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Remarks and Other Releases
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--10/09/08  Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations With the U.S.; Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs, Richard A. Boucher; With Faiz Rehman of ARY TV; Washington, DC
--09/25/08  Remarks With Afghanistan Foreign Minister Rangin Dadfar Spanta; John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State; Loy Henderson Conference Room; Washington, DC
--09/16/08  Defeating al-Qaeda's Air Force: Pakistan's F-16 Program in the Fight Against Terrorism; Donald Camp, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for South and; Statement Before the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on South Asia; Washington, DC 
--09/08/08  Afghanistan's Communications Revolution; Ambassador David A. Gross, U.S. Coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy; Op-Ed; The Washington Post
--06/18/08  Special Briefing On the International Conference in Support of Afghanistan
--06/13/08  Pakistan/Afghanistan - U.S. Relations;  Richard Boucher, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs; Paris, France
--06/12/08  Remarks at Afghanistan Donors’ Conference; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Paris, France
--06/12/08  USAID Administrator Henrietta Fore and U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan William Wood
--04/14/08  Supporting Afghanistan; Richard A. Boucher, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs; Remarks at Press Conference; Kabul, Afghanistan
--03/06/08  Emergency Supplemental Request for Iraq and Afghanistan; John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State ; Statement Before the House Appropriations Committee; Washington, DC
--03/06/08  Excerpt on Afghanistan from Secretary Rice's Meeting with NATO Foreign Ministers; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Brussels, Belgium
--02/29/08  A Preview of the Bucharest NATO Summit: Afghanistan, Enlargement, and the Future of the Alliance; Kurt Volker, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs; SAIS – Center for Transatlantic Relations, The Johns Hopkins University; Washington, DC
--02/14/08  U.S. Policy in Afghanistan; Richard A. Boucher, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs; Testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee; Washington, DC
--02/07/08  Remarks With UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband and Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Kabul, Afghanistan
--02/07/08  Remarks With UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband at Kandahar Air Base; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Kandahar, Afghanistan
--01/31/08  Afghanistan: A Plan to Turn the Tide; Richard A. Boucher, Assistant Secreatary for South and Central Asian Affairs; Remarks Before the Foreign Relations Committee; Washington, DC

--12/13/07  Remarks on Public-Private Partnership for Justice Reform in Afghanistan; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--09/20/07  Remarks to Paul H. Nitze School for Advanced International Studies; Richard A. Boucher, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs; Washington, DC
--09/14/07  Why Helping Afghanistan Matters; Kurt Volker, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs; Speech to the Atlantic Council of Finland; Helsinki, Finland
--09/11/07  Press Roundtable in Afghanistan; John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State; Kabul, Afghanistan
--09/06/07  Remarks to the Press: Discussing Afghanistan; Richard A. Boucher, Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs; Berlin, Germany
--08/02/07  On-the-Record Briefing on Afghanistan; Richard Boucher, Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs; Washington, DC
--07/23/07  The Passing of Muhammad Zahir Shah, Former King of Afghanistan; Statement by Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--05/21/07  Iranian Expulsion of Afghan Migrants (Taken Question)
--05/14/07  Roundtable With East-West Center Journalists Tour; Richard A Boucher, Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs; Remarks to the Press; Washington, DC
--03/08/07  Moving Forward in Afghanistan ; Richard A. Boucher, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs; Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Washington, DC
--01/30/07  Overall U.S. Effort in Afghanistan; Richard A. Boucher, Assistant Secretary; Remarks to the Press; Berlin, Germany
--01/26/07  Comprehensive Approach: Afghanistan; Richard A. Boucher, Assistant Secretary; Remarks to the Press ; Brussels, Belgium
--01/26/07  On-the-Record Briefing on Afghanistan; R. Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary for Political Affairs; Washington, DC
--01/25/07  Afghanistan and Pakistan Discussion Before NATO Ministerial Meeting; Richard A. Boucher, Assistant Secretary; Remarks toPress Roundtable; Brussels, Belgium
