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NOAA's Restoration Center Collection
Catalog of Images

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Removing an existing pad to lower the fish entranceway at the restoration site.
South Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts October 2000
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Army Creek proper is a sixty-acre site, the creek is approximately 3.9 miles long and is a tributary of the Delaware River, there are 225 acres of emergent wetlands adjacent to the creek.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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The tide gate at the mouth of Army Creek on the Delaware side of the river. The tide gate drains flood and rain water out of the creek to prevent flooding. The five circular mechanisms on the gate open and close to control water flow.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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The tide gate from the riverside of Army Creek. The tide gate is a water control structure, the culvert is about 15 feet in diameter the flood control mechanisms have approximately 30" openings.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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A close-up view of the tide gate from the Delaware River side shows the flat valves near low tide. The water is flowing out of Army Creek, the tide gates are open and debris that plugs the openings can be clearly seen. The restoration work will target modification of the flood gates to allow better passage for anadromous species.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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The mud and sand flats of the Delaware River at the entrance to the tide gates. The gate would be at the lower left hand corner of the image.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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Army Creek Pond a freshwater pond about 1 mile upstream from the tide gate/water control structure. A rip rap dam creates the lake, the Army Creek Landfill is on the right through the trees.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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A view of Army Creek, in the foreground, and its marsh. Phragmites australis is seen in the front of the image.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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A close-up view of the scrub under-brush common along Army Creek.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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Vegetation in the water and around the creek. The restoration will eradicate the invasive Phragmites australis and restore the area with a diverse set of native wetland plants.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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An image of Gambacorta Creek, this creek is less than a mile from Army Creek and also drains into the Delaware River. This image shows the Gambacorta tide gate nearing low tide.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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The Gambacorta side of the tide gate, Gambacorta Creek is a tidal brackish creek.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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The Delaware River at the outlet of Gambacorta Creek. Most of the land side is in New Jersey.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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The Army Creek landfill that was capped is in the upper-left hand corner of the image. The white pipe sticking up in the rear is a vent placed in the ground when the landfill was capped. The landfill contained both municipal and industrial wastes.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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Taken from the landfill looking upstream at Gambacorta.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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Gambacorta Creek, the National Heritage Park, Army Creek is in the background to the right. Gambacorta Creek is on the right and the Delaware River is on the left.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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Heritage Path, Delaware River in the background
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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The path that leads to the tide gate at Army Creek.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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The Route 9 Bridge that crosses Army Creek just upstream from the tide gate. The Army Creek wetlands are on both sides of the road. The road runs North/South , Army Creek runs East West.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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Army Creek upstream to the left, downstream to the right
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
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Gambacorta Creek, the Gambacorta landfill cap is about mid-photo where the land slopes in the background between the white house and the large structure to the right of the image.
Army Creek, Newcastle County, Delaware Circa 1995
821 thumbnail picture
Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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An aerial view of the Exxon facility.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Oily mud at the site
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Muddy site and the retaining fence
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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The auger that was used to plant the marsh grass plugs.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Planting marsh grass
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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planted plugs
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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planting marsh grass
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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planting marsh grass
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Oily mud near marsh grass plugs
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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marsh grass plugs filling in the area
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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marsh grass plugs filling in the area
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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marsh grass plugs filling in the restoration site
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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plants from a commercial nursery
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
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Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993
849 thumbnail picture
Description not available.
Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County, New York October/December 1993

PAGES - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 |

Publication of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Adminstration (NOAA),
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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007