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Geographic Information Systems

Computer Laboratory

giscapThe Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Lab provides access to GIS technology. This technology is comprised of software used to store, analyze and display information and hardware such as computers and peripheral devices. The lab is available to users of Geographic Information Systems as a tool for water quality research and analysis. Users can create data bases of spatial information and use that information to design maps and explore spatial relationships within research projects. Some projects in the GIS Lab include:


Hardware: The hardware is network of high performance graphic computer workstations. The UNIX server and 3 UNIX workstations are networked to an NT server and 4 NT workstations. In addition to the workstation and server hard drives, there are peripheral devices for storage (zip drives, CD-Recorder, DVD-Recorder) and an HP Plotter for large format printing with Tektronix printer for smaller jobs. The Digitizing Light table is attached to a UNIX workstation for data input to Arc Info GIS software.

GIS Software: Internet access, GIS software (Arc Info, Arc View, ERDAS Imagine, Idrisi), Oracle

Notes: UNIX Server (SGI Origin 2000)- this UNIX server is ideal for data-intensive tasks and analytical computing. (Supports Web serving, intensive scientific computation.)

UNIX Workstation (SGI Octane): This workstation that provides processing power and visualization needed for GIS applications

SGI NT Workstations (320 and 540): High-performance visual workstations with the familiarity of the Intel processor.

Large and small print output devices: HP Plotter and Tektronix Printer

Storage Devices:
Iomega Zip Drives (100 MB)
CD-Rom Recorder (700 MB)
DVD Recorder (2 GIG storage)

Digitizing Light Table: This device is used for converting large maps into geographic information systems.

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