--01/11/07  Afghanistan: Remarks to the Press; Richard A. Boucher, Asistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs; Kabul, Afghanistan

--10/31/06  U.S.-Afghan Business Matchmaking Conference; R. Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary for Political Affairs; Washington, DC Remarks as Prepared
--09/27/06  President Bush Hosts Presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan at the White House
--09/26/06  Remarks by President Bush and President Karzai of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
--07/11/06  Briefing with Secretary Rumsfeld and President Karzai from Afghanistan; Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense; Kabul, Afghanistan
--07/05/06  Mrs. Bush's Remarks in a U.S. Afghan Women's Council Roundtable; First Lady Laura Bush; The State Department; Washington, DC
--06/28/06  Interview by M. Amin Mudaqiq of Radio Azadi; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Kabul, Afghanistan
--06/28/06  Interview by Mohammad Ekram of Voice of America; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Kabul, Afghanistan
--06/28/06  Interview on CNN Wth Sally Holland; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Kabul, Afghanistan
--06/28/06  Remarks With Afghan President Hamid Karzai After Their Meeting; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Kabul, Afghanistan
--06/13/06  Remarks at Electricity Beyond Borders: A Central Asia Power Sector Forum; Richard A. Boucher, Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs ; Istanbul, Turkey
--06/13/06  U.S. Commitment to Afghan Women; Ambassador Steven E. Steiner, Acting Senior Coordinator for International Women’s Issues; Remarks at the Afghan Women Members of Parliament Conference: “A Day Devoted to Afghan Women Parliamentarians”; Paris, France
--03/21/06  Remarks After Meeting With Iraq and Afghanistan Non-Governmental Organizations; President George W. Bush; The Roosevelt Room, The White House; Washington, DC
--03/21/06  On-The-Record Briefing on U.S.-Afghanistan Strategic Partnership; Under Secretary for Political Affairs R. Nicholas Burns, Afghanistan Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah; Loy Henderson Conference Room; Washington, DC
--03/20/06  Remark With Foreign Minister Abdullah of Afghanistan; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--03/09/06  Afghanistan Progress Report: Counternarcotics Efforts; Thomas A. Schweich, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; Testimony Before the Middle East and Central Asia Subcommittee and the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House Committee on International Relations; Washington, DC
--03/09/06  USAID Assistance to Afghanistan; James Kunder, USAID Assistant Administrator for Asia and the Near East ; Statement Before the House Committee on International Relations; Sub-committees on Middle East and Central Asia and Oversight & Investigations
--03/06/06  India and Pakistan: On the Heels of President Bush's Visit; R. Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary for Political Affairs; Remarks to the Heritage Foundation; Washington, DC
--03/01/06  President Thanks U.S. and Coalition Troops in Afghanistan; President George W. Bush; Clam Shell Bagram Air Base; Afghanistan
--03/01/06  President and Mrs. Bush Dedicate U.S. Embassy Building in Afghanistan; President George W. Bush; United States Embassy; Kabul, Afghanistan
--03/01/06  President Meets With President Hamid Karzai in Kabul, Afghanistan; President George W. Bush; Presidential Palace; Kabul, Afghanistan
--03/01/06  Press Briefing by Scott McClellan and Joe Hagin En Route Afghanistan; Aboard Air Force One; En Route Bagram Air Force Base, Afghanistan
--01/31/06  Remarks at the Afghanistan Compact Meeting; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; London, England
--01/30/06  Remarks With Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; London Conference on Afghanistan ; Washington, DC
--01/27/06  Briefing on London Conference on Afghanistan; Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary for Political Affairs; Washington, DC
--01/27/06  Scene Setter for The London Conference on Afghanistan - January 31-February 1, 2006; Ambassador Ronald Neumann, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC
--01/03/06  Statement by U.S. Ambassador Ronald E. Neumann at Inauguration of the Shah Shahid Shrine; Ronald E. Neumann, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan; Kabul, Afghanistan

--12/19/05  The Seating of the Afghan National Assembly; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--12/19/05  Vice President's Remarks at a Rally for the Troops in Afghanistan; Vice President Richard B. Cheney; Bagram Air Field; Bagram, Afghanistan
--10/12/05  Briefing En Route to Kabul; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; En Route to Kabul
--10/12/05  Interview With Hanif Sherzad of Radio Afghanistan; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Kabul, Afghanistan
