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Wage and Hour Laws Handbook -- The 2008 version of the Wage & Hour Laws handbook should be available in the early fall. Watch our web site for information on our new, revised and updated version.
Civil Rights Laws Handbook -- 2005 Edition
State and federal civil rights laws protect individuals from discrimination in the workplace, housing and in public accommodations. The newly revised and updated 2005 Civil Rights Laws Handbook focuses on the employment aspects of Oregon law, defining protected classes, theories of discrimination and outlining discrimination-free personnel practices. It contains expanded sections on complying with state and federal family leave laws and the new disability statute. Also included are discussions of sexual harassment, race and national origin discrimination, and reinstatement rights. Oregon revised statutes and administrative rules are included. This handbook will be revised in early 2009. $45. Order Form
Family Leave Laws in Oregon Handbook -- The 2008 version of the Family Leave Laws in Oregon handbook should be available in the early fall. Watch our web site for information on our new, revised and updated version.

Policy Writing Guidelines -- 2004 Edition
Everyone benefits in an environment where the established procedures are clear and predictable. Although employers need flexibility, a lack of standards can lead to uncertainty and confusion, and to lawsuits. There are countless times when managers are confronted with questions to which there are no clear answers--unless they have a well-crafted policy manual. Policy Writing Guidelines tackles such topics as employee benefits, wages and salaries, work rules, mandatory employee leaves, sexual and other forms of workplace harassment and disciplinary policies. $25. Order form
Legal Hiring Practices -- Currently out of print. The 2008 version of the Legal Hiring Practices guidebook should be available in the late fall. Watch our web site for information on our new, revised and updated version.

Documentation, Discipline & Discharge -- 2004 Edition
Possibly the most litigated workplace disputes involve disciplining and terminating employees. This Handbook shows employers how to properly document employee performance, provide feedback to keep employees on track, deal swiftly and fairly with problem employees, and conduct a discharge in a way that minimizes your risk of liability. $25 Order form
The White Collar Exemptions Handbook -- Currently out of print. The 2008 version of the White Collar Exemptions handbook should be available in the late fall. Watch our web site for information on our new, revised and updated version.
The Commissioner’s Final Orders and Digest
A 29-volume set of all the labor commissioner’s final orders issued from 1973-2007, with a cumulative digest covering BOLI Orders 1-28 and a supplement to vol. 29 of BOLI Orders, is $400.  The digest alone, with supplement, is $75.  Order form
Commonly Required Postings in Oregon ("8-in-1") Poster
Contains all updated posters including the most recent state and federal minimum wage posters. When it comes to compliance with state and federal posting requirements, many Oregon employers would have to admit that they are not following the rules--and that they are often not sure what the rules are! Commonly Required Postings in Oregon, also called the "8-in-1" poster, includes all the state and federal postings most employers must display. It´s an easy way to stay in compliance. The 2´x3´ poster is the right size for lunchroom bulletin boards and even office doors. Available in both English and Spanish. $10. Order form
Agricultural Composite poster (“11-in-1”) poster
 The Bureau also sells a poster designed specifically for the Agricultural concern. This poster includes all the state and federal postings most agricultural employers must display. This 25” x 39” poster is laminated and brightly colored for outdoor display. It is English on one side and Spanish on the other and costs $10. Order Form
A Guide to Employee Leave Laws in Oregon Poster --The 2008 version of the Guide to Employee Leave Laws in Oregon poster should be available in the early fall. Watch our web site for information on our new, revised and updated version.
Oregon Minimum Wage Poster
All Oregon employers are required to post this notice in an area where all employees can easily see it. Free. Our "Commonly Required Postings in Oregon" also contains a copy of this poster.  Print Poster Here
Oregon Family Leave Act Poster
All Oregon employers with 25 or more employees are required to display this poster. Free. Our "Commonly Required Postings in Oregon" also contains a copy of this poster. Print Poster Here


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