Henry Johnson Confirmed as Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education

July 29, 2005
Contact: Jo Ann Webb
(202) 401-1576

U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings today announced that the U.S. Senate has confirmed Henry Louis Johnson as assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education. As such, his main focus will be the No Child Left Behind law.

The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education is responsible for directing, coordinating and recommending policy for programs designed to assist state and local education agencies to improve the achievement of elementary and secondary school students; to help ensure equal access to services leading to such improvement for all children, particularly children who are economically disadvantaged; to foster educational improvement at the state and local levels; and to provide financial assistance to local education agencies whose local revenues are affected by federal activities.

"Henry has been in education for more than 30 years and knows first hand the urgency of ensuring that every child has access to a quality education and a highly qualified teacher," Secretary Spellings said. "I am excited to have him join my team and am looking forward to his working with states to help raise achievement for all children and close the achievement gap as a part of No Child Left Behind."

Johnson currently is state superintendent of education for the Mississippi Department of Education. He previously served as associate state superintendent for the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Throughout his career, Johnson has served as a public school teacher, a principal and a middle-school director. He also worked as director of policy development and research for the North Carolina School Board Association. He also serves on various boards and commissions.

Johnson received his bachelor's degree from Livingstone College, a master's degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a doctorate degree in education from North Carolina State University.



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Last Modified: 07/29/2005

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