--10/12/05  Remarks With Afghan President Hamid Karzai; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Kabul, Afghanistan
--09/22/05  United States Counternarcotics Efforts in Afghanistan; Nancy J. Powell, Acting Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; Testimony Before the House International Relations Committee; Washington, DC
--09/19/05  Special Briefing on Afghanistan Elections; Ronald E. Neumann, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan; Via Teleconference Call from Kabul, Afghanistan; Washington, DC
--09/09/05  Interview With Massoud Qiam of Afghanistan's TOLO TV; R. Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs; Washington, DC
--08/23/05  The Situation in Afghanistan; Ambassador John R. Bolton, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations; Statement for Submission to the Security Council; New York, New York
--07/27/05  Remarks at the Swearing-in of Ronald Neumann as the U.S. Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
--06/15/05  Nomination to be Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Ambassador Ronald Neumann; Statement Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Washington, DC
--05/23/05  President Welcomes Afghan President Karzai to the White House; President George W. Bush; The East Room; Washington, DC
--04/13/05  Secretary Rumsfeld and President Karzai Hold Press Conference in Afghanistan; Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld; Presidential Palace; Kabul, Afghanistan
--04/05/05  Remarks on President Bush's Intention to Nominate Zalmay Khalilzad as Ambassador to Iraq; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
--03/30/05  Mrs. Bush Highlights Women's Achievements in Afghanistan
--03/25/05  Background Briefing by Administration Officials on U.S.-South Asia Relations
--03/19/05  Remarks to Troops at Command Post Tango; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Command Post Tango Operations Center; Republic of Korea
--03/17/05  Interview With Jonathan Karl of ABC's World News Tonight; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Kabul, Afghanistan
--03/17/05  Interview With Neda Farhat of Radio Liberty and Radio Afghanistan; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Kabul, Afghanistan
--03/17/05  Remarks to Troops at the Kabul Compound; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Kabul, Afghanistan
--03/17/05  Remarks with Afghan President Hamid Karzai; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Presidential Palace; Kabul, Afghanistan

--12/07/04  Remarks by the Vice President at a Breakfast With U.S. Troops; Vice President Richard P. Cheyney; Bagram Airfield; Kabul, Afghanistan
--12/04/04  Emergency Wheat Seed Distribution; Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan; Nangahar Province; Jalalabad, Afghanistan
--11/17/04   Counternarcotics Initiatives for Afghanistan; Robert B. Charles, Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; On-The-Record Briefing; Washington, DC
--11/10/04  Media Availability in Afghanistan; Richard L. Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State; Association of Experts in the Fields of Migration and Development Cooperation (AGEF) Vocational Training Center; Kabul, Afghanistan
--10/19/04  The Elections in Afghanistan; Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan; Washington, DC
--10/18/04  Interview With the USA Today Editorial Board; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--10/15/04  Special Defense Department Briefing on Afghan Election; Zalmay Khalilzad, Ambassador to Afghanistan; Washington, DC
--10/07/04  A 5,000-Year First; Zalmay Khalilzad, Special Presidential Envoy and U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan; Op-Ed; Wall Street Journal
--09/29/04  U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan on the Eve of National Elections; Richard L. Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State; Prepared Statement before House Committee on International Relations; Washington, DC
--09/29/04  U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan on the Eve of National Elections; Andrew Natsios, USAID Administrator; Statement before the House International Relations Committee; Washington, DC
--09/21/04  Remarks by the President in Address to the United Nations General Assembly ; United Nations Headquarters, New York, New York
--07/16/04  Press Conference with Foreign Minister Abdullah of Afghanistan; Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State; Presidential Palace; Kabul, Afghanistan
--07/16/04  Walk-Out After Meeting with Voter Registration Workers; Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State; Remarks at the Joint Electoral Management Body Regional Office ; Karte Parwan, Kabul, Afghanistan
--06/29/04  Statement by U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan; Zalmay Khalilzad, Ambassador and Special Presidential Envoy to Afghanistan ; Opening Statement at Monthly Press Briefing; Kabul, Afghanistan
