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NWS Flood Safety Awareness Week: March 21-25, 2005

Monday: Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service
The Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service (AHPS) is the National Weather Service’s on-going effort to modernize hydrologic services from floods to droughts. AHPS extends the range and quantifies the certainty of NWS river forecasts and provides timely user-friendly, visual products accessible on the Internet.
Tuesday: Turn Around, Don't Drown! 
People often underestimate the force of water. More than half of all flood-related deaths are attributed to vehicles that are swept downstream. Of these drownings, many are preventable simply by not driving or walking onto flooded roads. Most cars begin to float and lose contact with the road, assuming the road has not been washed out, in only 18-24 inches of water. Remember, when approaching a flooded roadway, Turn Around, Don't Drown. 
Wednesday: Inland Flooding from Tropical Systems 
Heavy rain and subsequent flooding produced by tropical systems such as hurricanes, and their remnants can be deadlier than the strong winds such storms create. Slow-moving systems typically produce heavy rain in the same area for extended periods resulting in significant flooding. 
Thursday: Determining Flood Risk and Flood Insurance
Flood losses are not covered by a homeowner’s insurance policy. Flood insurance is available, however, to any property owner in a community participating in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Flood Insurance Program. Flood hazard maps, produced by FEMA, enable consumers to determine their risk and choose appropriate flood insurance.
Friday: Flood Safety
The National Weather Service, along side government and private sector partners, informs communities across the United States how to become aware of flood risks and how to properly react when a flood threatens. Knowing what to do before, during and after a flood can save lives and reduce injuries and property damage.
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