
NPS Midwest Regional Office

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold, Nebraska
Team, Sustainable Design/Green Building

Sited on a former Brownfield, the sustainable NPS Midwest Regional Office facility is the first facility in Nebraska and one of 50 buildings in the world to earn LEED Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. The beautiful new building has a full year of data that shows that the building uses water and energy much more efficiently, provides excellent indoor air quality, and demonstrates native landscaping works in an urban setting, and helps managers achieve a high level of recycling. The dedicated Midwest Regional Office staff - working in partnership with the General Services Administration and the City of Omaha - actively collected the "before and after" data, which is crucial to demonstrating the value of sustainable buildings. They also worked closely with their fellow NPS staff who occupy the building to educate them about the buildings sustainable features. They do outreach work with the city and community as well.

Left to Right: Fran Mainella, Dave Given, Ruth Heikkinen, Marsha Green, Jay Noodle, Lynn Scarlett

Left to Right: Fran Mainella, Dave Given, Ruth Heikkinen, Marsha Green, Jay Noodle, Lynn Scarlett

Gale Norton, Dave Given, Ruth Heikkinen, Marsha Green, Lynn Scarlett

Gale Norton, Dave Given, Ruth Heikkinen, Marsha Green, Lynn Scarlett

Project Point of Contact
Ruth Heikkinen
National Park Service, Omaha, Nebraska
Phone: 402-661-1846
Email: ruth_heikkinen@nps.gov

More Information


U.S. Department of the Interior

Greening of the Interior


Last Updated on 08/7/08