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E-Tariff Pilot Program

Updated on October 25, 2004

The Division of Competitive Markets and Enforcement proposed, and the Commission approved, an E-Tariff Pilot Program. The pilot is scheduled to begin on July 1, 2004 and is intended as a six-month trial for a limited number of participants. The pilot is designed to streamline the telephone tariff and price list filing process by eliminating the need for companies to file hard copies of each tariff filing.

During the pilot, participating companies will file their tariffs electronically and will receive an automated response acknowledging receipt or rejection of the filing. The companies will also maintain their complete tariff online at their website. Only electronically-filed tariff or price list filings are available for download.

The Florida Telecommunications Industry Association requested that the following companies participate in the pilot program. The company code following each company name is a clickable link to the Master Commission Directory entry (and downloadable files) for each Company:

Code Legend – “TL” – ILEC Company, “TA” and “TX” – CLEC Company, “TI” and “TJ” – IXC Company)

Tariff and price list filings submitted electronically will be required to follow the guidelines specified below:

  • Participating companies will address all tariff/price list filings to a specific e-mail address.
  • Each company will provide a specific e-mail address from which they will transmit filings and receive receipt confirmation/rejection.
  • Each company will provide a specific web address where the complete tariff will be located. (This will be linked to the Master FPSC Directory, which is located at the FPSC website.)

When a company e-mails a filing to the Commission, it will come from a specific e-mail address, and:

  • The subject line will begin with the Company Code of the specific company.
  • The body of the e-mail will be the language from a traditional transmittal letter.
  • The e-mail will have ONE attachment consisting of the transmittal letter, legislative format (if required), and one set of the revised tariff or price list pages.
  • The attachment will be in PDF Text + Image format.

Upon receipt of an E-Tariff filing:

  • Received filings will generate an automated response with a unique tracking number.
  • The receipt will be forwarded to the Company provided e-mail address.
  • In addition, a receipt notice will be sent to an e-mail box accessible to designated FPSC staff.
  • The date and time on the receipt will determine the filing date.
  • E-mail receipts will replace the FPSC tariff letter for companies participating in the pilot. Normally, these letters are sent to the companies once a tariff filing has been reviewed and inserted into the tariff on file at the FPSC.

The procedure for processing tariff filings electronically will not vary much from the procedure currently in place. The primary difference will be in the delivery of the filings to the Commission. When companies file electronically, the TFIS (Tariff Filing Information System) database will upload the filing to the FPSC Website, making the filing available on the Internet. Only tariffs filed by the participating companies will be available online from the Commission website.

After a four month trial period, staff plans tentatively to extend and/or expand the program. Thus, the trial participants likely may have the ability to file tariffs electronically after the pilot ends.

Please direct all inquiries related to the E-Tariff Pilot Program to Jeff Bates at

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