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FHWA Office of Real Estate Services Research Results:
Public Sector Real Estate Certification Needs Analysis

III. Recommended Next Steps

Based on the strong acceptance within the public sector real estate community for the concept of a public sector real estate professional certification, the researcher recommended next steps designed to continue to advance the definition of and ultimate implementation of a public sector real estate certification program. These next steps include:

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A. Establishing a multidisciplinary stakeholder group to oversee these recommended next steps.

A multidisciplinary stakeholder group should be established to oversee the other recommended next steps. This stakeholder group should include a mix of individuals who perform various functions within public sector real estate such as appraisal, acquisition, and relocation. It should also include representative of the various constituencies and stakeholders (Federal Agencies, State Agencies, Local Public Agencies, private sector real estate agencies, professional associations and educational providers) who will be critical to successfully implementing a certification program. In addition, since there was limited Local Public Agency input into Phase I, it is strongly recommended that at least one of the stakeholders be a representative of the realty function at a medium to large Local Public Agency. This Local Public Agency participation is critical given the large number of public sector real estate professionals who work for Local Public Agencies.

This stakeholder group should operate under the leadership of FHWA, as the Lead Agency for the Uniform Act, for at least the intermediate term while an approach for administering the program is finalized.

This stakeholder group will be responsible for reviewing the proposed certification curriculum and the associated implementation strategy/plan. This group should also act as champions or change agents for this effort, including assisting with execution of the stakeholder and public outreach programs.

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B. Developing a detailed curriculum for the certification program

This recommendation involves taking the general outline of the certification program established based on the findings of the Phase I study and developing a complete outline of the curriculum and other requirements for a proposed certification program.

The working assumptions to be utilized in developing this detailed curriculum include:

The detailed curriculum being developed under this recommendation will include the following elements:

It is envisioned that this curriculum will be developed in a collaborative manner, leveraging the insights and experience of the stakeholder team described in Section IV.A above. Work steps will include:

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C. Defining a multi-year implementation strategy and supporting detailed work plan

This recommendation involves developing a three to five year implementation strategy and supporting detailed plan for launching the proposed certification program based on the completed curriculum design. Some elements of the implementation strategy could include:

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D. Establishing a marketing program

This recommendation involves developing a marketing program to present the findings from Phase I and the preliminary plans for defining and implementing the certification program to a number of stakeholders, organizations and other groups who will be critical to the success of a certification program.

This marketing program is envisioned to consist of the following components:

Each of these elements is described briefly below.

1. Communications Program

This communication program should include:

2. Stakeholder Outreach Program

A stakeholder outreach program should be designed to generate interest and support for the initiative. Elements of this effort would include:

3. Public Outreach Program

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