U.S. Forest Service Valuing Ecosystem Services
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FS Speeches

Recent speeches by Forest Service leaders highlight the agency’s interest in valuing ecosystem services through private, market-based mechanisms. Read some of these speeches, below, and learn what we’re saying about ecosystem services.

Associate Chief Sally Collins

Getting Outside the Echo Chamber: Challenges in Leadership
Wisconsin DNR Division of Forestry 2008 Statewide Meeting: January 29, 2008

Urban Forestry in America Today
Partners in Community Forestry National Conference: November 14, 2007

Forest Trends: Ownership, Markets, and Ecosystem Services
Gravure Association of America 2007 Environmental Workshop: June 21, 2007

Ecosystem Services: A New Perspective on Forestry
National Silviculture Workshop: May 7, 2007

Forestry in Transition: a Market Vision for Ecosystem Services
Pacific Forest Trust Annual Dinner: December 7, 2006

The Forest Service’s Role in Markets for Ecosystem Services
9th Katoomba Group meeting: June 8, 2006

Water Quality Trading: the Forestry Connection
2nd National Water Quality Trading Conference: May 23, 2006

Partnerships for Ecosystem Services
International Association for Fish and Wildlife Agencies Meeting: February 21, 2006

The Future of Public Land Management
National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Federal Lands Committee Meeting: February 3, 2006

Trends Affecting Forestry in the United States
National Association of State Foresters Annual Meeting: October 3, 2005

Putting Natural Capital to Work
A New Currency for Conservation workshop: May 18, 2005

The Future of Partnering with the Forest Service (Adobe Acrobat file PDF, 38 KB)
National Association of Conservation Districts Annual Meeting: February 8, 2005

Chief Abigail Kimbell

The Future of Outdoor Recreation and Lands: Business Leadership Makes a Difference
REI Leadership Conference: March 14, 2008

Forest Management and Climate Change Response
8th National Conference on Science, Policy, and the Environment: January 16, 2008

How is Globalization Affecting America's Forests - And What Can We Do?
Society of American Foresters Annual Meeting: October 24, 2007

People and Forests: Connecting the Dots on the Landscape
National Association of State Foresters Annual Meeting: September 17, 2007

Climate Change, Kids, and Forests: What's the Connection?
Society of Environmental Journalists Annual Conference: September 7, 2007

Keeping Places to Hunt and Fish
Outdoor Writers of America Annual Meeting: June 16, 2007

The Future of Forest Research in the United States
International Union of Forest Research Organizations conference: April 18, 2007

Former Chief Dale Bosworth

Climate Change and the Future of Forestry
North American Forest Commission, 23rd Session: October 23, 2006

Sustaining America's Forests: Challenges and Opportunities
National Association of State Foresters Annual Meeting: September 18, 2006

In the Spirit of Earth Day: Connecting People to the Land
University of California, Berkeley, Earth Day event: April 22, 2006

Former USDA Secretary Mike Johanns

Remarks As Prepared by The Hon. Mike Johanns, Secretary U.S. Department of Agriculture, Innovations In Land and Resource Governance
White House Conference on Cooperative Conservation: August 29, 2005

Location: http://www.fs.fed.us/ecosystemservices/speeches.shtml
Updated: May 22, 2008 9:19 AM

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