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NCEP codes for decoding and encoding data in GRIB2 format
Image of horizontal rule

Note: These codes are provided as is for the use of NCEP data users. NCEP does not and can not provide any support for them.

g2lib-1.1.9.tar Library contains GRIB2 encoder/decoder and search/indexing routines (Fortran90)
Last updated: 06/17/2009
w3lib-1.7.tar Library contains GRIB1 encoder/decoder and utility routines (Fortran90)
Last updated: 06/17/2009
cnvgrib-1.1.9.tar GRIB1 <--> GRIB2 conversion utility. Requires g2lib and w3lib. (Fortran90)
Last updated: 06/17/2009
bacio-1.3.tar Library contains Fortran interface to "C" I/O routines. Useful with g2lib, and is also included in w3lib.
Last updated: 11/2/2006
jasper-1.900.1.tar JPEG2000 image compression algorithms within the GRIB2 standard.
Last updated: 06/17/2006
libpng-1.2.34.tar PNG image compression algorithms within the GRIB2 standard.
Last updated: 06/17/2006
zlib-1.2.3.tar Zlib contains compression/decompression routines used by libpng.a for PNG image compression support.
Last updated: 06/17/2006
Build_cnvgrib.pdf CNVGRIB Build Instructions
Last update: 06/17/2009
g2clib-1.1.9.tar Library contains GRIB2 encoder/decoder ("C" version)
Last updated: 06/17/2009
wgrib2 Utility tools for grib2.
You can use this utility to extract data or inventory.

For questions related to the cnvgrib software, send mail to

Image of horizontal rule

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Last Modified:Wednesday, 17-Jun-2009 15:19:54 GMT