--05/24/04  Next Steps in Afghanistan: Preparing for Elections; William Taylor, Coordinator For Afghanistan; Remarks at Middle East Institute Conference ; Carnegie Endowment For International Peace, Washington, DC
--05/20/04  Remarks With Kyleigh Kuhn, Founder of Pennies for Peace; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
--04/17/04  How Political Parties Can Help Build the New Afghanistan; Ambassador and Special Presidential Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad; Remarks at a Conference on the Role of Political Parties in Afghanistan ; Kabul, Afghanistan
--04/02/04  Press Briefing at Luns Theater at NATO Headquarters ; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Brussels, Belgium
--04/01/04  Afghanistan: Are the British Counternarcotics Efforts Going Wobbly; Robert B. Charles, Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; Testimony Before the House Committee on Government Reform Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources; Washington, DC
--04/01/04  British Counternarcotics Efforts in Afghanistan; Robert B. Charles, Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; Hearing Before House Committee on Government Reform Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources; Washington, DC
--03/31/04  Remarks with Afghan President Hamid Karzai; Secretary Colin L. Powell; International Conference On Afghanistan; Intercontinental Hotel, Berlin, Germany
--03/30/04  Afghanistan: A Future The World Should Invest In; Zalmay Khalilzad, Ambassador and Special Envoy to Afghanistan; Op-Ed; International Herald Tribune
--03/26/04  Scene Setter on the International Conference on Afghanistan, March 31-April 1; William Taylor, Coordinator for Afghanistan, U.S. Department of State; Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC
--03/26/04  International Conference on Afghanistan; Christina B. Rocca, Assistant Secretary for South Asian Affairs; Paris, France
--03/25/04  Democracy Bubbles Up; Zalmay Khalilzad, Ambassador and Special Envoy to Afghanistan; Op-Ed; Wall Street Journal
--03/17/04  Remarks After Visiting Afghan Voter Registration Site; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Marian Lyceum High School; Kabul, Afghanistan
--03/17/04  Remarks With President of Afghanistan; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Presidential Palace; Kabul, Afghanistan
--02/26/04  Afghanistan: The Narcotics Situation and Strategy; Robert B. Charles, Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; Testimony Before the House Committee on Government Reform Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources; Washington, DC
--02/12/04  Remarks at the Screening of "Osama"; Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao; The First Feature Film Made in Post-Taliban Afghanistan; Washington, DC
--01/29/04  Remarks With NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--01/27/04  Accelerate Reconstruction in Afghanistan; State Department Coordinator for Afghanistan, William B. Taylor, Jr.; Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Washington, DC
--01/06/04  Afghanistan's Milestone; Zalmay Khalilzad, Special Presidential Envoy and Ambassador to Afghanistan; Op-Ed; The Washington Post

--12/17/03  Briefing on Afghanistan Reconstruction; James Kunder, USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Asia and the Near East; Washington, DC
--12/13/03  Remarks on the Eve of the Constitutional Loya Jirga; Dr. Zalmai Khalilzad, Ambassador to Afghanistan; U.S. Embassy Kabul; Kabul, Afghanistan
--12/09/03  Interview by Ed Luce of the Financial Times; Richard L. Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State; Washington, DC
--12/04/03  Press Availability at the U.K. Provincial Reconstruction Team Headquarters; Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld ; Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan
--12/04/03  Secretary Rumsfeld Press Conference with Afghan President Karzai; Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld; Kabul, Afghanistan
--11/19/03  United States Ongoing Commitment to Success in Afghanistan; Christina Rocca, Assistant Secretary for South Asian Affairs; Testimony before House Committee on International Relations; Washington, DC
--11/10/03  The Time to Accelerate Reconstruction in Afghanistan; John B. Taylor, Under Secretary of Treasury for International Affairs; Remarks to the Afghanistan-America Summit Georgetown University ; Washington, DC
--11/06/03  President Signs Wartime Supplemental ; President George W. Bush; Remarks by the President at Signing of HR 3289 - the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan; East Room, The White House
--10/16/03  Reconstruction Situation in Afghanistan; James Kunder, USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Asia and the Near East; Testimony before House Committee on International Relations; Washington, DC
--09/30/03  Iraq and Afghanistan: Accomplishments and Next Steps; Andrew S. Natsios, USAID Administrator; Testimony before House Appropriations Foreign Operations Subcommittee; Washington, DC
