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LT2/Stage 2 Data Collection and Tracking System
(LT2/Stage 2 DCTS)

EPA developed the Information Processing and Management Center (IPMC) and Data Collection & Tracking System (DCTS) to help manage data submissions and notifications associated with implementation of the LT2 and Stage 2 DBP rules.

The LT2/Stage2 Data Collection and Tracking System (DCTS) will support early implementation activities.  There are two parts of the DCTS – the LT2 Data Collection System and the LT2/Stage 2 Tracking System.  The LT2 Data Collection System collects and tracks the Cryptosporidium, E.Coli, and turbidity data generated during the LT2 monitoring program. The LT2/Stage 2 Tracking System is designed for State and EPA staff to use during the implementation of the Stage 2 DBP rule and the LT2 rule.

EPA is adopting this approach to facilitate HQ, Regions, and states to work together during early implementation of these rules. All primacy agencies will be able to make compliance determinations and access data using the LT2/Stage2 Data Collection System.

LT2/Stage 2 DCTS
Questions and Answers

LT2/Stage 2 DCTS

The LT2 Data Collection System
The system is password protected and accessible only by EPA, state drinking water representatives, PWSs, and approved laboratories. For more information and to enter the collection system read the description below.

The LT2/Stage 2 Tracking System
The system is password protected and accessible only by EPA, state drinking water representatives, PWSs, and approved laboratories. For more information and to enter the tracking system read the description below.

Questions and Answers

What is the IPMC?
Who should use DCTS?
How does the DCTS work?
What is the LT2 Data Collection System and how do you access it?
What is the LT2/Stage 2 Tracking System and how do you access it?
What are the options available to labs and systems for submitting data to the DCTS?
Will the DCTS integrate into other other database systems?

What is the IPMC?
IPMC will handle all data management during early implementation

  • Receives and processes all submissions
  • Reviews submissions for required components
  • Tracks and sends all notifications to PWSs
  • Generates reports on PWSs that have missed compliance deadline.

You can mail or fax paper copies of your LT2 and Stage 2 submissions to:

  • Mailing Address:
    PO Box 98
    Dayton, OH 45401-0098
          *Note: Please use this mailing address only. Sending submissions to EPA Headquarters or Regions will delay receipt of your submission.
  • Fax number:

LT2/Stage 2 Data Collection and Tracking System is an integral part of the IPMC that allows all of this to happen.

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Who should use DCTS?
The DCTS is intended for use by E. Coli and Cryptosporidium laboratories, PWSs that have to comply with the LT2 rule, States, and EPA.

Laboratories use the LT2 Data Collection System to upload E. Coli and Cryptosporidium sampling results.

PWSs use the LT2 Data Collection System to enter their sampling schedules and approve the sampling results uploaded by the laboratory.  In addition, PWSs can use the DCTS to submit their intent to grandfather, upload a file containing grandfathered data (in an approved file format), or submit their intent to provide treatment.

States and EPA use the LT2 Data Collection System to review sampling data and sampling schedules submitted by PWSs.  States and EPA use the LT2/Stage 2 Tracking System to view detailed information for all PWSs that have to comply with the LT2 and Stage 2 DBP rules.  In addition, States and EPA can track the system's Stage 2 and LT2 rule requirements and schedule, and review and approve submitted IDSE plans and/or reports and grandfathered data.

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How does the DCTS work?
DCTS is Web-based application that allows for both manual entry and batch uploads. The system is password protected and accessible only by EPA, state drinking water representatives, PWSs, and approved laboratories. Submissions to the DCTS will not; however, be considered confidential business information (CBI).

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What is the LT2 Data Collection System and how do you access it?
PWSs can create their sampling schedules in the DCTS. The schedule can be created by entering individual dates, generating a recurrence pattern, or copying a previously entered schedule from another facility. Throughout monitoring, the DCTS compares monitoring dates to scheduled dates to verify compliance. PWSs can also submit their intent to grandfather or intent to provide treatment, as well as upload a file containing data they want EPA or the state to consider to be used as grandfathered data through the DCTS in one of the approved file formats

After PWSs collect Cryptosporidium, E. coli, and turbidity samples and submit them to a laboratory for analysis, the laboratory posts the analytical results to the DCTS. When the laboratory approves and releases the sampling results for PWS review, the PWS can login to the DCTS to review the data. The PWS must electronically approve the data within 10 days of the end of first month after the month the sample was collected.

The DCTS is available on the web, but requires a username and password.  All users register through the Central Data Exchange (CDX). Below are the instructions for registering for the DCTS.

To enter the LT2 Data Collection System visit the

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What is the LT2/Stage 2 Tracking System and how do you access it?
The LT2/Stage 2 Tracking System coexists with LT2 Data Collection System. It is a web-based system for State and EPA staff to use during implementation of the LT2 and Stage 2 DBP rules.

The LT2/Stage 2 Tracking System allows states and EPA to view detailed information for all PWSs that have to comply with the LT2 and Stage 2 DBP rules.  States and EPA can track the system's Stage 2 and LT2 rule requirements and schedule, and review and approve submitted IDSE plans and/or reports and grandfathered data. In addition, states and EPA can view reports of PWSs by compliance schedule, PWSs that are part of Combined Distribution Systems , IDSE Submissions, LT2 submissions, and notification information.

The LT2/Stage 2 tracking system is available on the web, but requires a username and password.  All users register through the Central Data Exchange (CDX). Below are the instructions for registering DCTS.

To enter the Stage 2 Data Collection System visit the

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What are the options available to labs and systems for submitting data to the DCTS?
There are three options available to PWSs for submitting results to to the IPMC and the DCTS.

  • Website
    • For LT2: Labs upload discrete Cryptosporidium and E. Coli sampling data directly through the DCTS.  PWSs can submit their sampling schedule, intent to grandfather, or intent to provide treatment as well as upload a file containing their grandfathered data through the DCTS. 
    • For Stage 2: PWSs can complete and submit IDSE Plans and Reports via the IDSE Tool.  For more information on the IDSE Tool, click here.
  • Mail paper copies of LT2 submissions, grandfathered data, or IDSE plans and reports to:
    P.O. Box 98
    Dayton, OH 45401
  • E-mail electronic submissions as attachments to: Acceptable file formats for electronic submittals include:
    • MS word (.doc),
    • MS excel (.xls),
    • WordPerfect (.wpd),
    • text files (.txt), and/or
    • PDF files (.pdf).

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Will the DCTS integrate into other other database systems?
Although the database design is independent of the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS), DCTS is built to easily integrate with EPA’s Office of Water’s systems (i.e., Central Data Exchange (CDX), Safe Drinking Water Accession and Review System (SDWARS), SDWIS). For example, a state will be able to download an XML file (e.g., inventory, laboratory, or violation schema) from the DCTS and then have the option to upload the file to SDWIS/State or other state databases.

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