
Brazoria NWR, Discovery Center

FWS, Texas
Team, Sustainable Design/Green Building

The new Environmental Education Center and Visitor Contact Station is a unique off-the-grid facility in a remote area of Brazoria NWR. The center employs many sustainable design features including a highly efficient air conditioning system; energy-efficient, low-e windows; post-consumer recycled content and sustainably harvested construction materials; passive energy capture and energy saving features; water saving fixtures; and pond areas to naturally conserve rain water. All electricity used at the facility is generated by an off-grid, 7.4 kW PV solar electric system. Staff worked in partnership with the Friends of Brazoria NWR who raised funds to purchase the visitor center's scientific educational equipment. As the FWS' first energy independent building, it shows what is possible for other remote DOI facilities.

 Left to Right: H. Dale Hall, Jeff Johns, Tracey McDonnell, Floyd Truetken, Lynn Scarlett

Left to Right: H. Dale Hall, Jeff Johns, Tracey McDonnell, Floyd Truetken, Lynn Scarlett

Left to Right: Gale Norton, Floyd Truetken,  Tracey McDonnell, Jeff Johns, Lynn Scarlett

Left to Right: Gale Norton, Floyd Truetken, Tracey McDonnell, Jeff Johns, Lynn Scarlett

Project Point of Contact
Tracey McDonnell
Fish and Wildlife Service, Angleton, Texas
Phone: 979-849-7771
Email: tracey_mcdonnell@fws.gov

More Information


U.S. Department of the Interior

Greening of the Interior


Last Updated on 08/7/08