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Brief Summary


American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists guideline recommendations for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 testing in breast cancer.



This is the current release of the guideline.



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Optimal algorithm for human HER2 testing Positive for HER2 is either IHC HER2 3+ (defined as uniform intense membrane staining of > 30% of invasive tumor cells) or FISH amplified (ratio of HER2 to CEP17 of > 2.2 or average HER2 gene copy number > six signals/nucleus for those test systems without an internal control probe)

Equivocal for HER2 is defined as either IHC 2+ or FISH ratio of 1.8-2.2 or average HER2 gene copy number four to six signals/nucleus for test systems without an internal control probe

Negative for HER2 is defined as either IHC 0-1+ or FISH ratio of <1.8 or average HER2 gene copy number of < four signals/nucleus for test systems without an internal control probe

These definitions depend on laboratory documentation of the following:
  1. Proof of initial testing validation in which positive and negative HER2 categories are 95% concordant with alternative validated method or same validated method for HER2
  2. Ongoing internal QA procedures
  3. Participation in external proficiency testing
  4. Current accreditation by valid accrediting agency
Optimal FISH testing requirements Fixation for fewer than 6 hours or longer than 48 hours is not recommended

Test is rejected and repeated if:
  • Controls are not as expected
  • Observer cannot find and count at least two areas of invasive tumor
  • > 25% of signals are unscorable due to weak signals
  • > 10% of signals occur over cytoplasm
  • Nuclear resolution is poor
  • Autofluorescence is strong
Interpretation done by counting at least 20 cells; a pathologist must confirm that counting involved invasive tumor

Sample is subjected to increased counting and/or repeated if equivocal; report must include guideline-detailed elements (see Table 10 in the original guideline document)
Optimal IHC testing requirements Fixation for fewer than 6 hours or longer than 48 hours is not recommended

Test is rejected and repeated or tested by FISH if:
  • Controls are not as expected
  • Artifacts involve most of sample
  • Sample has strong membrane staining of normal breast ducts (internal controls)
Interpretation follows guideline recommendation:
  • Positive HER2 result requires homogeneous, dark circumferential (chicken wire) pattern in > 30% of invasive tumor
  • Interpreters have method to maintain consistency and competency
Sample is subjected to confirmatory FISH testing if equivocal based on initial results

Report must include guideline-detailed elements (see Table 9 in the original guideline document)
Optimal tissue handling requirements Time from tissue acquisition to fixation should be as short as possible; samples for HER2 testing are fixed in neutral buffered formalin for 6 to 48 hours; samples should be sliced at 5 to 10 mm intervals after appropriate gross inspection and margins designation and placed in sufficient volume of neutral buffered formalin

Sections should ideally not be used for HER2 testing if cut > 6 weeks earlier; this may vary with primary fixation or storage conditions

Time to fixation and duration of fixation if available should be recorded for each sample
Optimal internal validation procedure Validation of test must be done before test is offered

Initial test validation requires 25 to 100 samples tested by alternative validated method in the same laboratory or by validated method in another laboratory

Proof of initial testing validation in which positive and negative HER2 categories are 95% concordant with alternative validated method or same validated method for HER2

Ongoing validation should be done biannually
Optimal internal QA procedures Initial test validation

Ongoing quality control and equipment maintenance

Initial and ongoing laboratory personnel training and competency assessment

Use of standardized operating procedures including routine use of control materials

Revalidation of procedure if changed

Ongoing competency assessment and education of pathologists
Optimal external proficiency assessment Participation in external proficiency testing program with at least two testing events (mailings)/year

Satisfactory performance requires at least 90% correct responses on graded challenges for either test
  • Unsatisfactory performance will require laboratory to respond according to accreditation agency program requirements
Optimal laboratory accreditation Onsite inspection every other year with annual requirement for self-inspection
  • Reviews laboratory validation, procedures, QA results and processes, results and reports
  • Unsatisfactory performance results in suspension of laboratory testing for HER2 for that method

Abbreviations: HER2, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; IHC, immunohistochemistry; FISH, fluorescent in situ hybridization; QA, quality assurance


Algorithms are provided in the original guideline document for:

  • Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
  • Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)



The evidence supporting each recommendation is presented in the original guideline document under "Review of Relevant Literature." In general, the literature review supporting these recommendations centered on consensus conferences held in the United States, single institution studies, experience from reference laboratories, international reports, regulations currently in force in the United States (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment [CLIA] 88 and US Food and Drug Administration regulations), and expert consensus at the panel meeting.




Not applicable: The guideline was not adapted from another source.


2007 Jan 1


American Society of Clinical Oncology - Medical Specialty Society
College of American Pathologists - Medical Specialty Society


American Society of Clinical Oncology

College of American Pathologists


ASCO/CAP Expert Panel on Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 Testing in Breast Cancer


Panel Members: Antonio C. Wolff; M. Elizabeth H. Hammond; Jared N. Schwartz; Karen L. Hagerty; D. Craig Allred; Richard J. Cote; Mitchell Dowsett; Patrick L. Fitzgibbons; Wedad M. Hanna; Amy Langer; Lisa M. McShane; Soonmyung Paik; Mark D. Pegram; Edith A. Perez; Michael F. Press; Anthony Rhodes; Catharine Sturgeon; Sheila E. Taube; Raymond Tubbs; Gail H. Vance; Marc van de Vijver; Thomas M. Wheeler; Daniel F. Hayes


Although all authors completed the disclosure declaration, the following authors or their immediate family members indicated a financial interest. No conflict exists for drugs or devices used in a study if they are not being evaluated as part of the investigation. For a detailed description of the disclosure categories, or for more information about ASCO's conflict of interest policy, please refer to the Author Disclosure Declaration and the Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest section in Information for Contributors.

Employment: N/A

Leadership: N/A

Consultant: Richard J. Cote, Clarient, Roche, Abbott; Mitchell Dowsett, Roche, Abbott Diagnostics; Soonmyung Paik, Genentech, GlaxoSmithKline; Mark D. Pegram, Genetech; Michael F. Press, Genentech; Anthony Rhodes, European Collection of Cell Cultures; Marc van de Vijver, Roche; Daniel F. Hayes, Immunicon, Pfizer, Novartis

Stock: Richard J. Cote, Clarient

Honoraria: M. Elizabeth H. Hammond, M2 Communications, Serinomics; Mitch Dowsett, Roche; Soonmyung Paik, Genentech, GlaxoSmithKline; Mark D. Pegram, Genentech; Michael F. Press, Genentech; Raymond Tubbs, Ventana, Abbott/Vysis; Marc van de Vijver, Roche

Research Funds: Antonio C. Wolff, Roche; Richard J. Cote, Roche, Abbott; Raymond Tubbs, Ventana, Abbott/Vysis; Daniel F. Hayes, Pfizer, Novartis

Testimony: Michael F. Press, Genentech

Other: Raymond Tubbs, Nanoprobes


This is the current release of the guideline.


Electronic copies: Available in from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Web site. Also available from the College of American Pathologists (CAP) Web site.

Print copies: Available from American Society of Clinical Oncology, Cancer Policy and Clinical Affairs, 1900 Duke Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314; E-mail: guidelines@asco.org.


The following is available:

Electronic copies: Available in Portable Document Format (PDF) from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Web site. Also available from the College of American Pathologists (CAP) Web site.

Guidelines are available for Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) download from the ASCO Web site.


The following is available:

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This NGC summary was completed by ECRI on February 21, 2007. The information was verified by the guideline developer on February 22, 2007.


This summary is based on the original guideline, which is subject to the American Society of Clinical Oncology's copyright restrictions.



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Date Modified: 10/13/2008