How to Save the Amazon Rainforest
Everyone agrees the tropical rainforests are worth more alive than dead, but our economic and political systems still fail to reflect that, with devastating results. Earlier this month, Rhett Butler of took stock of the emerging market mechanisms for protecting the world's largest rainforests. His findings are reproduced in Ecosystem Marketplace.

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Carbon Mid-price* [3 month]
*CCX - 2008 | EU ETS - 2008 | NSW - Spot


David Brand: Harnessing Markets to Save Forests, Old and New Few people have influenced the growth of ecosystem markets like New Forests founder David Brand. His career, like the industry he has helped spawn, runs the gamut from forestry to investment, and from government to non-profit to money-making - and it looks like he may be just warming up.

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Will Florida Panthers Boost Species Banking?
With 93 established banks, California is the undisputed national champion of species banking. So what's up in Florida? It's got ...
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Five Hidden Challenges to Ecosystem Markets
Fans of the Ecosystem Marketplace often complain of being slammed by the left for cavorting with markets and by the ...
[ Go to Article ] for all your species needs!
Real estate developers use species banks to offset their damage to nature by paying for newly-protected habitat. It's the ...
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Ecosystem Markets Finish Year on (Relatively) High Note
The global recession may have taken the wind out of prices for carbon offsets in 2008, but the mechanisms necessary ...
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New US Federal Office Puts Ecosystem Markets at Forefront of Resource Management
Ecosystem Marketplace has long envisioned a world in which farmers and ranchers are paid to save natural ecosystems that filter ...
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Poznan Talks Send Mixed Signal on Trees
Negotiators at last week's UN climate change talks in Poznan, Poland, finally agreed on one thing: namely, that plenty of ...
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Attempt at Clarity Muddles Wetland Waters
The US EPA and Army Corps of Engineers managed to forge rare agreement among developers, environmentalists, and wetland bankers. ...
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Talking Trees in Poznan: The Shape of Forests to Come
A slew of new tools, methodologies, and reports designed to support the markets for forest carbon were unveiled on Forest ...
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Is the Road Through Poznan Paved with Voluntary Carbon?
Voluntary and regional carbon reduction initiatives continue to save tropical rainforests by using them as carbon sinks – along the ...
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How Much for this Mountain Forest?

The downward flow of water from the Eastern Arc Mountains of Africa generates up to half of Tanzania's power and provides nearly all of Dar es Salaam's drinking water. As logging and agriculture move up the slopes, however, they destroy the natural ecosystems that support the ancient catchments – resulting in torrents in the wet season and trickles in the dry. Can valuing those ecosystem services lead to their salvation?


In Search of the Missing Bobolink
We used to find these little birds nurturing their young in the prairie grass of North America, but now we're likely to find them in hayfields – often after mowing machines and grazing animals found them first. That prompted EcoAsset Markets and the University of Rhode Island to experiment with a "nature services exchange" that compensates farmers for idling their machines during mating season.

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