. Be prepared to turn back if severe problems are encountered.

Dead Trees can be dangerous. During high winds, avoid traveling near standing dead, burned or decadent trees. Camp away from such trees.

Emergency help in case of severe accident, missing persons, or fire may be obtained by calling 911 or contacting the nearest law enforcement office or Forest Service office.

It is your responsibility to be aware of the potential risks and take safety precautions at all times when you visit the National Forest. Changing terrain, forest and weather conditions present a wide variety of hazards. Hazards include, but are not limited to: snow and ice fields, landslides, wildfire, falling trees or limbs, sudden rushing water, contaminated water, wild animals, severe weather, becoming lost or over exerted, and exposure to unreasonable acts of other people.

lodging stores airportsinformationskiing

Local Visitors Links: Lodging, Restaurants, Skiing, Businesses, etc more information

Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests
P.O. Box 640
Springerville, AZ 85938
Voice: (928) 333-4301
Fax: 928-333-5966
TTY: (928) 333-6292

Cover photo: Timeless Heritage bookTIMELESS HERITAGE: A History of the Forest Service in the Southwest
The history of the Forest Service is an integral part of the modern history of the Southwest and of the Forest Service as a National agency. This publication is provided in HTML and PDF formats.

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

USDA Forest Service - Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests
Last Modified:  Wednesday, 27 August 2008 at 13:35:18 EDT

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.