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Total Coliform Rule Distribution System Advisory Committee (TCRDSAC)

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Basic information

EPA is establishing the Total Coliform Rule Distribution System Advisory Committee (TCRDSAC) under the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The purpose of the TCRDSAC is to provide advice and make recommendations to the Agency on revisions to the Total Coliform Rule (TCR). The committee will also consider what information about distribution systems is needed to better understand the public health impact from the degradation of drinking water quality in distribution systems.

Charter and other background materials

Members List

David Baird
Representing: National Rural Water Association
Thomas Crawford
Representing: Native American Water Association
Cynthia Dougherty
Representing: US Environmental Protection Agency
Patti Fauver
Representing: Environmental Council of the States
Christine Maloni Hoover
Representing: National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates
Carrie Lewis
Representing: American Water Works Association
Mark LeChevallier
Representing: National Association of Water Companies
John Neuberger
Representing: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
Harvey Minnigh
Representing: Rural Community Assistance Partnership
Lynn Thorp
Representing: Clean Water Action
Jerry Smith
Representing: Association of State Drinking Water Administrators
Mae Wu
Representing: Natural Resources Defense Council
Bruce Tobey
Representing: National League of Cities
David Visintainer
Representing: Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies
Bob Vincent
Representing: National Environmental Health Association

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Agreement in Principle

On September 18, 2008, members of the Total Coliform Rule/Distribution System Advisory Committee (TCRDSAC) signed an Agreement in Principle (AIP) that recommends revisions to the 1989 Total Coliform Rule (TCR), as well research and information collection needed to better understand potential public health impacts from conditions in the distribution system.

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Upcoming meetings

Past meetings, meeting summaries, and supplemental materials

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