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Lamaze International

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Other Contact Information

2025 M Street, NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036

800-368-4404 (Voice - Toll-free)
202-367-1128 (Voice)
202-367-2128 (FAX)


Lamaze International, formerly ASPO/Lamaze, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote, support and protect normal birth through education and advocacy. Since 1960, Lamaze International has provided the most comprehensive and respected education program for Lamaze teachers available. Lamaze's membership is comprised of 4,000 childbirth educators, health care providers, and parents. More than 10,000 professionals have earned the LCCE credential, and a significant portion of childbirth education classes are taught by Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educators. Among its many services, Lamaze operates the Lamaze Media Center, which offers a wide selection of books, videotapes, audiotapes, and specialty products related to pregnancy, labor, birth, breastfeeding, and early parenting. Lamaze has also established the Lamaze Approved Provider Program, whereby hospitals, birth centers, group practices and other institutional providers are recognized for meeting Lamaze standards and offering excellence in childbirth education.

Online Resources

Print Resources

The Journal of Perinatal Education; Lamaze Parents Magazine; Genesis (member newsletter)

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Review Date

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