--09/24/03  Remarks at UN-led Meeting on Afghanistan; Secretary Colin L. Powell; UN Headquarters; New York City
--09/18/03  Statement Upon Leaving Kabul, Afghanistan; John W. Snow, Treasury Secretary; Kabul, Afghanistan
--09/07/03  Joint Media Availability with Afghan President Karzai; Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense; Kabul, Afghanistan
--08/25/03  Remarks to the Veterans of Foreign Wars ; National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice; 104th National Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars; Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas
--08/11/03  Remarks With Lakhdar Brahimi, Special Representative of United Nations Secretary General for Afghanistan, After Their Meeting; Secretary Colin L. Powell; C Street Entrance; Washington, DC
--07/17/03  Round Table on Afghan Women's Issues; Washington, DC
--06/17/03  Situation in Afghanistan; John D. Negroponte, United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations; Remarks to U.N. Security Council; New York, New York
--05/21/03  U.S. Mine Action Support to Afghanistan; Donald F. "Pat" Patierno, Director, Office of Humanitarian Demining Programs; Remarks at Elle Dicor and IMG Home Benefit Event in Support of Roots of Peace; Washington, DC
--05/05/03  Remarks With NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--04/26/03  U.S. Organizing Multinational Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan; Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense; En Route Shannon, Ireland
--04/11/03  Women and the Transition to Democracy: Iraq, Afghanistan, Beyond; Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs; Remarks at the Heritage Foundation; Washington, DC
--03/25/03  Inauguration of the Codan Communication System Throughout Afghanistan; Robert P. Finn, Ambassador to Afghanistan ; Kabul, Afghanistan
--03/19/03  Remarks for Police Communications Class Graduation; Dr. Robert P. Finn, Ambassador to Afghanistan; Kabul, Afghanistan
--02/01/03  Opening Remarks at Provisional Reconstruction Team Stand-Up Ceremony ; Dr. Robert P. Finn, Ambassador to Afghanistan ; Kabul, Afghanistan
--01/29/03  Remarks at Afghan Reconstruction Conference; Andrew S. Natsios, Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development; Washington, DC
--01/24/03  Interview on NBC Today Show With Katie Couric; Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs and Karen Hughes, Adviser to the President; Washington, DC
--01/15/03  Media Availability at Rabia Balki Women's Hospital; Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense; Kabul, Afghanistan
--01/15/03  Media Availability with Afghan Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah; Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense; The Palace; Kabul, Afghanistan
--01/15/03  Media availability at Bagram Air Base; Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense; Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan
--01/15/03  Rebuilding Afghanistan: U.S.-Afghan Women's Council; Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs; Remarks at Foreign Press Center Briefing; Washington, DC
--01/09/03  Departure Statement; Paula Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs; U.S.-Afghan Women's Council; Kabul, Afghanistan
--01/08/03  Press Availability at the Ministry of Women's Affairs; Paula Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs; Kabul, Afghanistan

--12/23/02  Reconstruction and Rebuilding Efforts in Afghanistan; Andrew S. Natsios, USAID Administrator; On-The-Record Briefing; Washington, DC
--12/06/02  Commitment to the People of Afghanistan; Richard S. Williamson, U.S. Alternate Representative to the United Nations; Statement During the Fifty-seventh Session of the UN General Assembly, in Plenary Session; New York, New York
--11/10/02  Inaugural Ceremony of the Reconstruction of the Kabul-Qandahar-Herat Highway; Robert P. Finn, Ambassador to Afghanistan; Kabul, Afghanistan
--11/07/02  Providing Protection and Assistance to Refugees; Arthur E. Dewey, Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees, and Migration; Statement Before the Fifty-seventh Session of the UN General Assembly, in the Third Committee; New York, New York
--10/18/02  U.S. Assistance to Afghanistan; Andrew S. Natsios, Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development; Remarks to American Enterprise Institute; Washington, DC
--10/09/02  Making Reconstruction Work in Afghanistan; John B. Taylor, Under Secretary of Treasury for International Affairs; Remarks at the Council on Foreign Relations; Washington, DC
--10/08/02  Launch Health Programs and Partnerships in Afghanistan; Tommy Thompson, Health and Human Services Secretary; Kabul, Afghanistan
--09/26/02  Opening Remarks to Afghan Reconstruction Steering Group; Secretary Colin L. Powell; World Bank Annex Auditorium; Washington, DC
