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October 27, 2008    DOL Home > Compliance Assistance > News Room > E-mail News Alert Archive   

Compliance Assistance - News Room
E-mail News Alert Archive

This bulletin was sent to the following groups of people:
Subscribers of Compliance Assistance Home Page, ELAWS - Employment Laws Assistance for Workers & Small Businesses, Employment Law Guide

The E-Mail Bulletin follows:

From: United States Department of Labor []

Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 11:27 AM AM

Subject: United States Department of Labor Compliance Assistance Update - FirstStep Recordkeeping, Reporting and Notices elaws Advisor

The U.S. Department of Labor today unveiled the FirstStep Recordkeeping, Reporting and Notices elaws Advisor — its latest tool to help employers comply with federal employment laws. By using this tool, employers can easily determine which recordkeeping, reporting and notice requirements apply to them under the major laws administered by the Department. This new elaws Advisor has been integrated with the revised and expanded FirstStep Poster and FirstStep Employment Law Overview Advisors. All three Advisors help employers identify the federal employment laws relevant to them and then explain how to comply with the requirements. This new suite of elaws Advisors is available at

For more information, see the press release and articles posted in the Compliance Assistance news room.

If you have questions about our programs or services, please e-mail for assistance or visit us on the web at

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GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of United States Department of Labor. 380 Jackson Street Suite 550 · St. Paul, MN 55101 · 866-276-5583 ext. 319

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