--09/24/02  Remarks at the U.S.-Afghan Women's Council's "Women in Government" Reception; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
--09/18/02  Combating the Financing of Terrorism; Celina B. Realuyo, Policy Advisor, Counterterrorism Office; Remarks to Western Union International Compliance Conference; New York, New York
--08/29/02  Reconstruction And Humanitarian Efforts In Afghanistan; Arthur E. Dewey , Assistant Secretary Of State For Population, Refugees and Migration; Washington, DC
--07/25/02  Afghanistan-America Summit on Recovery and Reconstruction; Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs; Remarks to Afghanistan-America Summit on Recovery and Reconstruction, Georgetown University; Washington, DC
--07/19/02  The Situation in Afghanistan; John D. Negroponte, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations; Statement in the UN Security Council; New York, New York
--06/17/02  The U.S. Role in Afghanistan: From Relief Efforts to the Treatment of Women; Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs; Remarks to tthe League of Women Voters 45th Biennial Convention; Miami, Florida
--02/08/02  Joint Statement by U.S.-Russia Working Group on Afghanistan (Revised)
--01/28/02  Remarks at Afghan Embassy Flag-Raising Ceremony ; Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State; Washington, DC
--01/03/02  Special Press Briefing on Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan; Andrew S. Natsios, Administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development; Washington, DC [audio]

--12/12/01  President Signs Afghan Women and Children Relief Act ; George W. Bush, President; Remarks at the Signing Ceremony for Afghan Women and Children Relief Act of 2001 ; The National Women's Museum in the Arts, Washington, DC
--12/10/01  On-The-Record Briefing on U.S. Assistance To Afghanistan; Andrew Natsios, Administrator of The Agency for International Development; Washington, DC [audio]
--12/06/01  Future of Afghanistan; Richard N. Haass, Director, Office of the Policy Planning Staff, and U.S. Coordinator for the Future of Afghanistan ; Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations ; Washington, DC
--11/19/01  Afghan Women; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Remarks at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building; Washington, DC
--11/19/01  United States Position on Terrorists and Peace in the Middle East ; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Remarks at the McConnell Center for Political Leadership;  University of Louisville, Kentucky
--11/16/01  The Taliban's War Against Women
--11/15/01  Joint Statement on Terrorism by United States, Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, and Moldova
--11/15/01  Senior Officials Meeting on Reconstruction Assistance to Afghanistan
--11/14/01  Afghanistan: Status of US Embassy (Taken Question)
--11/14/01  Special Press Briefing on U.S. Aid to Afghanistan
--11/14/01  U.S. Contributes Additional $4 Million Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan
--11/13/01  Joint U.S. - Russian Statement on Afghanistan ; President George W. Bush and President Vladimir V. Putin; Washington, DC
--11/12/01  Remarks to United Nations Security Council; Secretary Colin L. Powell; New York, New York
--11/10/01  Overland Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan
--11/01/01  U.S.-Russia Working Group on Afghanistan Joint Press Statement
--10/26/01  Afghanistan Emergency: U.S. Disbursement of $18.1 Million
--10/26/01  NGOs and the Future of Afghanistan; Marc Grossman, Under Secretary for Political Affairs; Remarks to the National Foreign Policy Conference for Leaders of Nongovernmental Organizations; Washington, DC
--10/26/01  On-The-Record Briefing Regarding Afghanistan; Bear McConnell, Director of the Central Asia Task Force for the US Agency for International Development; Washington, DC
--10/24/01  UN Agency Signs Accords for Aid Throughout Afghanistan; United Nations, New York
--10/23/01  As America Cares for Dead and Wounded, So Does Afghanistan ; Bear McConnell, Director of the Central Asia Task Force for USAID; Interview with Leon Harris and Amanda Kibel - CNN Live Event; Islamabad, Pakistan
--10/22/01  Afghanistan Emergency: U.S. Contributes $10 Million to UN High Commissioner for Refugees
--10/07/01  Presidential Address to the Nation; President Bush; The Treaty Room; Washington, DC
--10/04/01  President Directs Humanitarian Aid to Afghanistan; George W. Bush, President; Remarks to State Department Employees; U.S. State Department , Washington, DC
--10/04/01  U.S. Assistance to Afghan Refugees; Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs; On-the-Record Briefing; Washington, DC
--10/03/01  Afghanistan: US Support For Opposition? (Taken Question)
--09/27/01  Afghanistan: Visas for Taliban (Taken Question)
--09/22/01  United Arab Emirates Decision to Sever Ties with Taliban
--  05/24/2001: Excerpts from Daily Press Briefing with Remarks about Taliban

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